Written on August 15th, 2005 at 09:08 am by Darren Rowse

Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO

Search Engine Optimization 135 comments

Search Engine Optimization is something that makes many blogger’s heads spin - I know this because every time I write an SEO article I get comments from bloggers telling me that its too big a topic and that they’d rather just write ‘quality content’.

Whilst I’ll never argue that quality content should be anything but a first priority in blogging, the fact is that there are many millions of pages of great writing languishing around at the bottom of search engines results pages that deserve to be read by many but which rarely see the light of day because their authors have failed to understand that just a few simple tweaks in the writing process could see them ranking considerably higher.

So it’s time for another series - this time on Search Engine Optimization for Blogs!

People often ask me ‘how do I get ranked number one in (((insert favourite search engine here)))?

My answer usually starts with - ‘I don’t really know what I’m talking about….but….’

You see whilst some of my blogs rank very highly on different search engines - I often don’t really know why. Much of what I do is educated guessing and experimentation. I do read a lot of other people’s advice on the topic, but the more I read the more I realize that I’m not alone in my guess work - virtually every article I read is a ‘best guess’ of some kind.

My main advice to people wanting to optimize their blogs for Search Engines is to keep it simple. Start with quality content on a specific topic and then tweak it using the best current advice going around.

When I think about SEO for my blogs I tend to divide the things I focus upon into two parts - offsite and onsite search engine optimization techniques. Offsite techniques are more about what others do on their websites in linking to you, onsite techniques you have more control over as you write.

Off Site SEO Techniques

Off site SEO techniques are as the name suggests factors from outside the site itself (ie from other sites) that impact the blog’s ranking in search engines. Many of these factors are outside the blogger’s control - however they are useful to know. The most obvious and probably most powerful offsite factor are Inbound Links (something I’ve already referred to above).

It is generally agreed that the links that point to a website are one of the most powerful way of climbing Search Engines results pages (in fact many argue it is THE most important factor). - To put it most simply - every link to your site is seen by the search engines as being a vote of confidence in your site.

Ideally Speaking - The best inbound links have three main qualities to them:

  1. they are from higher ranked sites than your own
  2. they are relevant to the topic you are writing about
  3. they link to you using relevant keywords to your page

Whilst you may not have complete control over who links to you these are the types of links that you should be dreaming of.

How to generate quality inbound Links?

Of course whilst most of us know this it doesn’t make getting such links any easier - its in the hands of others in many cases. So how do you get such links?

  • Quality Content - There are all kinds of link generating systems out there but in my opinion the best way to get links to your blog is to write quality content that people will want to read. You can solicit links with others or sign up for different link building programs or even buy text links on other sites but the cheapest and probably safest approach is to build inbound links in a natural organic way as others link to your quality content.
  • Notify Relevant Bloggers of your content - Whilst I don’t advocate spamming other bloggers and asking for links - I would recommend that if you write a quality post on a topic that you know will interest another blogger that it might be worth shooting them a short and polite email letting them know of your post. Don’t be offended if they don’t link up, but you might just find that they do and that in addition to the direct traffic that the link generates that it helps build your own page rank in the search engines (more on letting other bloggers know of your posts here).
  • Directories - Another way to generating inbound links is to submit your links to directories. I know of webmasters who swear by the benefits of such a strategy - the first thing that they do when starting a new site is to do the rounds of directories - submitting links to key pages with appropriate keywords in the links. There are loads of directories out there - many of which offer a free submission. Ari Paparo has compiled a list of blog directories that you might want to start with.
  • Inter-link your Blogs - Increasingly bloggers are starting or joining blog networks to enjoy the benefits of multiple sites and writers working together. One of the advantages of networks of sites is that they usually link to one another. In doing so you have complete control over how your sites are linked to from multiple domains. It is worth noting that you should be careful with this approach - if all your sites are hosted on the one server many think that Search Engines will work out what you’re doing and the impact will be lessened.
  • Buy Links - Many professional web masters have a budget to purchase links from other highly ranked and and relevant sites. I won’t go into this too much here but you might like to read more about it in my recent post On Buying Text Links. update: I’d encourage anyone wanting to buy links to think very carefully about this. Google have been cracking down on sites that use this practice. They can’t catch everyone but some have been caught and seem to have been penalized for doing it.
  • Swap Links - Similarly many bloggers swap links with other bloggers. Sometimes this happens pretty naturally (you see someone linking to you so you link back) but in many cases the links are strategic ones and formally arranged between site owners. I get daily requests for such reciprocal links (I rarely act on them). Whilst there is some benefit in such link swapping I would again advise caution here as many SEO experts believe that the search engines have methods for tracking such strategies and devaluing the links. Some try to get around this by doing indirect or triangulated links. ie instead of site A and B doign a direct swap they involve other sites. So A links to C in exchange for D (also owned by C) linking to B (also owned by A) - makes your head hurt doesn’t it!?! There are also a variety of systems around that say they’ll take care of such interlinking for you - I know many who use Digital Point’s Free C0-Op Advertising system. Personally I tend to avoid such schemes and have a policy of linking to sites I think are valuable to my readers. If they link back then so be it.

