Written on December 20th, 2005 at 12:12 am by Darren Rowse
18 Lessons I’ve Learned about Blogging
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
In November 2002 I first heard the word blog after a mate e-mailed me a link and said I should consider starting one. Within 24 hours I’d created my first blog (a blogspot blog that doesn’t exist today). Since that time I’ve run 20+ blogs (most have survived, some have not) and I’ve also transitioned from hobby blogger to part time blogger to full time blogger.
Along the way have been many challenges, milestones and celebrations so today I thought I’d do some reflection and create a list of things I wish someone had sat me down and told me in the early days.
Here’s my top 18 Lessons Learned in my 3 years of blogging. Write your own ‘lessons’ list and let us know about it in comments below. If you enjoy this list you might also like to subscribe to my newsletter to keep up to date on more posts like this on blogging.:
1. Be Lucky
I’m increasingly becoming aware that despite the many hours of hard work that I’ve put into building up my business that many others work just as hard and are much more talented than I am but do not enjoy the success that I’ve been fortunate to have. While I don’t believe that luck is the main ingredient in my own story I am convinced that in combination with some of the other things I’ll talk about below it has been of real importance.
The luck I’ve had along the way has included just happening to bump into the right people at the right time (on many occasions), discovering ad systems that just happened to work well on my blogs, starting successful blogs quite by accident, getting links from bigger blogs that led to a snowball effect of incoming links from elsewhere through to choosing the right partners for different projects. I could write many thousands of words on the luck I’ve had but I’ll not bore you with the details except to say that I’ve been a lucky boy.
The key I’ve found with luck is to run with it and to make every lucky instance last as long as possible. So when you strike it lucky enjoy it but also ask yourself ‘how can I capitalise on my good fortune?’
2. Work Hard
Of course the saying that goes ‘you make your own luck’ has some truth to it. Gary Player once said - “The harder I practice, the luckier I get”
I’m a strong believer that to be successful you need to be willing to work hard. While there are plenty of people selling ‘easy money’ on the web I’m yet to find a method of money making that doesn’t have at least some element of work to it.
Success in many areas of life comes out of discipline and hard work. Getting your body in shape, having good relationships, succeeding at study etc all take some level of commitment and work. Work alone is definitely NOT everything (I’ve seen many hard working bloggers who have not had success) but it is one element that I think is essential.
If you want to get to places you’ve never been before you need to be willing to do things you’ve never done before. This sometimes means leaving one’s comfort zone and knuckling down for some hard work.
3. Use the Power of Exponential Growth
I’m not sure that that heading is the right words to describe this but I can’t think of any others that begin to describe the way in which blogging has the ability to snowball. Perhaps it’s a ‘Tipping Point’ thing but as I look at the last three years in terms of blog traffic, earnings, profile and opportunities I see that the first 18 months were very very slow. Growth was definitely there from month to month but because the numbers were so small it didn’t really feel like I was going anywhere.
The wonderful thing about exponential growth is that if you stick at it for the long term it’s a very powerful force. I look over at the poll I’m running this month and see that 27% of bloggers who responded are making $10 or less a month from Adsense and I know it sounds so little.
In reality it’s not that much but it’s more than I was making 2 years ago from blogging.
Here’s a calculation that I kept in my mind in the early days.
If that $10 a month increases by 20% every month in a year you’ll be earning $89.16 per month at the end of the year. Of course that sounds small for a year’s work and I’m sure many bloggers would give up at that point but lets take it further.
If earnings continued to rise by 20% per month for another 12 months and you begin to see the power of exponential growth with a figure of $794.96 per month. Do it for another year and the figure is $7088.01 per month.
Do those figures with the figure of 30% growth per month and the figure after 12 months is $232.98 per month, after two years its $5428.00 and after three years it’s $126,462 per month! You get the picture. Now I don’t want to promise you 30% growth per month for three years straight but as I’ve written before, the power of exponential growth in conjunction with hard work and luck is possible - it’s my story. I see each post I write as an investment in the future and something that has the potential to earn money for me not just today but over the long term.
4. Differentiate Yourself
Part of the ‘Luck’ I’ve had is that I started blogging three years ago and not three weeks ago.
The Blogosphere has changed in many ways - some for the better (the technology and tools these days are much more advanced) and some for the worse. The downside of starting out now is that for every topic there seems to be many blogs already - the web is becoming more and more congested as people discover personal publishing. It’s also become a more competitive business on some levels and in some segments some of the co-operative spirit of blogging has begun to fade as people build their empires.
All of this means that if you want to build a blog that is a runaway success you need to consider how your blog will differentiate itself from all the others out there. While not every blog needs to reach ‘runaway success’ status for you to make a living from blogging (20 reasonably successful blogs can do just as well as 1 amazing one) even lower level blogs need to find ways to stand out from the crowd.
5. Provide Value
This almost goes without saying but I’ll say it none the less. A key question every blogger should ask when starting out is around the idea of what value their blog will give readers. As I look at the year ahead I’ve been asking this question about some of my own blogs. It’s easy to go a bit stale and so reviewing the value that you’re adding is an important part of keeping things fresh.
Value can be about many things including entertainment, education, community, information, companionship etc Without it you’re not likely to get people returning to your blog, linking to it or participating in it over time.
6. Target a Niche
I remember after about 6 months of blogging having a discussion with my readers (I only had the one blog at the time) about whether I should continue to write a blog that was very general in topic or whether I should start a few new ones. I took a poll and they were pretty split over what I should do. I wish at that point I’d started new blogs but out of fear of losing a few readers I decided to plough on with a blog that covered incredibly diverse topics and that increasingly frustrated more and more readers who shared one interest with me but who were not interested in the other things I was writing about.
Moving to a niche approach where I developed blogs around more tightly focussed topics was where my blogging went to another gear and it was probably one of the most defining moments in my business.
Read more about the benefits of niche blogging.
7. Diversify
This connects with my niche blogging point well but goes beyond just having multiple blogs on different niches. It’s really about taking the age old advice of not putting all your eggs in one basket.
While there is some real sense in focussing all your energy on one excellent blog there is some risk involved in this approach.
So much of blogging is out of the blogger’s control and there are numerous problems that could lead to a one blog strategy ending in disaster (these include search engine re-indexing, hacking, loss of data, character assassination, competition, the topic becoming obsolete etc). All good financial planners would advise not to invest in one type of investment but to spread the risk - I’d advise the same with blogging.
Diversification is not just about starting numerous blogs. It’s also about exploring a variety of income streams. i.e. if all your income is from AdSense it might be worth looking at other ad systems, affiliate programs, consulting work etc.
8. Don’t Spread Self too Thin
Of course take my points on hard work, niches and diversification to the extreme and a danger is developing so many blogs that none end up being remarkable enough to develop a readership and profile.
Balance is important so diversify to the point where it won’t decrease the value that you want to offer readers. This will vary from blogger to blogger depending upon many factors including available time, interests, personality, topic chosen etc. For some of you it will mean two blogs, for others it will mean 20 or more.
9. Have a Backup Plan
I’ve written on numerous occasions about the e-mails I regularly get from people telling me that they are quitting their job to become a full time blogger without much thought to how they’ll pay their bills in the year or three that it might take to build up their blogging to pay a reasonable wage.
The moral of the story is that it does take time and in the mean time you need a back up plan and some sort of way to help you transition into your blogging business. Very few bloggers are able to go full time quickly - you might need another job (I had numerous other jobs for over 2 years) or some other form of income to keep you going for a couple of years. In fact the fact is that some bloggers work their butts off for a couple of years and still don’t have anything to show for it at the end. So be responsible and see ProBlogging as having amazing potential but as being something that has no guarantees.
I strongly recommend having a backup income while you transition into blogging and to have in the back of your mind a backup plan for if things go wrong. I’ve been developing a number of other skills and interests over the past year simply because I don’t know how long blogging will last as a full time income. While I hope and expect it will continue to work out for me I know I have a few different options at hand to down the track if it all goes pear shaped.
10. Be Light on Your Feet
One of the things I love about being a solo-entrepreneur is that I have a business that is flexible enough to take opportunities very quickly as they come up. When a wave of luck kicks in after all your hard work you need to be able to position yourself to surf the wave. If you’re too cautious or have a model that is too rigid you might just miss the opportunities as they pass by.
I’ve been caught napping a number of times in this way but have also had a couple of times where I’ve taken the opportunities and reaped the benefits. Of course I’m not saying one should throw caution out the window, but try to build something that has checks and balances that isn’t going to strangle the life giving opportunities that might come your way.
11. Relationships are Key
I was attracted to Blogging in the first place partly because of the way in which it enabled me (a shy guy) to connect with others interested in similar things to me. From the very beginning I enjoyed the relational nature of blogging but also the way in which it allowed me to retreat into my introversion from time to time.
As I look at the things that have been most successful for me in my blogging most of them have had the key ingredient of another person (or more than one) to either help me or partner with me. Most recent is my partnerships with Andy with six figure blogging and Jeremy, Duncan and Shai with internetusers but the relationships go back much further than that and are many and varied. I try to put time aside every day to seek out and build relationship with key bloggers that I’d like to work with in some ways - it’s amazing how these connections pay off in many unexpected ways.
12. Establish Boundaries
One of the first blog tips that I ever wrote was on setting boundaries for your blogging. The post itself was pretty naively written at the time - as I reflect upon it I’m not sure I really knew what I was talking about - it was a nice theory at the time. In more recent times I’ve come to see that the point of those I was quoting in the post was incredibly valid and wise.
Boundaries are very important on a number of levels.
Firstly they are important on a security level and for your own well-being. I know this personally from recent events. Writing in the public domain can have it’s own risks associated with it. Work out ahead of time what information you will and won’t reveal about yourself, your personal details and those of your family and stick to those boundaries.
Secondly it’s also wise on a readership and niche definition level. Go changing what you will and won’t write about in terms of topics too often and you run the risk of disillusioning your readership. While variety in topic and voice can add spice to your blog you also will want some consistency in your approach.
13. Don’t read your Own Press
I recently saw an interview with Elizabeth Taylor who was asked if she read much of what people write about her in the media. Here answer was no - she didn’t listen to or ready anything any written or said about her good or bad. Her explanation as to why was (paraphrased)
‘If you listen to the good things people say about you you might just start believing them. If you listen to the bad things people say about you you might just start believing them’
While I wouldn’t go quite as far as Elizabeth Taylor in saying don’t read anything written about you (after all conversation and engagement with others is what blogging is built around) I would encourage bloggers to hold lightly to the opinion of others about you.
It’s easy to become big headed when people rave about how great you and your blogs are to the point where you end up being a complete jerk and think you’re the messiah but on the flip side it’s also easy to become disillusioned and depressed when they rant about and attack you. Part of the skill of being a good blogger that comes over time is that ability to know when to take on board what others are saying about you and when to leave it. It is important to listen to the praise and critiques of others but try to keep them in perspective or it could lead to your downfall.
14. Beware of Hype
Controversy, Sensationalism, Big Claims and Rants are all very useful tools available to bloggers. Many a new blog has found itself in the spotlight (either by design or accident) after a post where the blogger created a stir with one (or more) of these elements.
I don’t have an issue with using these types of posts myself from time to time but I would advise that it’s very difficult to sustain a blog built solely upon these elements. Blog readers are a fairly fickle bunch and will come read your post that generates a stir but unless they find something of genuine value in your blog over time they’ll probably not hang around too long.
By all means use these tactics to get your attention (but have thick skin because creating a stir can cause a backlash) but you’ll want your blog to have something else going for it to make a lasting impression.
Also keep in mind the story of the ‘boy who cried wolf’. Hyped posts might work once or even twice, but they tend to lose their impact over time unless you work hard to make them fresh.
15. Get a Life
I remember someone once telling me that ‘no one ever gets to their death bed and wishes that they’d spent more time at work’. I remember nodding and making affirming noises. You see at the time I was a lazy slob, didn’t enjoy hard work and never spent much time doing any.
Of course these days I actually DO enjoy my work and the temptation is to spend a lot of time doing it. I love blogging for it’s creativity, relationships as well as the good pay packet that enables me to do things for others and I could quite easily spend a lot more time doing it. As a result I spend considerable time working at my business.
But I’ve also learned that unless I take time off the rest of life tends to fall apart at the seams. Not only that but the quality of work I produce suffers after 16 hours in front of the computer and improves drastically when I sleep more than 5 hours and interact with real people or get into one of my hobbies (go figure). While I love it, blogging will still be there tomorrow and I have a much more balanced approach to it than I once did.
16. Make Mistakes
It doesn’t feel that good when you stuff up or make a mistake but as I look back on the last year or so it’s the times when I’ve blundered that opportunities have often flowed. The key is to learn from the mistake, to make the most of what follows and to see it as an opportunity to improve what you do and make the most of any publicity that comes out of it.
Elbert Hubbard got it write when he wrote - ‘The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.’
Learn to see mistakes as opportunities.
17. Be Yourself
One of the temptations of starting a blog is to spend more time trying to emulate other bloggers than establishing your own voice and style. While there are a lot of lessons to be learned from other blogs there is a lot to be said for developing a strong blogging identity of your own.
There are a number of reasons for this that come to mind:
- Transparency - readers are an insightful bunch and will quickly find you out if you’re not being genuine
- Sustainability - it’s difficult to sustain writing in a voice and personality that is not your own. Be yourself and you’ll last a lot longer.
- Consistency - regular readers of a blog overtime take on a sense of ownership of a blog. When you chop and change your writing to emulate and please others you’ll end up disillusioning the people who make your blog what it is (your readers). Be yourself and you’re more likely to be consistent (I’m not suggesting be monotonous - you can still be creative and surprising - just do it in your own style and you’ll be right).
18. There are No Rules
Lists like these always finish with a point like this that says ignore all of the above - but that’s not the point of this point (can you have a point of a point?).
All of the above is essential stuff (for me) but the thing I love about blogging is that it’s such a new and emerging technology that there are very few things that you can’t do or shouldn’t try.
Push the boundaries, experiment with the model you’ve got, try new tools and techniques and have a blast doing it. The worst thing you can do really is make a mistake - and we all know that they rock!
What Lessons have your Learnt in Blogging? Write your own list and leave a comment below telling us about it.
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226 Responses to “18 Lessons I’ve Learned about Blogging”
Aviad Ben Dov
December 20th, 2005 1:15 am
Great list, Darren!
I will definitely take it to heart. Especially on targetting a niche - I’ve been thinking a lot about whether a blog about “Java Technologies” is too wide, and maybe it could be spread out to several smaller blogs.
My main fear at the moment is that I am posting 1-2 posts a day at that blog, and I can’t be sure smaller blogs would enjoy high update rate, and if that’s bad anyway.
I already set myself to read your references on niches, so if you answer these questions there, I would probably know the answer in a short while. :)
December 20th, 2005 1:23 am
Goodness you are so utterly, consistently wise.
I’ve been blogging for about a year now (loving every minute of it!), but only recently discovered enternetusers (the day I decided to take myself seriously) and I can’t begin to tell you the impact your writing is having on my work.
Point seventeen is the one that resounds most loudly with me: all to often I find myself trying to emulate someone bigger and better than myself, (I am not Martha stewart, I am not Martha Stewart…) and yet is at the times when I am totally and utterly me that my work achieves what I am aiming for: that is recognition that I authentically believe in what I write and want to create enthusiam for something I love.
Thank you.
18 Lessons Darren had learnt… » www.hafizismail.com - once a blogger, always a blogger
December 20th, 2005 1:28 am
[…] Darren has written a very excellent self reflection article on things he had learnt as a blogger. I quite like point #17 - Be Yourself. […]
John Evans (Syntagma)
December 20th, 2005 1:46 am
Very useful post, Darren. You know you’re turning into the Aussie Ralph Waldo Emerson, don’t you?
Paul -V-
December 20th, 2005 1:57 am
This is a wonderful article. Wonderful points.
Tertiary Blogging » Blog Archive » 18 Blogging Tips from enternetusers
December 20th, 2005 1:57 am
[…] Darren “Mr enternetusers” Rowse has written a very useful post titled, 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt as a Blogger. […]
December 20th, 2005 2:24 am
Some very useful tips here, thanks for the great article
December 20th, 2005 2:28 am
Hey Darren,
I’m not sure if this is an answer to my E-mail the other day, but it did give me insight into how you got where you are today.
Thanks for the peek into the past.
Scott Randolph.net » Lessons for Blogging and Life
December 20th, 2005 2:28 am
[…] Darren over at enternetusers has made a list of lessons he’s learned about blogging. […]
Tammy Powley
December 20th, 2005 2:52 am
Ahh…so many niches I could fill and so little time to fill them! Excellent article.
December 20th, 2005 2:57 am
Excellent post, Darren.
Everyone new to blogging should read it. And then re-read it….
December 20th, 2005 3:02 am
Thank you Darren… This post is really well appreciated :)
john doe
December 20th, 2005 3:04 am
very2..amazing…motivation for blogger
December 20th, 2005 3:59 am
I like it, Darren…keep writting and wish u happy blogging.
December 20th, 2005 4:17 am
Very nice, i take this as instruction ;)
December 20th, 2005 4:24 am
Thanks, this kind of tips are the ones that helps building better blogs. I think this is a good starting point for anyone interested in blogging, besides if he wants to earn money or not.
I liked the 18th rule, because, as you say, this is a very changing enviroment, which has improvements and changes every day.
December 20th, 2005 4:43 am
I thought one of the tips was going to be:
Posts with lists are always popular.
The Tlog - a technology blog
December 20th, 2005 5:03 am
enternetusers: “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt as a Blogger”
Darren Rowse has done it again. “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt as a Blogger” is an absolutely fantastic, comprehensive post, of the kind I wish my own blogs had (they will, but not yet).
The lessons Darren speaks of (and expands on, of co…
Mike Stopforth
December 20th, 2005 5:29 am
Lol Ken - hear hear. Lovely stuff, Darren - thanks for the resource. Do they have 36 hours in each day in Oz?
Lake Neuron » Blogging for dollars
December 20th, 2005 5:30 am
[…] A week or two ago, I did some posts about the basics of getting started in blogging. But if you want to get serious, and earn advertising dollars by producing a focused, customer-driven blog, check out this excellent post by Kevin about the subject. […]
December 20th, 2005 6:31 am
Thanks Dareen for this post. A lot of great points to be made out of this post.
We must have fun doing what we are doing, because it shows. If you are having fun, others will see that and follow.
Fun is contagious.
Liam Daly
December 20th, 2005 7:46 am
Have you just put material for 18 posts into a single entry? Commendable.