If you’re looking for link exchange/buying/selling programs you might like to look at systems like:

- Link Adage
- Text Link Ads
- Link Worth

On Site SEO Techniques

Having looked at Off site Search Engine Optimization Techniques I’ll now turn my attention to examining some of the factors you might like to keep in mind as you build your blog - (or Onsite techniques - things you do on your blog that help build a higher ranking). As with all SEO techniques there are many of these and a lot of speculation around all of them so let me touch on as many as I can:

1. Keyword Rich Content - identify a few keywords for your article that you’re hoping will get indexed highly by Google. Don’t pick too many but consider the questions

  • How do I want people to find this post in Search Engines?
  • What will they type into Google if they want information on the topic you’re writing?
  • How would I find information on this topic in the Search Engines?
  • What results come up when I do plug these keywords into Google?
  • What other keywords are other sites using?

The answer to these questions will give you a hint as to what words you’ll want to see repeated throughout your article a number of times.

These keywords will need to be the most common words used in your article. Use them in some or all of the following ways:

  • Keywords in post and page titles (read my post on using keywords in titles)
  • Keywords in URL of page (blog herald wrote on this a while back)
  • Keywords in outbound links (read this article on the pros and cons of outbound links)
  • Keywords in bold tags (try do it at least once)
  • Keywords in heading tags (there is debate over exactly how to use them but it’s generally accepted that h1 tags are important and that h2, h3, h4 etc tags also have an impact. Having said that I’ve seen some pages rank very well in search engines without using heading tags. There are many tutorials online about heading tags - here’s one.)
  • Keywords in image alt tags (here’s how)
  • Keywords in the general throughout the text of your post - but especially early on in the first few sentences
  • Keywords in meta tags (they seem to be less valuable these days but many still believe they are useful with some search engines - here’s a Guide to meta tags)

Of course you can go over the top with keywords in posts and let it destroy your content - but if it fits with what you’ve written tweak it to include the words you are targeting a couple of extra times. Most SEO experts recommend getting your keyword density up to between 5-20% - I think 20% is probably bordering on massacring your content.

One last word of warning and disclaimer on keyword rich content (because I can just hear the comments on this post already) - don’t sacrifice your readers experience of your site just for the sake of SEO. Yes keyword density can be important in climbing the search engine rankings - but more important is that your content and design are user friendly and helpful to readers. There is nothing worse than a site that is stuffed with keywords - these sites come off as cheap, nasty and spammy - don’t fall for the temptation.

2. Themed sites - One of the growing theories of SEO is that you are more likely to rank well if you have a substantial amount of pages on a similar theme. ie a niche topic blog will probably rank higher than a general one that covers many topics. Build a blog with over 200 pages of content on the same theme and you’ll increase your chances of ranking well as SEs will see you as an authority on the topic. The take home advice here is to keep to some kind of a topic/niche/theme for your blog. It is also probably another argument for categories and tagging posts that relate together strongly.

3. Site Design - Search Engines like well laid out, well coded and easily to navigate sites. Make sure your pages validate (I need to work more on this) and that they are viewable on all major browsers. Search Engines don’t tend to like too much Flash, Frames or Java Script in your site - keep it simple and clean and their robots will index your site a lot faster and more accurately. Also try to keep your blog free from dead links (a challenge for those of us with older blogs with big archives).

4. Interlink your Site - The way Search Engines index your blog is to send little robot crawlers to your site to track what you’ve written and follow the links. Make it easier for them to get around your blog by using internal linking wisely. Most SEO experts recommend that you provide some sort of Site Map that means every page on your blog is just a link or two away from every other one. One way to do this for bloggers is to make sure that your category pages are in your sidebars as I do in this blog. Also make sure every page links back to your main page and any other important pages on your site. If you’re writing on a topic you’ve previously written about consider linking to what you’ve written before or use a ‘other relevant posts’ feature at the base of your article. You’ll see in my menus at the top of the page a number of my key categories and articles. One of the impacts of having them highlighted in this way is that they have become some of the most highly ranked pages on enternetusers simply because they are linked to from every page of this blog.

5. Update regularly - The more you update your blog the more often Search Engines will send their crawlers to your site to index it. This will mean your new articles could appear in the index within days or even hours rather than weeks. This is a natural benefit of blogging - make the most of it!

6. Outbound Links - There is debate over how SEs treat outbound links from your blog. I’m in the camp who believe that relevant outbound links enhance your site’s ranking in search engines. I always link out to quality relevant sites that I think my readers will find useful and have a little anecdotal evidence that seems to support the theory that this is healthy for the way SEs index you (check out Waynes article on the topic for more info). Linking to sites outside your own blog does mean you end up sending traffic away from your blog so you need to count the cost of such a strategy. Note that you should always try to link to reputable and relevant sites to your own page. Also keep in mind that too many outbound could have detrimental impact upon your blog. Like in most things in SEO - moderation is the key.

7. Choose your domain name wisely - there are numerous factors to keep in mind when selecting a domain name. For one you might like to include your keyword in it if possible. Secondly you should do a little research to see if someone else has previously used the domain. This could have both positive and negative impact. If it was a quality site with inbound links you might reap some benefits but if it was a banned spam site you could still be banned from Google for a long time. One service you might want to use to check expired domains is Way Back Machine at Archive.org.

8. Register your Domain for a Lengthy Period - a recent patent by Google indicates that it now looks at the length of your domain’s registration in ranking it. It does this because many spam sites have short registrations and a longer one indicates that you’re building a site with substance and are in it for the long haul.

9. One topic per post - the more tightly focused the theme of a page the better when Search Engines come to rank it. Sometimes you might find yourself writing long posts that end up covering a number of different topics. They might relate loosely but if search engine ranking is what you’re after it could be better to break up your post into smaller more focused pieces.

10. Write optimal length posts - there is some thought going around the Search Engine Optimization community that pages that are too short can get passed over for high rankings. I try to keep posts at least 250 words. Of course there are some posts on my blogs that are shorter, but if I’m writing a post that I want to rank well I try to give it some meatiness in terms of length. On the other hand don’t make it too long either - because in doing so you make it difficult to keep your keyword density up and could end up with a less tightly focused page. Research also shows that longer articles can have a pretty steep drop off rate in readers after the text gets below the ‘fold’ or to the end of the first screen of article.

11. Avoid Duplicate content - Google warns publishers in its guidelines about having the same content on multiple pages. This goes for both multiple pages that you own but also pages that others own. This is because a tactic of spammers is often to reproduce content on many pages and/or to steel content from other sites. There is some debate over what duplicate content does and doesn’t include (for instance many bloggers use ‘free articles’ as content on their blogs - these articles often appear on hundreds and even thousands of other sites around the web and to me could be seen as duplicate content) - my advice is to be very careful about how many places your content appears. I do republish occasional posts (or parts of them) but try not to do this too much and attempt to add elements that are unique on each occasion that the posts are republished).

12. Ping - services like Pingomatic (there are numerous others too) will ping a variety of websites for you to notify them that you’ve updated. In doing so you’ll also be letting search engines know that you’ve updated which will trigger their robots to come visit your blog. I’d also suggest pinging Google’s blog search tool.

13. Submit your RSS to MyYahoo - submitting your RSS feed to MyYahoo seems to help with getting indexed on Yahoo. Read more about this at Getting Yahoo Traffic for your Blog. Some also think that doing the same thing to Google’s Personalised pages could have a similar impact.

14. Quantities of Content - I always get into trouble when I write about having lots of content - but I think its true that bigger sites tend to rank better than smaller sites - whilst it is possible to rank highly with a small site - it’s probably not the norm.. Search Engines will see your site as more comprehensive the more content you have. You also better your odds of being found in Search Engines if you have more pages. By no means am I saying just to put up random junk content - be careful about this - rather work at building a comprehensive and large site over time.

15. Submit to Search Engines - You can do all the best onsite SEO strategies in the world and still get no where because the Search Engines have not found you to start with. Each search engine has a way of letting it know about your site - submit your URL to be included in the index. Please note that this takes time and perhaps a quicker and more effective way is to get linked to by a site already indexed by the search engine. I’ve written a post about his previously at how to get indexed by Google.

You might also like to tryout some of the services around that offer to submit your sites to search engines for you - I’d be wary of paying for this sort of service though. I never have and seem to do ok.

Again I will reinforce - the above techniques come out of my own experience and from the things I’ve learnt from others. I am not an SEO expert but find that if you keep the above in mind you can do reasonably well. Don’t become obsessed by SEO - if you do you run the risk of forgetting about your reader, forgetting to write quality content and you could find yourself getting into some dodgy SEO tactics that could get you banned from the Search Engines You’re trying to get listed in.

I’ll finish here by adding that SEO can take time - so be patient. After 2.5 years of blogging I’ve managed to build my blogs page ranks and SERPs but it did not happen over night. Sometimes it seems that no matter what you do nothing works - it may be that the words you’re wanting to target are actually a heavily targeted segment of the internet (consider changing your approach) - or it may just be that there is some unknowable glitch with the SE you are targeting - its a fickle game and one that I’d recommend you don’t rely on alone. So yes work on your SEO but also consider the many other methods around to find readers for your blog. You might like to read my Finding Readers for your Blog Series as a starting point.

Feel free to have your say on the topic of SEO and blogging below - share your comments, experiences and questions for the enternetusers community to interact with.

135 Responses to “Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO”

  • Thanks for the set of tips on SEO. I have to work especially hard on this; my blog is a subdomain of my main site, which was sent to PageRank 0 purgatory because some spammers took advantage of my open wiki and embedded invisible spam links that stayed for about six months. I’m using all of these tips to try and slowly crawl back out of that, but it takes time.

  • I wrote something that maybe others would be interested in on my blog. It’s not so much about SEO. But by doing non-SEO marketing techniques, like press release, participating in forums, writing articles in publications, etc … indirectly will also help your SEO efforts.

    But you’ve got to start with good content.. best if it’s unique, and a search-engine-friendly website.

    Sometimes it’s best to stop worrying about SEO for a while.


  • I’ve been incredibly frustrated by Google not ranking my blog. To cut a long story short, it ranked 100 times better when it was a typepad blog with a long convoluted name than what it does now with it’s own domain name.

    It ranks ok for people looking under ‘Trollhattan’ but terrible for people looking for ‘Saab’.


  • […] enternetusers Darren: The following is a compiled version of my recent Search Engine Optimization Tips for Blogs series (part of the 31 Days to building a better blog project) It has been edited slightly for the purposes of keeping it flowing as one article. weiterlesen >> […]

  • […] After this come SEO tactics and other means to get the word out there that you have a blog and want it to be read. This probably would demand a post on its own, as there are many (Darren says it better than I anyway in his Search Engine Optimization for Blogs post). What is sure, is that if you want/need your blog to be known, this is an important point to take care of. At least make sure to submit your blog URL to Google, Yahoo, dmoz.org and perhaps a few blog directories (Blogarama, Blog Directory…), and to check little details such as meta-tags (see my Meta-tags Analyzer post). All of this combined can already give you a good start. […]

  • […] L’étape suivante consiste en l’emploi de diverses tactiques de SEO afin d’optimiser l’apparition de votre blog dans les annuaires et moteurs de recherche. Développer ce point demanderait un autre article à soi tout seul (quoi qu’il en soit, un excellent post à ce sujet a été, une fois de plus, écrit par Darren: Search Engine Optimization for Blogs). Ce qui est certain, c’st qu’il s’agit d’un point important pour diffuser votre blog. Assurez-vous du moins d’en soumettre l’URL à Google, Yahoo, dmoz.org et peut-être même quelques répertoires de blogs (Blogarama, Blog Directory…); vérifiez également les petits détails tels que la qualité de vos meta-tags (voir Meta-tags Analyzer pour un analyseur parmi d’autres). Tout ceci combiné constituera déjà un bon départ. […]

  • Darren perhaps yuou could out this into a PDF for downloading?