Easton Ellsworth
December 20th, 2005 7:54 am
Darren, great post. I’m putting up a commentary post about it at Business Blog Wire right after I leave this comment. Thank you for pointing bloggers toward success and making their journeys through the blogosphere more smooth and easy. And for not charging us anything to read your blog!
December 20th, 2005 7:57 am
Fantastic Darren! Your list hits at the heart of anything that you do in your life. Inspirational. Thank You.
December 20th, 2005 8:15 am
enternetusers: 18 Lessons from 3 Years of Blogging
Over at enternetusers.net, Kevin offers 18 pearls of blogging wisdom culled from his extensive experience. (Three years is a long time to have been blogging, relatively speaking.) Read all 18 yourself, and leave Darren a comment.Here’s…
Darren Rowse
December 20th, 2005 8:24 am
thanks all.
Yes Liam - I did consider making this an 18 post series - but decided that it’d have more impact all together this time.
I hope you all enjoy. Thanks for the feedback - this post took me most of yesterday to write and is one I’m quite proud of.
Wie wird man ein enternetusers » Webdesignblog
December 20th, 2005 8:28 am
[…] hier gehts zum Artikel Ähnliche Artikel: […]
December 20th, 2005 8:32 am
Darren, i have no words…i mean, thank you man! the inspiration, the knowledge and most importantly the exprience immersed in your posts are indescribable, really =)
Kim Dushinski
December 20th, 2005 8:41 am
GREAT information. I notice that you included a lot of pictures in this post (per advice from Arieanna Foley, a b5media blogger who posted here recently). It does make the longer posts easier to keep reading. And I am guessing this is also a hard working post like John Evans described. =:)
Quick question, where do you get all the photos?
Blogmania Business Blog » 18 Waardevolle lessen van enternetusers
December 20th, 2005 8:53 am
[…] 18 Waardevolle lessen van enternetusers Geplaatst onder: blogonomics, enternetusers — Bertrand @ 12:53 am Kevin aka enternetusers is een van de interessantste particuliere bloggers. Geen lid van een grote organisatie. Geen CEO. Just an ordinairy guy. Op de vraag hoe flik je dat heeft hij nu geantwoord met 18 Lessons I’ve learnt as a blogger. Lees ze, neem ze ter harte en oefen. Succes in surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.(of begin vandaag!) « Het bedrijfsleven en Web 2.0 in 2005 […]
December 20th, 2005 11:00 am
Thanks for sharing in such a sympathetic way.
Small Multiples, a blog by Dmitry Nekrasovski » Blog Archive » Lessons about blogging
December 20th, 2005 12:46 pm
[…] I just came across this post by Darren Rouse, who is apparently a well-respected professional blogger, detailing lessons he has learned during his three years in the business (which, of course, is a long time as far as the blogosphere goes). Unlike the many other similar reflections out there, his is refreshingly ego-free, as well as pretty applicable to success in pursuits other than blogging. Highly recommended. […]
December 20th, 2005 2:37 pm
I’m glad to read your lesson. I have to work hard, set my nicehe target and set my future plan in order to achieve what i want from blogging. Thanks for the lesson…..
Bill Nadraszky
December 20th, 2005 2:43 pm
Darren, I know that every post here is filled with thanks for giving this great, grounded wisdom from your years of blogging and these posts are well deserved.
When you write about exponential growth I know and understand exactly what you were thinking and hope that my mindset with little Google paychecks can be as strong as yours in the two earlier lean years.
Often providing value is one of the hardest things to do on a consistent basis, especially when you can easily just copy and article and add some of your own thoughts - you so very little of that I notice which makes the work much harder.
Thank you again for everything you have taught me over the last six months and thank you again today for helping inspire.
December 20th, 2005 2:56 pm
I’ve been blogging for 6 months.
I’m wondering when this progression you talk at point 3 stops or regulates itself. As we know, the blogosphere is limited in readership, therefore traffic cannot grow indefinetly. Right now, my blog traffic of unique users has doubled last month and it probably going to double that amount again this month as I just yesterday reached last month’s results. Does the curve hit a certain amount of hits and stays there? Does it goes down again?
What is a blogger to expect?
Darren Rowse
December 20th, 2005 3:23 pm
brem - every blog is so different so it’s difficult to predict. Some blogs grow steadily every month - others are more up and down. In fact some don’t grow - I guess what I’m talking here about is my overall business which overall has grown in those ways.
I’m not making promises - but if you keep working your butt off and get a little luck things should continue to grow. Of course for me there is a ceiling coming with how much work I can actually do as one person - the challenge then becomes to develop systems that others can help me with.
December 20th, 2005 3:52 pm
YOu should name this post as a 18 commandment of a Succesful blogger. it’s a good lesson too.
December 20th, 2005 4:35 pm
Great info! I was starting to get discouraged about adsense until I began reading your blog and understanding how exponential growth works. Thanks for sharing this invaluable information.
MarketingFacts :: dagelijks de nieuwste feiten & cijfers
December 20th, 2005 5:31 pm
[…] Kevin is een van de meest interessante bloggers op dit moment die o.a. schrijft over business bloggen voor de kleine ondernemer. Oftewel, hoe kun je geld verdienen met bloggen? Op zijn weblog enternetusers geeft hij 18 Lessons I’ve learnt as a blogger (via: Blogmania). Absoluut de moeite waard! Marco | Dec 20, 05 | 8:25 am | 0 comments | 0 views […]
December 20th, 2005 10:20 pm
I am a newbie to all of these of blogs (just two months) so your advices are very useful for me.
My blog is not commercial not bussiness but everyone of us; even those who claim they are individual and not devoted to blogosphere, likes to be world spread.
thank u very much
I will be here to learn and maybe to copy (in the good way of course ;).
December 20th, 2005 10:20 pm
I am a newbie to all of these of blogs (just two months) so your advices are very useful for me.
My blog is neither commercial nor bussiness but everyone of us; even those who claim they are individual and not devoted to blogosphere, likes to be world spread.
thank u very much
I will be here to learn and maybe to copy (in the good way of course ;).
Nancy P Redford
December 20th, 2005 10:37 pm
Whoa Darren,
This post is better than Xmas lunch. Plenty to digest here.
Thanks for sharing your intimate thoughts and advice with
us all. It’s easy to forget that you are not right here in my very home as I read through your insights.
Merry Xmas to you Darren and here’s to another prosperous New Year!
Charles Lacroix
December 21st, 2005 12:30 am
Hey, thanks for the great tips, i’m reading a lot on how to make your blog successful and you gave some good tips here, i will try to make my blog less widespread. Anyways, I hope i call back on your site for another great article :)
December 21st, 2005 12:44 am
2006 Quixtar/blogging goals: Top 20 goals
lifehack.org » Blog Archive »
December 21st, 2005 1:54 am
[…] […]
Anthony Pierre
December 21st, 2005 2:21 am
Hi [or should that be, Thanks] Darren,
I think I have lurked around here for too long without giving credit where it is due.
To say that I have benefitted from the posts and the responses on enternetusers would be the understatement of the year. And I haven’t been blogging that long.
The package of information you presented in the 18 lessons, Darren, could easily be repackaged and sold for the benefit of bloggers irrespective of their stage of development.
I regret the two incidents in the recent past where you had to take a few days off due to feeling unwell and the most recent incident.
From my perspective, coming from the other side of the globe [Barbados, West Indies], I was always hoping you would have had a secret address since whenever you have to admit success in a public forum, there will always be an element of risk.
Thanks again for the quality information and while I am not a camera buff by any stretch of the imagination, I find myself slowly warming to the hobby. I wonder if perusing your Digital Camera site has anything to do with it….?
Blog Marketing, Blog Promotion for Newbies » Blog Archive » Interesting Technique
December 21st, 2005 3:35 am
[…] Darren, as usual, doing his helpful thing listing 18 Things He’s Learnt (is that like burnt? - oh yeah, Darren’s Australian ) About Blogging. Which answers a great question Liz asked the other day. I particularly liked #9. Darren and Liz sure receive a LOT of comments! […]
December 21st, 2005 9:21 am
Nice to see you’ve finally embraced the pink shirt as a real part of “you”. Now stop writing so I can do some work!
E L S U A. N E T » Blog Archive » 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging
December 21st, 2005 9:30 am
[…] Over at Darren’s weblog, enternetusers, he has just shared a very interesting and thought-provoking post that would be worth while reading: 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging. Indeed, in that particular weblog post he details what his experience as a pro-blogger has been all along and for the last three years and more importantly what he has actually learnt throughout that period of time about professional weblogging. […]
December 21st, 2005 2:52 pm
Thanks Darren, for this wonderful post and for the useful tips.
Darren’s 18 Blogging Lessons +1–Backwards! » Successful Blog
December 21st, 2005 4:16 pm
[…] Yesterday Kevin at enternetusers wrote the best piece on the 18 lessons he’s learned from blogging. I was with him on every one, but our order differs. That’s the story of being ME. […]
Darren’s 18 Blogging Lessons +1–Backwards! » Successful Blog
December 21st, 2005 4:16 pm
[…] Yesterday Kevin at enternetusers wrote the best piece on the 18 lessons he’s learned from blogging. I was with him on every one, but our order differs. That’s the story of being ME. […]
Blog Goodies » Combining Ideas in a Post
December 21st, 2005 5:08 pm
[…] I have found that combining ideas in a post make sense if it is a structured list…say like 18 Lessons I Learned About Blogging. […]
December 22nd, 2005 3:04 am
Thanx Darren for this informative post. Do you have any plan to publish a book on blogging, cause you have many experiences and good results on it.
Technoogle » Blog Archive » 18 Lessons learned from Blogging
December 22nd, 2005 4:52 am
[…] Kevin the famous six-figure blogger shares 18 lessons learned about blogging. In November 2002 I first heard the word blog after a mate e-mailed me a link and said I should consider starting one. Within 24 hours I’d created my first blog (a blogspot blog that doesn’t exist today). Since that time I’ve run 20+ blogs (most have survived, some have not) and I’ve also transitioned from hobby blogger to part time blogger to full time blogger. […]
Cornelius Solomon
December 22nd, 2005 6:06 am
Great information, however, I created a blog that does not work and I cannot figure it out. Who should I turn to?.
December 22nd, 2005 7:03 am
I found this blog at del.ico.us and most say that im very glad i have found it.
I have read the whole article, and found out i stard doing it pretty well after one year of blogging.
I discoverd blogging one year ago by finding my self a new hobby, and started with designing templates. Its great! Now i’m developing software(and stil learning developing it) Great, and i also bookmarkt this page to del.ico
Simplenomics » Blog Archive » Blogging Lessons Plus A Life Lesson
December 22nd, 2005 11:38 am
[…] Over at Successful Blog, Liz has given us an add-on lesson to a post of Darren’s over at Pro Blogger. […]
December 23rd, 2005 3:54 am
Another great post. This should be the ‘Things to Do’ for any pro blogger.
Pakpromo :: Brands, Blogs, Social Networks, SEO, RSS » 18 lessons from a pro blogger
December 23rd, 2005 4:06 am
[…] For details check 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging […]
A Story about the Importance of Checking your Blog’s Stats: Blog Tips at enternetusers
December 23rd, 2005 9:54 am
[…] Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
December 23rd, 2005 1:04 pm
Great post! This is truely valuable information for any blogger. Thanks for the insights.
Jane’s Blog » Useful Links
December 23rd, 2005 5:36 pm
[…] 18 Lessons About Blogging : More geared towards the pro, but still useful. […]
Ashish Kulkarni’s Journal » links for 2005-12-25
December 26th, 2005 4:19 am
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging insightful blogging tips from professional blogger Kevin (tags: blogging tips) […]
December 26th, 2005 4:04 pm
Great list, I just wrote one myself and referenced yours within it.
December 27th, 2005 2:41 pm
This in a fantastic article. It covers alot of issues that many bloggers do not understand. Great work.
matusiak weblog » Blog Archive » My First Threadless Photo
December 30th, 2005 1:50 pm
[…] Yup. Believe it or not, I now have a threadless blog. One can never have enough blogs, it seems. […]
December 31st, 2005 6:41 am
I wish I would’ve found out about your site much sooner, but you’ve definately given me a ton of advice about the blog I just started.
Bill Wallace
December 31st, 2005 11:20 am
Hi Darren
Great article and good to come from an Aussie. Very balanced perspective. I’m with John (comment 68) I’ve just started on blogging (and using it as a website for m business) as it evolves it should be very easy as a contenet management system but with the added advantage of up to date posts.
January 1st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.1:52 am
Blogging - Tips and Tricks
Latest Update: Added 10 Journalism Tips For Bloggers, Podcasters & Other E-Writers
If you’ve got a blog, you probably want more readers, no matter why you’re blogging. If you want to make money, more readers means more income. If you wan
Financially free anyone? » once a blogger, always a blogger
January 2nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:18 pm
[…] Darren once wrote that All good financial planners would advise not to invest in one type of investment but to spread the risk - I’d advise the same with blogging. - 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
Go Flock Yourself » Blog Archive » 18 lessons about being a blogger or a pathetic waste of space or something
January 3rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:51 pm
stories from a Web Junkie life » enternetusers posts to read
January 4th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:10 pm
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging […]
Ian's Messy Desk
January 7th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:25 pm
links for 2006-01-06
N-side Group Life MORE FREE Small Group Resources (tags: Small+Groups Bible+Study Free Resources) Flock We believe that it should be easy for everyone to contribute to and participate on the web. To that end, we’ve started with integrating tools…
Tip(z) » 18 råd till en bloggare
January 9th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:45 am
[…] Jag betraktar mig inte som en riktig bloggare. Jag gör mest noteringar på en blogg för att hlla reda på webbplatser jag vill återbesöka (hinner inte granska dem när jag hittar dem). Samtidigt kanske andra kan vara intresserade av det jag hittar. När jag dessutom ville prova bloggen som verktyg, blev det naturligt att starta. Men jag lägger bara till några inlägg ibland när jag har tid. För den som betraktar sig som lite mer bloggare, och satsar seriöst på att skapa en profil finns en bra artikel av Darren Rowse. Han ger 18 råd, som han fått lära sig själv, på sin väg till att bli professionell bloggare. […]
Vecindad Gráfica Diseño Gráfico
January 10th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:34 am
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Blawg.it » Come Bloggare in 18 Lezioni
January 12th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:59 am
[…] enternetusers, spiega in 18 punti come migliorare il proprio blog. […]
Blawg.it » Come Bloggare in 18 Lezioni
January 12th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:59 am
[…] enternetusers, spiega in 18 punti come migliorare il proprio blog. […]
January 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.8:21 pm
Thanks Darren
Very informative and insightful…
Ade Lamidi
January 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:18 pm
Hi Darren,
I am very new to blogging and have been really inspired by your story as a full time blogger. I have found your articles on lesson learnt on blogging very useful. I currently have to blog sites http://www.worldcupzone.blogspot.com/ and http://www.propertyinvestoruk.blogspot.com. I am passionate about football(soccer) and property which is why I have decided to start blogs on both topics. I would appreciate any comments/advice you have to novice bloggers like myself.
Labnotes » Blog Archive » links for 2006-01-14
January 14th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:35 pm
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging: Blog Tips at enternetusers (tags: Blogging Writing) […]
Lexi’s Blog » Blog Archive » Interessante Tips
January 18th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:16 pm
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging - enternetusers […]
January 22nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:43 pm
Hi I enjoyed your website.
Just a comment on the enternetusers News menu at the top.
I find the orange background and white characters hard to read.
david k
January 24th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:46 am
I found this article to be very interesting. It is true that it takes a lot of work and time. Just starting out myself I have come to realize this and it is cool to hear about your success.
Check out my blog soon, it is about the trials and tribulations of domaining, another way to make a living on the Internet.
Participatory Journalism and the Personal Media Revolution » Sites for Blogging Tips
January 25th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:30 pm
[…] 18 lessons I’ve learnt about blogging by Kevin at enternetusers […]
January 25th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.8:44 pm
I thougth those photos were pretty funny man. I agree with almost everything you say! Great stuff!
January 26th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:00 am
18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging
18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging Most of which apply just as well to real life…..
January 26th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:11 pm
HI, Darren , nice story ; hope i learn and apply some of these. I was really wondering about what you say about selecting a niche and spreading yourself out too thin. Though initially i planned to start out on affiliate and internet marketing, i realized that there were millions and i would stand no chance. Therefore recenlty i started this blog which focuses on computer software, hardware and web services(marketing). i hope to do this in a balanaced way. Am i spreading out too much into abroad topic? ANy tips?
January 29th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.8:57 am
I started a blog last fall and quickly came upon a dilemma. How much information should I give out on my site..
I did a story about an incident I witnessed where a store owner refused to a sell a 16-year-old condoms. I was all righteously indignant about the incident and was two seconds from putting up a picture of the man’s store. It’s definitely a controversial story especially with the whole issue around pharmacists denying birth control to women.
I thought about how I would feel and decided not to put his information in. I’m glad I didn’t. I went from unknown blog to mega-traffic in just a few weeks thanks to some word of mouth about the story from friends. I got few comments but TONS of email, some demanding to know where the store was. They wanted to confront the store owner, picket his store, all manner of things. I felt what he did was wrong but no one deserves that type of spotlight.
Well anyway, no sooner than it all picked up, the hype died down, the fighters found another cause and my blog is back to being fairly unknown with a few visitors now and again. It taught me a valuable lesson about people, hype, anger and how what’s a hot button issue today is forgotten tomorrow.
In the middle of all this, I did a Google search for Blogging Responsibly. I read a lot of articles and I came aross a website (I don’t know where it is or I’d source them) but they had a pretty good set of 10 rules for teens to blog responsibly. I tweaked them a bit but this is what I came up with for myself.
My Blogging Promise of Responsibility
1. I am responsible for anything posted in my name.
2. I will not say anything on the blog I wouldn’t be willing to say in public or to an individual’s face.
3. I will not gang up on anyone. Points of view that do not mirror my own will be presented fairly.
4. I will not post personal information about other people without their permission.
5. I will only use first names (and last initial if necessary).
6. I will not plagiarize other blogs, but I will quote them and give credit where it is due.
7. I will stay on topic and will only post links that are relevant to the topic.
8. I will not link to inappropriate websites.
9. I will strive for ‘correct’ spelling and grammar. Errors will be corrected as soon as possible.
10. Divergent views will be supported. Bullying will not be tolerated.
February 3rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.11:06 am
Did ‘learnt’ make it to the dictionary? *shrug*
Darren Rowse
February 3rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.11:12 am
Linkblog for Monday, 06 February, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.» Chandrasekhar Vallabhaneni
February 7th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:20 am
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging: Blog Tips at enternetusers […]
royans.net » Blog Archive » 18 lessons on blogging
February 20th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:33 pm
[…] Here are 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging: Blog Tips at enternetusers. […]
Linda Walsh
February 23rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:39 pm
Ok, I am very new at blogs. I built my first one today and talk about luck…I found your blog! I am a stay home mom with three little ones ages 4, 3, and 1. We started our own retail online store selling travel related accessories to families that travel with children at http://www.ahappytraveller.com and my husband kept mentioning ‘blogs’. I haven’t read your entire article because its alot for me. I have saved it and will be coming back regularly to learn more. My very first blog was built this morning at http://ahappytraveller.blogspot.com/. I wanted to promote our business but now I am learning that I have really tapped into something big. Thank you for helping such a newbee such as myself.