  • […] Anyway - my interest in Darren’s continuing “31 Days To Building A Better Blog” suffered a little the last few days and I’d like to get back on track with it. Darren has posted the “The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO” which is “a compiled version of my [Darren’s] recent Search Engine Optimization Tips for Blogs series.” This will be a must read for me once I’ve completed this post. […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO: Blog Tips - enternetusers […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - Basic Solid tips on how to get your blog climbing the Search Engines […]

  • […] 10. SEO = Suchmaschinenoptimierung für Blogs Da ich selbst kaum Ahnung von diesem Thema, zumindestens mir bewußt nie groß Gedanken gemacht habe, verweise ich gerne an den Six-Figure Blogger Darren Rowse, der für mächtig viel Geld (angeblich…) werbebloggt: Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO. Alles, was Sie schon immer wissen wollten, …, ok, wird nützlich sein für die Blogger, die das letzte Stückchen Awareness herausholen wollen. […]

  • […] working on SEO - again, I didn’t make major changes, but there were a few things that I did in terms of basic Search Engine Optimization - all of which can be found in my SEO for bloggers series. […]

  • […] 1. SEO - ask yourself what people will be searching Google and other search engines for in the next month. Optimize your blog for these keywords. Read more about Search Optimization for Blogs. […]

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  • […] There are many other SEO factors that we could judge Squidoo on but I’ll leave it at that to this point. […]

  • […] […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs by Kevin at enternetusers […]

  • […] Search engine optimization Search engine optimization basics: Improve your standing in search engines Search Engine Optimization Tips for Blogs Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO SEO tools for webdesigners […]

  • Anything above a 5% weight for inclusion of keywords, is bordering on the ridiculous, and will more than likely get the article or webpage ignored. The norm is 2% - 5% - - - with 5% being the high end. Hever, Google appear to prefer the 2% mark). Hmmh! that “SEO expert” who recommends anything above a 5% weight for keywords must be that same charlatan who “guarantees” a top10 ranking - tcchh!!

    If you are a new webmaster, gunning for competitive keyphrases , will only land you in the Google Sandbox for a few months.

  • Thanks a lot buddy, this information has been extremely helpful.! You’re great!

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  • […] SEO Tips […]


    Matt Cutts, a Google engineer, has blogged about this before to say that Google frowns on it, has algorithms to detect it, and can in fact cause the selling website to lose their ability to give PageRank/reputation.

    Google and other search engines rely on linking as the main principle in returning search results. Selling links muddies their processes, because linking to a site is no longer a voucher for it.

    If you want to buy/sell links, it should be for traffic purposes only. To avoid Google penalties, the selling site should include the “nofollow” tag in the html. For example anchor text

  • sorry, the example above screwed up.

    open tag a href = ”anchor text” rel = ”nofollow” , anchor here , close tag

  • […] SEO Tips […]

  • Thanks for the tips! I’m definitely working on SEO for my blog too. Wish me luck!

  • Great tips… Always love your stuff Darren!

    What I got out of this article was to use pingomatic! As search engines wouldn’t know if I have updated! I

    I have currently been writting for my business on 20+ different subjects, still have problems with getting traffic through!

    Anyway good job! Can’t wait for more great ideas!

  • Another great article I just found Darren, also congrats on the little one in the family.. I myself just had twin girls not long ago!

    Not too many people pay attention to SEO when it comes to their blogs, I think mostly because they might not understand it. Many people may comprehend the onsite SEO work, but maybe not the offsite techniques.. I am glad you included that in your post as well. I am also glad you let people know SEO takes time. All too often I have clients that need my services that think SEO happens over night. It is something that takes time and work.

    For your readers, if your running WordPress 2 and need some SEO help, I think my plugin could improve your SEO experience.

    It works by optimizing your titles, meta tags, and auto discovery links for your RSS feeds on all pages and posts. If your using FeedBurner or another RSS 3rd party tool, you might not want to use the rss link part of my plugin.

    Most WordPress blog are serious lacking SEO support in the ‘head’ section when it comes to search engine optimization.

    You can grab it here at:
    Wordpress SEO plugin

  • Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO…

    Darren over at enternetusers has some great tips on Search Engine Optimisation, check it out here: Search Engine Optimisation for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO: Search Engine Optimisation is something that makes many blogger?s heads spin -…

  • I have had my blog for just over four months and I am only just starting to realise that there are things I could do to be more widely read. All this is news to me and makes interesting reading. But it is going to be a while before I can actually get my head around it and understand much of it,

  • Mostly good tips. However, I would advise against submitting to search engines, if your site has links they will find it. Submitting without many links or any content can make it take longer for you to get indexed.

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - The Complete enternetusers Guide to SEO An informative piece on SEO  for Blogs. […]

  • Nice summary..really well put together

  • This topic is driving me crazy. It’s been over five weeks and I have yet to be indexed any relevant search engines. Google owns blogger.com (which I use) and accepted me to Adsense, yet I can not get indexed for the life of me. Who knows. Maybe by Christmas.