Thank You Fellow Bloggers Meme! at Brendan McPhillips.com
March 8th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:40 pm
[…] One of the best educations you can get on blogging, building traffic and earning a few buck from blogging can be found at Darren Rowse’s enternetusers site. You can literally spend days there learning how to blog. If you have any questions about how to increase your traffic this is the first place to go. Again, Darren has taught me so much it’s hard to pinpoint specific post but here are two that I’ve bookmarked because they inspire me; 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt About Blogging and (Another) Day in the Life of a enternetusers. Thank you Darren! Last, but not at all least, is someone who isn’t as well known as the above bloggers, (I could be wrong), but who deserves to be, Lorelle VanFossen. When I thought to thank all the bloggers who helped me get started; Lorelle is the first who comes to mind. She is the most thorough, thoughtful and prolific teacher of all things about blogging and WordPress that I’ve have come across on the Net. Her two main areas of focus are improving blog traffic and blog quality (e.g. the writing). Lorelle cares more about the quality of blogs than anyone else does. For example, in the article The 12 Biggest Problems with Your Blogs, Lorelle taught me that my site had poor navigation since my single post view had no site navigation other than the next and previous posts. A seemingly small tweak to your site to fix something like this will help your readers stay longer. Another great example of what Lorelle teaches is The Top Ten Clues That You Are an Amateur Blogger. Thank you Lorelle! […]
Be Lucky: enternetusers Blog Tips
March 12th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:16 am
[…] Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
Jimmy Young
March 21st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:55 am
Most “luck”, “accidents” etc… Are all blessing from God.
I am too always having things happen through accidents and in some kind weird of ways :-).. Nonetheless I relied heavily on the Man in Heaven for everything.
From Malaysia.
Email Overloaded » Company collapses: CEO forgot to check email last night
March 23rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:04 am
[…] “No one ever gets to their death bed and wishes that they’d spent more time at work” — Darren Rowse. […]
» 18 Lessons I"ve Learnt about Blogging
March 24th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:33 am
[…] 18 Lessons I"ve Learnt about Blogging […]
March 26th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:11 pm
hi there,
just to here to thank you for sharing.
March 28th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:51 am
Thank you darren, this is maybe the best post I’ve read in the last 5 years !
Listics - Frank Paynter’s Voice and Vision… » 18 Lessons
April 5th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:42 am
[…] You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave aReply […]
April 5th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:03 pm
Thank you very much Darren for this wonderful list. For starters like me, it’s a great thing that we can start from somewhere with this list. We have a better insight of what to expect, what is coming or may not come. We are very grateful for simply sharing.
God Bless!
Blogs Rules
April 9th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:12 am
Extremely informative and offering excellent advises for newie bloggers. I will remember by heart this points. It is really very useful and serve as a good guides for others.
April 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:46 am
Awesome tips and advice. It looks to me as if you have taken blogging on to the next level. I’m not saying there will ever be a church being built but you have the spirit behind it down to a tee.
April 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:21 pm
Thanks Darren, nice tips.
April 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:38 pm
Great topic for new bloggers like myself.
from usa
April 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:12 pm
Thanks for the tips Darren. I can definitely relate to a few of them and some I may need to implement…
Hope a bit of luck comes my way soon ;)
April 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:17 pm
Being yourself is the hardest part of blogging. I guess I need to sit down and think what my blog’s focus is in terms of the public image it gives out.
Thanks Darren.
April 24th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:04 pm
I was never a lucky guy.. but after reading this, maybe my luck will rise :) Great Blog!
April 28th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:09 am
If you have good luck, it would be easier, but you can still work at it.
May 7th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.4:19 pm
Very Insightful tips, very helpful. I think my blog could use a lot of these.
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (announcing the serie)
May 9th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:50 am
[…] Bloggers love lists, and post articles with lists frequently. I only just started being serious about monetizing blogs, so I don’t think I should try to come up with a list myself. I am going to write a serie of postings reflecting on Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging instead. […]
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (1)
May 10th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.4:58 am
[…] This is the first article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points on Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote yesterday, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (1)
May 11th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:48 am
[…] This is the second article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (3)
May 12th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:21 am
[…] This is the third article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
May 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.1:44 am
“Amazing.” - Me.
Darren really is a man who walks the talk! Point 5 says “Provide Value”, and this is exactly what he did by writing those 18 gems. Good job Darren. More of this please! :-)
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (4)
May 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.4:34 am
[…] This is the fourth article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
May 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:38 am
I read your blog every other day or so. You have alot of useful tips. You deserve everything that you have. It seems that you worked very hard for what you have. I read your blog because it is very informative. I try to usher in your advice in my own blog. But I guess all I can do is try. Maybe one day I will have your success.
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (5)
May 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:18 am
[…] This is the fifth article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Jelmer de Jong » Blog Archive » Corporate Blogging
May 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:23 am
[…] - 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging: Blog Tips at enternetusers. https://enternetusers.net/archives/2005/12/20/18-lessons-ive-learnt-as-a-blogger/ […]
jude calvert-toulmin
May 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:25 pm
hi darren, ive just goombled across your blog (i just made that up, its stumbling across whilst googling LOL!) and your lesson list is fantastic! ive only been blogging for 10 days but the bits i hadnt already taken on board (the 16 hour day life falling apart bit, mainly ;) ) i will certainly be stapling to my cerebral cortex.
i will also recommend your blog to people and put a link to you in my blog.
thanks so much for taking the time to advise others; im a great believer in sharing knowledge, and serendipity (another word for goombling. kind of).
keep up the good work!
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (6)
May 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:02 am
[…] This is the sixth article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (7)
May 18th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:03 am
[…] This is the seventh article in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Blog for Money » 18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (8)
May 19th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.8:31 am
[…] This is article 8 in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series. […]
Gerald A. Carroll
May 24th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.4:37 pm
Man, you are to be commended for surrendering what look like coveted trade secrets. But in this world, the world of blogging, the more the merrier. Bloggers jumping into the mix tend to concentrate the talent rather than dilute it; I have learned so much about everything just reading other blogs such as yours. Please keep me on your hot list and I will certainly b e keeping up with you. Best regards/Radicalpatriot
June 3rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:09 pm
Looks like your page was heavily hit by spam…
June 7th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:31 pm
Thanks for telling us those..We learn it the easy way..!
links for 2006-06-13
June 13th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:07 pm
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging: enternetusers Blog Tips (tags: adsense advertising blog seo enternetusers) […]
Blog for Money
July 2nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:19 am
18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (9)…
This is article 9 in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series.
Blog for Money
July 6th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:35 am
18 lessons I may have learnt about Blogging (10)…
This is article 10 in a series of 19 in which I reflect on the 18 points from Darren Rowse’s article 18 lessons I’ve learnt about Blogging. If you missed the announcement I wrote earlier, you may want to read it to get my idea behind this series.
July 9th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.11:27 pm
I very recently came to realise your rule 17 (Be yourself), all on my lonesome, and for different reasons. Mine was basically that, particularly for people who already have a real world practice/business, one of the things that differentiates you from others, apart from your price/services etc is your personality and how you communicate. I’m not your typical nerdy IT type, and I’m not your suited up business type either. I’m pretty down to earth and easy to relate to and am honest with the customer - if I don’t know or can’t do something, I say so. All my best dealings came from people I liked and respected and who presumably liked and respected me. We felt comfortable around each other and there was plenty of joking around too. So now when I blog, I think of actual people I know (currrent or previous customers that I had good dealings with) and try to write the way I’d talk to them.
A lot of people put the cart before the horse, thinking “what group of people have plenty of money to give me?”, and then asking “how would they want/expect me to write?”, and then try to do that. This is instead of saying, “what do I know?”, “what am I interested in?”, and with appropriate marketing and referrals etc, letting the niche find you.
SUMMARY: The cheapest, quickest and easiest Unique Selling Proposition is YOU.
Harris Campbell Pty Ltd » Blog Archive » More on being true to yourself
July 9th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.11:37 pm
[…] I was over at enternetusers looking for information about blogging tools when I came across 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt About Blogging. Lesson number 17 was: Be yourself. […]
July 10th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.1:51 am
Well, I totally agree with your number 5 rule which is about value. I sincerely believe that as long as you provide good and valuable information to your visitor, they will surely come back for more.
enternetusers……keeping bloggers in sync » 1stwriting Weblog
July 22nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:11 am
[…] Darren Rowse who is the man behind enternetusers, offers up his own lessons learned in almost every article posted. For example, he recieved 134 responses to the article he wrote called “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging“. 134 responses?! I usually call it a successful day if I get one. […]
July 31st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:21 pm
As a newbie, i am struck with ur experience, thanks for the info, I just take the printout of the 18 points and going to read each and every point… once again thanks.. :-)
August 2nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:14 am
I just started blogging this year for fun and to share my experiences with social anxiety. Recently, I’ve been considering getting a little more serious about it and in my search for more info came across your wonderfully helpful blog. Thanks so much for sharing your secrets to success as well as helping others avoid some of the pitfalls.
Can you recommend a web site that explains the technical side of blog formatting and design?
August 4th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:50 pm
I have been blogging for nearly two years ago on what started out as a way to keep in contact with family while travelling.
I came accross your site from Loobylu.com and have been reading as many articles as possible. I’m particularly struck by number 6 target a niche as I’ve been blogging about travelling and craft and just feeling uncomfortable about this mixture but not knowing if it was better to start a new craft site. With your advice I’m setting one up straight away. And I think I’ll feel very relieved too.
My question that I’m rambling towards is - I’m wondering if I can develop this blog into a money making venture and do you think there are niches where it is “taboo” to have a commercial site? none of the other craft blogs I read seem to have pursued this angle.
August 5th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:43 pm
Thanks Darren for sharing a very insightful yet personal message on becoming a blogger. And yes making money out of it may be important to most of us, but it should not be the only reasons for blogging.
August 21st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:09 am
You are a guru of ad with sense! God bless you.
August 21st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:30 am
Thanks Darren! Appreciate your insight on bloggings. Blogging for me is a way to share my knowledge with others. I really liked your take on the power of exponential growth. Even with my blog, I have tried to post atleat five times a week and now feel that posting regularly makes a lot of difference.
August 29th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:51 pm
Excellent points for new bloggers.
I personally more into creating websites than blogs. Maybe I am not that good in writing.
Best wishes!!
P. Elliott
August 31st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:15 am
Thank you Darren,
Each night I have been attending enternetusers.net night school. Tonight was an excellent class. Great points! This site is full of The Good Stuff, so many are not. I am once again a step closer to that glorious day when I actually start my blog.
September 26th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.5:41 am
Article was very useful and I got to learn alot as a new blogger.
Vern How
October 1st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:53 am
Hi Darren!
Just thought I’d drop a comment on your blog post on this topic and I’m in agreement to your point #2 especially.
Hard Work does pays and thats one of the most misunderstood principles of all.
I saw the guy sleeping on his desk and it just cracks me off.. LOL!
So, here’s to new bloggers to actually get started the right way :
1. Know your post before you post
2. Discipline and commitment goes hand in hand. Make it a point!
3. Get sufficient rest.. always.
4. Don’t neglect your family and your relationships.
5. Exercise regularly to stay fresh and healthy!
Cheers !
PS : If you’re not too busy sometime.. do drop a comment on my blog too! ;)
Alfred Reinold Baudisch
October 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:06 am
WOW! This list is fantastic. Even the topics being very well know, it is always good to read again, with another point of vision.
October 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.8:16 am
This list helps on focusing on the goal. Thanks!
October 18th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:28 am
A very long lesson but very educational. I like your lesson #2 Work Hard the most. You should also mention the word Work Smart as well you know.
Building your blog « New Media in Journalism
October 22nd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:34 pm
[…] Further noodling around led me to this 2005 enternetusers post on 18 Lessons I’ve Learned About Blogging and to another on using Google Adsense on your blog. Some good stuff. […]
Cibercultura - Inicio « Cibercultura
October 23rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:33 pm
[…] Antes de tomar la decisión de iniciar este blog, leí varios artículos buscando orientación sobre cómo canalizar esta inquietud. Uno de esos artículos es de un blogger australiano, Kevin titulado “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging” (18 lecciones que he aprendido sobre blogging) el cual me resultó particularmente útil para aclarar mis ideas, para identificar los errores cometidos en anteriores experiencias y para emprender esta actividad desde una nueva perspectiva. A modo de agradecimiento y porque puede ser de utilidad a otras personas es que lo menciono en este post. […]
Postmodern Sass
October 24th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:50 am
Brilliant advice — but even better photographs! :-)
sonitus.org » Blog Archive » Popular Blog Posts
November 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.9:58 am
[…] >> 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging […]
November 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.10:52 pm
Sound advice, your website is one of the reasons I decided to write my own blog.
Thanks for sharing.
fd Blog » Was enternetusers gelernt hat
November 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:22 am
[…] Ein Artikel von 20.12.05 mit den Erfahrungen von Darren Rowse, einem Vollzeitblogger. Ideal für den Einstieg in die Thematik des Bloggen. Seine Webseite ist sehr zu empfehlen. […]
del.icio.us wrapup « shizaam
November 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:52 am
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging […]
Valeria Maltoni
November 19th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.7:23 am
Hello Darren:
I’ve been one of the lurkers for a while via Stephanie Quilao’s Back in Skinny Jeans. Congratulations! 3 years in blog time is a long time. And thank you for providing useful links and tips. My blog is a tactic that fits with the integrated marketing communications strategy I adopted to learn exponentially and evolve my career. I’m not looking to make money from it directly. Still, your advice applies:
1. Be Lucky — ever read Fooled by Randomness? That’s what this point is about. All things being equal, right time and right place play a decisive role in making it.
2. Work Hard — I sometimes joke that nothing ever comes easy to me as I seem to prefer hard work. The truth is that practice, attention to detail (attention in general), and discipline (very much a choice) have their own rewards.
3. Use the Power of Exponential Growth — this is the ‘be patient’ point. Evolution is often gradual and overnight success is a certain length of time in the making (built into this point are making mistakes and learning from them).
4. Differentiate Yourself — the truth is a blog is a medium, even when it’s a business. What comes out is pretty much you. What’s your voice?
5. Provide Value — How can you add to the conversation? Do you abide by the ethical standards of filtering the information you pass on? Are you a good host?
6. Target a Niche — this can be also a very specific space in the professional continuum. A lens, a filter, a unique perspective. For example, I blog about different places in which the conversation takes people (content creators, product/service producers and publics) to the next level. While the topics are different, the space is always the same — the point of interaction, the connection of ideas and people with resulting transformation. My tagline is: connecting ideas and people, how talk can change our lives.
7. Diversify — absolutely. Also, because we are human and have many ways of expressing our skills, talents and experience, not one single medium will satisfy all of them. Also, you may want to continue exploring other dimensions of work beyond the screen interface.
8. Don’t spread yourself too thin — along with your cannot be all things to all people (voice and personality are a must), you cannot be effective if you’re constantly chasing too many projects. Know thyself and respect your own rhythms first.
9. Have a back up plan — this is good to have in life and certainly applies to blogging. it does not mean you’re not focused. It means you need to stay flexible and adapt to the marketplace while you remain resilient and committed to your value proposition. It may end up looking very different than what you envisioned and still match your vision.
10. Be Light on your Feet — I think this also means to stay open to opportunities and in listening mode. Sometimes the best advice comes from the most likely source.
11. Relationships are Key — as your blog mirrors pretty much who you are, others do too. The blogosphere is a relational space that takes advantage of the linked nature of the web, which is modeled after our brain patterns. In relationships it is important to give, and blogging allows you to do so more than static web sites.
12. Establish Boundaries — this is part of your own contract with yourself as well. What kind of strategy does your blog fulfill?
13. Dont’ Read your Own Press — and don’t take yourself too seriously or you’ll lose sight of opportunities to learn and grow.
14. Beware of Hype — blame no one. expect nothing. do something.
15. Get a Life — before you can tell stories, it is much better is you actually experience them. What is unique about you will need to be nurtured often.
16. Make Mistakes — in fact, it is better to risk something often than playing it safe all the time. When I look back at my career, I realize that the most productive times where actually the ones where I was improving on something. Kind of Me 2.0.
17. Be Yourself — transparency is the key to intimacy and the blog is a one-to-one medium. It is much better to be an interested version of yourself than a perfect copy of someone else. Yes, I wrote interested as it beats trying to be interesting in spades. It’s about the conversation with your audience.
18. There are no Rules — true, we all make it up as we go along. As long as it fits with our overall strategy and reflects who we are. All the existing rules are history, they were created to make sense of and put order to a reality that is part of our past. Blogging is such a fluid activity, because it involves thought and language — they both evolve, ask our forefathers.
It has been fun spending time here. Thank you for asking.
18 Lessons in Blogging - Part II
November 19th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.1:32 pm
[…] Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
Darren Rowse
November 21st, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.2:04 pm
Nice comment Valeria
Blogging about Blogging - My Top 5 Reads at Content Quake
November 23rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:15 am
[…] 1. Pro Blogger - Darren is the king of blogging. Thats right, Im proclaiming him king of the blogosphere. Ive gotten so much motivation and ideas from the posts on enternetusers that have led to a wealth of knowledge. Darren seems to write in a very personal and straightforward way which draws the reader into his comfortable space. His post, “18 Lessons Ive Learnt As a Blogger” is a must read for all bloggers. […]
Weekly Weblog » Do Your Post Popular Enough?
November 26th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:28 pm
[…] Let’s see the post from Darren Rowse, the owner of enternetusers. Even he got shocked how his writing about blogging experience attracts a lot of social bookmarking, linkback, and feedback as a response. But actually he doesn’t mean to write something intended to be famous. Or see confession from Dave Winner, the owner of Scripting. He said, the highest traffic successfuly reached from 9/11 tragedy, where the blog was serving as a distribution point for information about the disaster, so it has been a reference for journalists, other bloggers, families, etc. […]
Rules Of Blogging - Rugjeff’s Blog
December 6th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.3:15 am
[…] I came across a post titled “18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging” last night and I have to say it is awesome. I highly recommend reading it, more than once if possible. […]
December 8th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:28 pm
thank you so much for this timely reminder. I very much appreciate your advice and insight.