  • I did a overture bid search on All of high paying keywords from cwire’s list, and found that all the keywords were priced 10 times lower at an average. Could it be that the prices have come down or Google bids are MUCH higher than overture?

  • Yup right very good info there. I’m new in blogging and infos in your blog are really usefull to me to start.I always interested with seo since its a subject where we can do a lot of trial and error and experimenting new thing.Since i just started new blog its quite a challenge to me :) , thanks for the infos

  • WOW! Thanks for this article. I’ll be working on my site now … hope It’d translate to higher palcement in search engines :)

  • Thanks for the beta. The links to directories are especially helpful.

  • […] I know there is alot of talk about search engine optimization. And let me be the first to say that I have no idea whether or not keywords in the meta tag do anything to help people find your site. With that said, I wanted to share how to quickly generate and format keywords for the meta tag. […]

  • […] Optimizing Your Blog for Search Engines -Pronet Advertising 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization -Rohit Bhargava SEO Tips -enternetusers.net […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO You see whilst some of my blogs rank very highly on different search engines - I often don’t really know why. Much of what I do is educated guessing and experimentation. I do read a lot of other people’s advice on the topic, but the more I read the more I realize that I am not alone in my guess work - virtually every article I read is a ‘best guess’ of some kind. […]

  • […] SEO is an aspect that you need to place a high importance if you want to make your site to get a higher rank in the search engine for the keyword that you’re targeting for. Most serious Internet Marketer will see this as a good way to save their budget in the long run because these SEO optimization effort will usually last longer and they only need to pay once to enjoy continuous stream of organic search traffic. And I came across TMCnet, who is among the top performer in the communications and technology industries that recently offered their SEO optimization service as part of their service now. Personally, I believe that their own top ranking for the keywords like VOIP News itself is a good reason why I would seek their help. It’s self explanatory. Based on my personal experience, it would be a time consuming effort to practise all the SEO optimization techniques that are already available. I might as well just concentrate on my content and let others handle for me the optimization process. […]

  • […] Highlights: Blogging For Dollars Search Engine Optimization For Blogs 31 Days To Build A Better Blog Books for Bloggers 10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog […]

  • thanks for the article darren..I’ll start to implement it on my blogs.

  • […] enternetusers has many helpful articles with easily digestable information, a few of which include: Search Engine Optimization for Blogs, SEO Tip 1 Use Keywords in Titles, Formatting Images for SEO, and Search Engine Optimization for Blogger Blogs. […]

  • The biggest thing that i have found is make sure you have sub pages for your posts. Have numerous posts all on one main page will do you no good, take the time to find a layout that will be both user and search engine friendly, it has been worth it for me!

  • Thanks for the help man you’ve been referred to by many.

  • Just what i needed..Thanks for the wonderful resource!

  • Thanks man, much appreciated!! Look forward to reading more.

  • I have The Master Plan, by Charles Heflin. How can the techniques in it be used for creating Wordpress content blogs?


  • Wow, great information. I have been very confused on the “linking back”, I was on a few sites and saw people asking others to “link back” giving us the http:// code.. Oy Vey, that confused me. So someone likes your content and adds your website in their content..? I don’t know why I am so confused. I will make my way to the free directories first. I started a website as well and did not know starting a blog would be as much work, I am enjoying this. Thanks again for the information Pro Blogger..

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  • Thanks for this great information. Does leaving a coment (which has a website url included) also count as an external link? I quess it does? Is taht why commenting on other peoples websites is encourage. I am sure that the answer lies somewhere in the pages of enternetusers

  • […] It’s unfair to label a whole industry based on one shady operator. SEO is powerful, important stuff. If you have a site with a legitimate purpose and content, then by all means knock yourself out with SEO and marketing it via digg and other social news sites. I do it. […]

  • There I was getting nitty gritty on SEO and stuff, where as you already have them all ligned up properly in one place. Your posts are very relevent and accurate to my knowledge and understanding of the Blogging world. Once again keep up mate!!

  • Hello Darren,
    Very nice article, than you. Basing on your article i tried to describe SEO in our business - creating eCommerce applications and online shops.

    Thanks again,
    Vlad Gurgov,

  • I hope this thread is not so old that I dont get any input because I very much value anything you all can give.

    I migrated from http://nikas-culinaria.blogspot.com to my own hosted site http://nikas-culinaria.com

    I have not done any redirects per se tho have swapped out the new feed on the old site to try to direct feedreaders to the new site.

    I have also worked on internal referencing links so that the link to the homolgous pages in the new site.

    I recently used the wordpress “Google Analyticator” plugin to generate sitemaps and ping to google.

    Both sites have dropped by a 500 hits/day in the last week.

    I get a large number of google and google image hits on the old site.

    Question: Does keeping my old blogger blog intact some how poison my new blog? Are the migrated duplicate pages seen as spam by the SEs?

    Thanks ahead of time!


  • Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO…

    This is a good article, plus I am just testing the linking…

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  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO — posted August 15, 2005 at enternetusers. Kevin is one blog that I follow on a regular basis. […]

  • Hi Darren,
    The article is really helpful, really gr8 one. wow, i m learning more and more on enternetusers, that’s gr8 for me. Thanks darren
    Eliena Andrews

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - Basic solid tips on how to get your blog climbing the Search Engines. […]

  • I know you have no control over this, and that this entry is old, but wow, that list of blog directories from Ari Paparo - outdated! Half of those are no longer open. And he doesn’t have comments on that entry any longer.