Best wishes [a newbie]
Dating Goddess
December 20th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.12:18 pm
You post a comprehensive list. While I’ve only been blogging 7 months (Adventures in Dating After 40, http://www.DatingGoddess.com), my blogging has been a fantastic way to write my next book. I started it with that in mind, and have been thrilled at the process, the comments, the community and the result. The manuscript (180 of my blog entries) is in my literary agent’s awaiting him to pitch numerous publishers.
I’ve learned many things along the way, but do love this medium. It is much better than writing in a vacuum, which is how my other 8 books have been written.
Dave Conrey
December 23rd, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:56 pm
These are all really good points and thankfully I’ve heard the same from a few others before I got started, so I’m doing alright for a beginner, but #17 really resonated with me. I was reading a few other blogs (dooce.com and defectiveyeti.com) and wished I could write with as much wit as they do but knowing that it wasn’t going to be very authentic. My wife read a couple of my posts recently and I asked her what she thought. She said, “you write like you speak”. At first I questioned her meaning, but I quickly realized that she was paying me a very big compliment.
December 30th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.6:20 am
I just read this post and it’s one of the few that really defines blogging by telling it like it is. A lot of experience for a newbie to learn and live by. Thank you.
Michael (( QUESTION of the DAY ))
January 1st, 2007 1:44 am
I can proudly say that I AM seeing slight increases in reader traffic
and small growth in advertising areas already ! : )
I am not only hoping but working VERY HARD to continue with my goals
this coming new year ( 2007! )
I’ve only recently started blogging and have learned so much from this site
and hope to be here next year and report that I’ve reached new goals : )
Thanks guys & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 to all of you !!!
Michael From The Future !
January 2nd, 2007 4:32 am
Thanks. You know how to inspire people quite well.
Fremtidens Relationer » Blog Archive » I 2007…
January 2nd, 2007 8:46 pm
[…] vil det tage 10-20 dage mindre at sælge dit hus end det gjorde i 2006, kommer der større efterspørgsel på chips til mobiler og forbrugerelektronik, vil 187 millioner kinesere flyve, vil danske aktier fortsætte sejrskursen, vil renten falde, får Danmark (endnu) større mangel på ingeniører, vil Irak hævne sig politisk, blogger flere - og færre taler om det, vil man på Syddansk Universitet kunne tage uddannelsen Sport Management, vil vi se mere sport i tv, vil DR1 sende 48 tvsøndagsgudstjenester, begynder vi at købe asiatiske mobiltelefoner, bliver mobiltelefoner det store mål for virusangreb, bruger vi Windows Vista, bliver Bulgarien og Rumænien EUropæiske, boomer alle slags teknologier. Tag en dyb indånding… […]
Tingting Rimart
January 3rd, 2007 10:11 pm
thank you. i have learn a lot from this post…and your blog.
Siddharth Thakkar
January 14th, 2007 9:41 am
Hey Darren,
I read this post about three months ago and was captivated by your ability to learn and present your learnings in such a wise manner. After visiting enternetusers, I was inspired to blog to earn money. Although, I had decided to not comment on this wonderful post then. I have now started my first meaningful blog thanks to *all* your advice and writings.
Out of all the learnings, I believe that #5 is extremely essential amongst all the other ones.
While going through the blogosphere, I notice many blogs with decent amount of traffic (based on the number of comments per post), to only replicate content and provide links to other posts. This is the case with many SEO/Marketing/How to/Self-help blogs. Gadget/Tech blogs merely repeat product launches and reviews. Hence, most bloggers are not ’standing out from the crowd’ as they are only replicating content and NOT ‘adding’ value to the reader.
Afterall, a successful blog is the one that has satisfied readers and a buzzing community that feels proud to be a part of that community.
Once again, thanks Darren for inspiring me to get into blogging.
Gallo Pinto Blog por Sergio vargas
January 17th, 2007 11:24 am
How (damm) difficult is to write about positiveness. I struggle every day considering how the bad things flood…
This post make my day. Thanks
January 24th, 2007 5:31 am
I have just recently gotten into enternetusers and am already enjoying the helpful advice and tips. I believe that the best rewards are the ones that are not sought out directly but happen because of good foresight and desire. Great blog!
Lynda Walldez
January 29th, 2007 9:09 pm
This was a great read for me. Quite informative.
The greatest lesson I learned about blogging is how to avoid libel. When I first began blogging I honestly thought there was no limitations on it. I did not get sued or anything, but I read about examples of others getting taken to court for libel because of their blogs.
My first blog contained a lot of information that I could have been sued over for dafamation of character, and thankfully because I knew the people personally, they were gracious enough to not take me to court.
Now I blog a lot more responsibly. And thanks to this post, I have reason to apply even more responsibility in my blogging. Thanks Darren! ^_~
Deloweb » Do research on the Deloweb.com blog
January 31st, 2007 7:31 pm
[…] https://enternetusers.net/archives/2005/12/20/18-lessons-ive-learnt-as-a-blogger/ […]
Lorne Fade
February 4th, 2007 7:30 am
A definitive guide in which i seemed to learn a years worth of information in one post.. this is precisely what the blogosphere needs, quality content is key, and you nailed it right on with this one Darren. A great read from start to finish!
Shahidul Imon
February 13th, 2007 12:36 pm
Very..very usefull thoughts. Really appreciate how clear and coincise you can be. No wonder you are at the top mate!! keep it, so we can learn a bit more everyday. Cheers
Brumedia.com | Brunei Blogs, Brunei Forums, Brunei Classifieds, News, Brunei Community and a lot more.. » Blog Archive » 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging - Darren Rowse
February 23rd, 2007 1:08 pm
[…] An interesting Article about Blogging by Kevin - Originally posted in his website - enternetusers […]
February 24th, 2007 3:09 pm
Wow, had I known I could’ve been making cash money from my blog vs. just blogging along aimlessly on Xanga a few years I would have!! :) Wonderful information here. Many of these lessons hold true for other types of small businesses as well.
Mindtracks » Course Links week 3 and 4
March 12th, 2007 6:02 am
[…] Blogs and blogging 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging by Kevin […]
March 15th, 2007 3:40 am
Foodblogging - Do’s and Don’ts…
With two years of food blogging experience on our backs today, we felt it was time for a little reflection, a compilation of the most important do’s and don’ts of foodblogging. Some are obvious and relate to blogging in general, others may …
6 Lessons I Have Learned from Kevin at Personal Development with The Positivity Blog
April 3rd, 2007 6:59 am
[…] - 18 lessons I have learned about blogging […]
Michael Locker
April 8th, 2007 2:13 am
Great lessons and advice.
Michael Locker MD
Jackie Cameron
April 9th, 2007 8:26 pm
Hi Darren
Loved this article…loads for me to think about! I would print out the tips - but I want to run an environmentally friendly business - so I will be back.
April 10th, 2007 3:23 am
Thanks Darren, i’m very new to all this and am running a blog tracking my journey. I will certainly be coming back here for help and advice over and over again.
I’d Rather Be Writing » Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog — Condensed from Dozens of Bloggers’ Experiences
April 10th, 2007 10:12 am
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learned About Blogging, by Kevin […]
April 13th, 2007 11:46 pm
I have visited this blog many times but this is the first time I am actually taking the time to leave a comment.
Your blog has a lot of good information about different aspects of blogging. However, I think, you stop short of giving the golden key to success. I must admit, it must have been hard to start this blog and write the different section s which have to do with making money. I think very few people share how they make money and create people who can at some point compete with them.
Overall, I think, you have done a fabulous job and the tips you have given go a long way.
Best Wishes,
April 18th, 2007 7:19 am
Some excellent advice there, hopefully it will help me find my footing as someone who is new to blogging.
Paul Johnston
April 22nd, 2007 6:40 pm
Just a note to say how impressed I am with your site/ work. As a ‘newbie’ to teh Blogging phenomenon, your story - Luck, Diligence, Value, Differentiation etc was extremely interesting, and touches on a really significant perspective regarding how business ’success’ is actually achived
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Organisation and Management at Sheffield Hallam University (Strategy and Marketing subject group) in the UK and have just began exploring the Blogoshphere. I have had my eyes totally opened to a profound change that has been taking place ‘behind the scenes’ into the nature ‘user/provider/revenue model’ relationships.
The ‘lessons’ you provide touch a key area of interest I am researching as they show how traditional MBA -seque ‘cookie cutter’ business methodologies are are only a small part of business succes. (originally from games and gambling business I know this only too well!) Are you familiar with Ken Wilber? you might like to check his thinking out as the ‘blend’ of subjective and objective’ and art/ science.
I’m definitely going to point students to your site as a Premium Exemplar, and if I can evolve my Blogs to anyway near yours I’ll be delighted. Key concern for me at the moment is lack of technical know how to improve look and feel of Blog beyond standard templates, and ‘bug hunting’ when alternative to Blogger templates are copied :(
Knock Out!!
best regards
April 24th, 2007 3:52 am
Thanks lot for sharing your experience during your blogger life.
this want i wanted for a long time advice from a experienced guy like you
thanks a lot.
April 26th, 2007 2:38 am
Wow!! I am just getting started and didn’t know where to look for basics. This post have precisely what I was looking for and of immense help. Many thanks.