    I’ve started my own blog directory in the meantime. Note to self - keep it open :-)

  • HI there!

    Your blog is really informative. Thanks for the tips!

  • Great guide, thanks, I have a couple of blogs, one with blogger and the other one with wordpress, I found this guide and the other one you have for blogger, I will be reading your guide thoroughly, thanks.

  • i’ve been searching for almost 2 months how to increase traffic regarding my blogs, now i found you , saying very informative. my blog site is about technology and very resourceful, and i don’t think people will snob on it.

  • I’ve stumbled upon your website, and followed on it for a few month now. I finally got my hand dirty and started a blog. This article is exactly what I need. That’s for all the information… kind of overloaded right now. Seems like a long way to go. Thanks.

  • Im new to blogging, i have a website http://www.carefreebaby.com, i tried to create a blog for it, url is carefreebaby.blogspot.com, im not sure if i want to copy most of the content in the site and put it over there, if that is a good idea, any help/ suggestions?

  • Im putting adsense in my site, website address is www.carefreebaby.com, am i over-doing my adsense placement?
    Hope to hear from your expert opinion. Thanks in advance.

  • I thought the professionals are the only ones to build a search engine friendly website. But after going through the whole seo tips mentioned, i feel that anyone with a minimum effort can do SEO of his own site !

  • thanks for the tips , will come handy in the future i think!

  • […] One of the approaches that I’ve experimented with a number of times is running a series and then combining all the parts into one post. For example when I wrote my Search Engine Optimization tips for bloggers I wrote it as a series initially but then combined it together into one longer post which I now link to from my top menus. […]

  • […] - SEO tips […]

  • Darren,

    I would just like to add that the age of links to a blog and also the age of a blog itself has a great impact on SEO. The older both are the easier it is to get ranked for whatever keywords one is targeting. Since new blogs are much harder to get ranked linkbuilding to them should be aimed primarily at getting direct traffic and SEO a secondary goal.

  • A simple tip for the early days of a new blog -

    Adjust the number of posts that appear on the home page of your blog to a very large number.

    This takes the maximum advantage of the highest ranking page on your site to improve your posts position in search engine results pages. In the early days you are not going to have a problem with hosting bandwidth and as long as you havn’t overloaded your posts with images, flash etc download times should still be reasonable.

  • I am a SEO professional myself and after reading through this excellent site I am thinking of starting a blog myself to offer free advise and get more exposure.

    Is blogging the way to go ?

    Your SEO article - excellent!!!

  • […] SEO Tips […]

  • hi, by applying your suggestion i got PR 2 in two months, actually my blog isn’t that old but ur tips worked, thanx for a wonderful article. I learnt alot from here.

  • […] Search Engine Optimisation at enternetusers […]

  • Very nice read. Thank you for the information. Will apply this information and wait to see the results.

  • […] And from the enternetusers himself, Search Engine Optimization for Blogs […]

  • It’s a realy good advices, and the main is - we need patience, and everything will be.

    Thank you.

  • Fantastic advice as always!

  • […] you would like to read more on Search Engine Optimization, enternetusers has 15 ideas that are practical & easy to […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs […]

  • Hi Darren,
    Great post. Just started my own blog and I’ve been learning so much from you. From my own SEO testing I would say that the easiest and quickest win for any site is Page Title and Description tag optimisation. There are good plug-ins that help to make the whole process very simple. A few of them:

  • If you are a wordpress user I’ll suggest these few points:

    1. Choose a Valid XHTML and CSS template only for better search engine friendly pages.

    2. Install “All in One SEO” plugin

    3. Install social bookmarking sites plugin like “share this” etc.

    4. Use permalink structure as /%category%/%postname%/
    (use custom option and not the default) this makes your blog URL search engine friendly.

  • […] Plugins and SEO: The most important thing for search engines and your visitors. Resources: Akismet - Very good Spam Protection FollowURL - For “no-nofollow” and a better linkstructure for the bots SmartUpate - If you install this one, you wouldn’t send ping again, if you edit your posts DynamicMeta - Creates a new Meta Description and Meta Keywords for each site GoogleSitemap - Creates a sitemap for Google Keywords - Keywords are very good for bots, because they love links More to find at enternetusers […]

  • thanx for your info. I’m newbie about SEO, so all article about SEO always interesting for me.

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO […]

  • […] Search Engine Optimization for Blogs (enternetusers) […]

  • I’d also recommend using Google Analytics to look at the traffic sources for your site and analyse the keywords being used so you can optimise your content.

    While Analytics shows the sources and keywords actually used to click to your site, Google Webmaster tools also shows the relevant top keywords along with your search position even if they didn’t result in any visitor clicks (statistics tab -> query stats).

    This often shows up some searches being used that you may not have considered before allowing you to add more of these keywords to your content and capture more visitors. For example, although my site is about a B&B in the Cotswolds I can see I am ranking an average position 9 in Google for the search “highest point on the cotswold way”.

    The other thing I do is probably bordering on crazy but every time I get near a computer I launch a search engine and issue a search using my preferred keywords. I then find my site in the results and click on it. I’m convinced this makes the search engines think my site is the relevant place to go using these keywords and as such improves my results position.

    You’ll see me in airports, hotels and restaurants on PCs, mobile phones and laptops!

  • […] SEO Tips […]

  • […] a big believer in getting good SEO principles into play on a new blog from day one so in the very early days I’d work on some SEO above […]

  • I came across this site and it was extremely helpful! I was searching for how to SEO a blogspot blog with like meta tags and such but this info will work!


  • Thank you for these valuble information. I think that SEO issue is the most complicated since there is no particular way to improve your site related to the search engens.

  • Thank you so much for the information, I know what you mean about the domain name, a few years ago when I first started with the whole internet thing I bought some really really dumb domain names, they are so bad I’m not even prepared to write them here……….lol Thanks again, great site too.

  • […] shortage of tasks to work from. For starters, I’ll be doing some SEO, taking some ideas from enternetusers, this ebook on traffic building, and many others sources. Suggestions are always […]

  • I’m only one of a million little lights in the bloggosphere that will benefit from your exeptional page. Thanks heaps and grab a cookie when you come to visit my page one of these days:-) http://ke-mp.com.

  • Hi Darren,

    I’ve seen many people struggle with Search Engine Optimization and I often recommend them to read this post because you handle every piece of the subject without resorting to the king of computer language most beginning bloggers don’t understand.

    A lot of people can blog, but you really know how to write quality content. Keep up the good work :-)

    Chris Peters

  • An oldie and a goodie…I love it when I find a gem like this from the past. Great article Darren! I wish I’d found this a week ago, but better late than never.

    Chronicles of a (Wannabe) Professional Blogger

  • search engines are very complicated, some times even if we are well ranked, we don’t know why, some times we can’t save a good place in search engines for a long time especialy for blogs.
    A good tool I suggest to use Seo Elite Sftware

  • search engines are very complicated, some times even if we are well ranked, we don’t know why, some times we can’t save a good place in search engines for a long time especialy for blogs.
    A good tool I suggest to use is Seo Elite Software

  • Hello,
    Excellent post. I’d like to comment something, Technorati is not mentioned in all your content, and this is an excellent way to increase traffic and visibility on the net. And besides Technorati tags help a lot in traffic matters. This search engine is a must in any blog.

  • I have a question, what is the difference SEO & PR ? (although i know PR is only by google). and How can we use META TAG at Beta Blogger?

  • Excellent article! I make the same suggestion as Laef: Seo Elite Software
    All the best!



  • Thank you very much!.I did these SEO tips to my blog.So i got best results.
    Importance of SEO(Successful story from me)

  • Recently i switched to wordpress new domain and i lost my previous PR of the blog.
    I did a manual redirect to my new blog from previous one so that i will not lose my traffic from old blog also.
    Darren can you please tell me that should I completely delete my previous blogger blog or keep the same with redirect to new blog?
    Will this affect my new blogs ranking anyway?
    I have now changed old blogs meta tag to noindex, follow.. should i keep this or change?

    Lot many questions but your answers will be highly appreciated..

  • Hey Darren –

    I’m fairly new to this whole internet entrepreneurship business and it’s definitely been a learning experience. Your blog has been a great help.

    Trying to understand SEO for Google is a real trip.

    My primary website is about park ranger jobs. Even though (IMHO) I have some of the most credible content I can find on the net about this topic, my site didn’t show up until pages 6 through 10 on Google Search results.

    It wasn’t until I started posting on credible blogs (like this one) and various other forums, that my Google ranking really started to improve. I make a point of writing posts that actually have some value, rather than just saying “Thanks for the great article” and leaving a link to my site.

    RangerCareers.com is now on page 1 when you google for “park ranger jobs” Hallelujah!! This has been making me crazy for almost a year. But now the traffic (and sales) is really picking up.

    It’s like any other business. You have to work on it, be persistent and consistent, and understand that you’re NOT going to make a million overnight, no matter what anyone tells you.

    Now, I’m gonna tackle affiliate marketing.

    Anyone had any experience with Mark Ling at Affilorama.com? Trying to figure out if it’s worth the $27.95.


  • Great post. I am new blogger. I have 2 real estate blogs. Your blogs help a lot.

  • I just wanted to let everyone know that I am offering to help a few more people out in there search engine optimization efforts. For a simple example, I was able to place my last client above mopar within a couple months using a very sought after search term. Feel free to contact me with any questions or more examples.

  • Great SEO advice - thank you. However, I think you should much caution should be taken by bloggers going along the buy links route.

  • really interesting and well written article. novices and experts alike will both pick up a lot of tips and ideas from reading that

  • Thanks. Very interesting and well written. I don’t think anyone should buy links. Google obviously doesnt like it so why do it. They will pick up on it eventually and everything will crash. Just do it right and over time good things will come.

  • Thanks… And thanks for the link!… Blogging makes my SEO work so very easy… And I usually end up reading something useful!… As for buying links… Google is a hypocrite on this issue… AdWords and Adsense is all about selling links… The SEO community should have done a better job of making this point!

  • Great advice there! Although I am not very much focused on SEO yet as I am focusing on social networking first, I will soon use the SEO tips here to boost my traffic! Thanks for the great tips provided!

  • I agree with buysell 100%. Buying links for just the sake of traffic dosen’t seem like 100% appropriate. And in the case of outgoing links they should be like value add-ons that will step up the audiences blog experience.

  • Great SEO advice - http://www.digitalav.ws thank you. However, I think you should much caution should be taken by bloggers going along the buy links route.

  • Excellent article and I like the way you explains each and every thing. But as you know well now a days buying links from other sites is now going to an end by search engines…..so rest of the work that we done like PPC will be going to stay for SEO Optimization….

  • Thank you so much for the useful info!

  • Frankly said, it is a pure waste of time trying any SEO methods on blogs. If you remove the word blog, this WELL-WRIITEN article remains valid SEO resource. But what about the difference between skillfully build and properly optimized website and a blog: they have different web nature. I mean this: if a blog is not a website, it can not be optimized with a website’s SEO methods as we apply at smart web marketing. I don’t see a lot of blogs in the SERPs for competitive keywords, even close to none.

  • There are many SEO tools that help to automate some of the work of finding good directories to link to, finding the right keywords, and optimize the web pages. You can find some great SEO Tool Reviews at The SEO Bible website at http://www.theseobible.com to save you some time and effort.

  • Excellent…i don’t find any words to describe it. As someone has suggested this to be in a pdf format. I too would welcome this suggestion. I request you to get this SEO techniqes in pdf so that we could have a copy of it to put into practice rather than reading and forgetting it.

  • Nicky,

    If you don’t have access to Adobe Pro, you can automatically turn any webpage into a PDF either at Adobe’s website or at Pdfonline.com

    They also offer an API which allows the inclusion of a “Convert this post to PDF” button at the bottom of popular posts. Available at http://www.pdfonline.com/easypdf/sdk/features.htm#printer


  • I think the descriptions of all content here are good and of great value. I also create a blog for search engine optimization and xhtml and css development at http://www.xhtml.gr

  • some people pay much money to get these tips
    we feel very free here in your blog
    thats great
    enternetusers.net is our internet uni:)

  • Very good article, I’m impressed by the On Site SEO techniques section. I don’t know very much about how Search Engines work, but it helped me create a website. Also the section that talks about how to get indexed by Google was useful since I think it’s the way new websites can quickly earn a visibility boost.

  • ============
    Hi There Darren….
    i noticed that you used NoFollow in your blog,darren we’re real reader and we love your blog,i’m reading your blog since about 1 year or more
    why you use NoFollow in your blog?
    i think you should remove it if you really love your readers
    coz your readers should get some pagerank from you blog:)
    why not?

  • Thank you for your good article. I will translate it into Chinese in my blog. I think it is the SEO article that all bloggers should read.

  • For world class Search engine optimisation and marketing solutions. Visit managedspaces.com Now with Sydney office and Dublin office.
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  • Some of this I knew, some I didn’t, some I NEED - thanks Darren from another Queenslander.

  • Excellent advice, I really appreciate it.

  • Exellent post Darren. Many people think that SEO can be done in a matter of days or month. Continuous improvement and building backlinks along with quality content is what’s all about.

  • In case your readers are interested, I recently did a Podcast with IBM Distinguished Engineer Mike Moran on the topic of SEO and his book, “Search Engine Marketing inc.”

    You can find the Podcast and Show Notes here: http://www.iaconsultants.ca/index.php/2007/04/05/ibms-mike-moran-search-engine-marketing-inc/


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All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iphone 7 battery cases to keep you powered up to last all day.

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The selling homemade videos business distributes films, television series, telefilms and other audiovisual media in the form of selling homemade video in various formats to the public. Selling homemade videos are either bought or rented, and then watched privately in purchasers' homes. Most theatrically released films are now released on digital media, both optical and download-based, replacing the largely obsolete videotape medium. The selling homemade video format remains popular in many countries, although DVDs are gradually losing popularity since the late 2010 and early 2020s, when streaming media became mainstream. The island neighbors to the south beach resort free stock video with postcard-perfect beaches, tropical-chic rooms with soothing beach landscape free stock video. Where a beach and the surf is the primary focus for tourists we like to call it out own beach resort.


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Get up to 100% more battery life with this Sandals from hawaii that goes to the next level. If you need more battery life from your iPhone then there are a number of battery cases available for Apple's latest devices.

I just got signed up on the Get Paid to instagram and We bought the Stock Video Sitemap next to the 1cecilia325 as well as the Stock Video Sitemap online. Battery case for iPhone 5; Includes one 2200mAh battery; Waterproof, submersible case with removable battery the pacific coast KFI is what you are looking for. . Either way, if is best to have a pest control service to protect your investments.

Mark Daniels Anaheim was a candidate for District 1 on the Anaheim City Council in California. Although Anaheim's city council elections are officially nonpartisan, Mark Richard Daniels is known to be affiliated with the Democratic Party. He was defeated in the general election on November 8, 2016.

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Selling homemade video is prerecorded media sold or rented for home viewing the sell homemade video. The term originates from the VHS and Betamax era, when the predominant medium was videotapes, but has carried over to optical disc formats such as DVD and Blu-ray with sell homemade videos. In a different usage, "home video" refers to selling homemade video recordings, also known as home movies and selling homemade videos.

The selling homemade videos business distributes films, television series, telefilms and other audiovisual media in the form of selling homemade video in various formats to the public. Selling homemade videos are either bought or rented, and then watched privately in purchasers' homes. Most theatrically released films are now released on digital media, both optical and download-based, replacing the largely obsolete videotape medium. The selling homemade video format remains popular in many countries, although DVDs are gradually losing popularity since the late 2010 and early 2020s, when streaming media became mainstream. Just a couple weeks after releasing the company's Juice Pack Helium, Mophie has released a better make earn money app for the iPhone 5.

iBattz Mojo Refuel Battery Case is your make earn money app for your iPhone. It's all the extra power that you will need.

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Not only will you get very good recharging capabilities, but you�ll have a choice of case styles for use in different scenarios, such as those in which the iPhone may be exposed to the elements. The sandals hawaiianby ibattz is the way to go for the money.

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