I Want to be Successful » Archive » Some helpful artivles from enternetusers.net
April 27th, 2007 1:42 am
[…] some stuff on enternetusers made me feel better. That guy took 18 months before he made any money. https://enternetusers.net/archives/2005/12/20/18-lessons-ive-learnt-as-a-blogger/ His earnings […]
May 1st, 2007 6:39 am
A huge wow Darren…
Firstly I am surprised that how come I did not come across this article earlier. I mean, I have subscribed to enternetusers for few months now. But, after reading the date on the first comment (Dec 20 2005) and last comment (April 27 2007), I was all the more amazed- for last 1.5 years this post has helped such a lot of people. You amaze me Darren…
I am on the verge of starting a new niche Blog, and I am so glad that I found this- This is going to be my reference point :)
Writing FAST: How to Write Anything with Lightning Speed
May 7th, 2007 8:59 pm
Your site is an inspiration… I’ve been writing FAST for a long time now, and never gave blogging much thought… your site has really opened my eyes, and I thank you…
How Not to become a Grumpy Old Blogger
May 16th, 2007 12:03 am
[…] Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
May 17th, 2007 6:33 pm
I’m someone who has more blogs than I can remember but never really got them off the ground. I am promising myself that this time I will. All the advice you provide on this site is great and is really helping a newbie blogger like me see how I need structure my blog and its content if it is to become as successful as I want it to be.
Thanks Darren
Jalpesh vadgama
May 18th, 2007 3:53 pm
Hi this is jalpesh I am a blogger since last two years. It is a very good article. I am tehcnology blogger so i have never considered this things in my blogs but now i have considered the things reading your article.
How to write an out of the box technical article part 2
May 20th, 2007 6:57 pm
[…] skipped some points ( they thought it was boring) they might read it again.Darren wrote a post on 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging dont skip it. He has written some amazing points that can work for any blogging […]
May 23rd, 2007 10:37 am
You have given such a Great great post about blogging!
It is truely a great, value added post
I blog about Law of Attraction at www.secretofunlimitedprosperity.com
One point I like to add is when adding value to our readers who read our blog, I also bring in personal experiences which have proved that it work for me. I want to make sure the success tips on Law of Attraction that I provide to my readers are based on tested grounds.
Another point I like to add is you can improved your “Luck” by applying the Law of Attraction. Positive thinking, visualizing positive image will help to tell the universe this is what you are looking for. Things will start appearing in your life. Some people think it is pure luck but it is really Law of Attraction working in their lives.
Bob Proctor has a good report on Law of Attraction , which is free
and you can check it out about his tips at my blog.
Cheers, Karen
May 25th, 2007 3:34 pm
Definitely helpful!
When I get really frustrated with blogging or sometimes don’t get success then I really do one thing and that is “Now read Darren’s blog”
So that I again get the energy to do the new things..
Yea its really amazing!
Determination & The Power of Exponential Growth « On Web Startups
May 29th, 2007 1:46 pm
[…] Posted May 28, 2007 The following is a very interesting concept I found on enternetusers.Net a great blog about blogging. While the author mentions this concept in relation to blogging I think […]
May 31st, 2007 3:05 am
Great site. I just started blogging on several different corporate sites a few months ago and I found your site vey helpful. Fell across it with some reserach I’m doing for ‘how to get dugg on the front page.” It was very helpful. Thanks.
Blogging Tips from the Top 3 Blogs about blogging
June 4th, 2007 2:35 pm
[…] enternetusers 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt about Blogging […]
June 8th, 2007 12:41 am
After reading this post (as well as a couple of others on your site) I felt compelled to comment. I actually found your site by way of a book called The Rough Guide to Blogging where your site is mentioned at the back.
I have had a journal for some time, well, I had a journal for some time, having recently deleted a live journal account I had since 2002, but I have only had a Wordpress account (hosted at Wordpress) since February and have generally blogged about me, my day, my fears, thing happening around me etc.
I have yet to read your blog in-depth (or indeed find the other 20 or so you mention) but I have to say that your ideas interest me.
I have never really thought about making money from a blog. I always thought that I blog was like an online diary, a glimpse into someone else’s life so to speak rather than a tool to make money or even increase readership. But everything I have read seems to me that your blogs are different.
As I say I only managed to read a couple of pages of your site, but I will read more when I get a chance. But I am glad I found your blog.
Eva Nash
June 8th, 2007 7:31 am
June 7, 2007 I have spent a lot of time with you today and this post was also helpful. Thought Provoking, that is what I want to say… I am new to this but I want to try it so I will go full steam while I am here. I have really learned a lot today and will be digesting all of it.
I don’t think it is easy I think it is inspiring to “Share” yourself with interested readers and for sure your blog is a wikipedia explanation of
content. I congratulate you and appreciate all that you have delivered to me today as I approached your site like a classroom. I wish you continued success and I have joined your email list and will be reading all that you send. Signing off Eva Nash Broker - Eva Nash Realty - Pompano Beach Florida. In reading about you I feel we have a great deal in common and I am very interested in your lessons. Thank You Very Much For Today. Wow 2 comments to one blog in one day that is amazing which of course makes you amazing content.
Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days « ProBloggR
June 10th, 2007 1:09 am
[…] Lessons I’ve Learnt […]
Blogunuz için 20 kullanılabilirlik tüyosu | Blog ve Wolkanca
June 12th, 2007 12:16 pm
[…] 18 Lessons I’ve Learned About Blogging, by Kevin […]
June 13th, 2007 12:57 am
Hey just got banned from Google adsense for no reason other than increased income and increased visits from all over the world and they blame it as invalid click /page impression when i have proof of visits from differnet host servers.Too much of hard work has really disappointed me. How to avoid fraud clicks ? should i write dont click ads ? Which is a better source of revenue that wont ban for fraud clicks and stuff.Thanks.
June 20th, 2007 12:45 pm
Your page has helped me alot with setting up my first blog. Thanks heaps and please come and visit me when you have a minute: http://ke-mp.com
Please keep on going writing helpful posts. Greetings from the land of orks.
Bloggingwithoutablog.com » Blog Archive » Learn Blogging From The Best
June 26th, 2007 8:38 am
[…] few days ago I found an old article of his 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt As A Blogger. This article was written in 2005, however, it has stood the test of time, and his 18 lessons still […]
Blog opinion
July 9th, 2007 2:55 pm
I start blogging in surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.. Its really needs very hard work to get success in blogging line. You needs to get new stuff for your reader and be updated. I am student. I study and do blogging what I learn on internet. My friend enternetusers told me to blog on your subject. It will be more useful to double your profits. If you are working some where you learn more about your specific industry. Blogging on a specific topic is more useful. :)
July 13th, 2007 11:51 am
thanx a lot buddy for this useful piece of information. i really enjoyed it n hope tat it works for me. well, i m not a blogger yet but now i will love to try my hands in this field.
10 Articles That Changed My LifeLifeReboot.com
July 18th, 2007 2:31 am
[…] #7 - Darren Rowse’s 18 Lessons I’ve Learnt About Blogging […]
July 18th, 2007 4:10 pm
These are all words to live by, or at least to blog by. Every day there are new innovations online and new criticisms of blogging form, technique and even etiquette. If those that are using their blog to market themselves merely kept your 18 lessons in mind, they would enjoy much greater success.
July 19th, 2007 8:08 am
Thank you so much for your insights. You’re so a fresh breath of air amid all the hoopla surrounding blogs. As I embark on my blog adventures, I will closely follow your recommendations.
July 19th, 2007 9:30 pm
Hello Darren,
A few days ago I discovered your blog through a friend of mine. I started a blog of my own two years ago but after a few months I quit. This year I continued the same blog but last week I quit again. During this ‘rebirth’ I was constantly thinking what went wrong with my first blog and why I wasn’t very happy re-opening the blog again. The problem was that I started that blog without thinking, without considering the pro and contra’s. So last week I finally (?) started a new blog which I’m happy about, it feels good. And today I stumbled upon this article and have to admit that after reading those 18 reasons it all sounded very familiar… Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!
Sam Edwards
July 21st, 2007 3:40 pm
Hi Darren,
These 18 lessons were quite insightful. I have been blogging since 2005 primarily for my clients. Generally to create a buzz of their products & services. Now I’m looking to blog to learn new stuff & see how I can promote my website http://www.shoppingalore.com
I’m just starting out as an entrepreneur & would like to make my business successful. I like your point on have a back up plan. At times I don’t seem to have the time to promote my site or blog - http://blog.shoppingalore.com & I feel I should spend all my time on this. But job is what pays the bills; I just need to be more organized. Besides with my full time job in internet marketing, I provide various solutions in the online industry & each client is unique so I learn a lot.
Thanks very much.
Happy Blogging :)
July 23rd, 2007 10:43 pm
Excellent ideas and advice. I just started blogging and I realized that it’s not that easy as I thought :D.. still I like it and would like dedicate more time to this. I agree with everything you say and I also think we shouldn’t have such big expectations from the start. We all think about the good results, but sometimes forget that in order to get there we need to work A LOT. I will come check the blog more often. It’s one of the few quality ones I read and I don’t put in here the other high traffic ones, so many are too arid and uninteresting. Keep up the good work. It’s worth it ;)
July 26th, 2007 9:45 am
I’m glad I found this site. Your 18 lessons are great advise. As a new blogger, I know that I can have a successful blog if I learn from your lessons. Thanks.
July 26th, 2007 1:29 pm
Fantastic post. It really gets to the point about giving to receive in the blogosphere.
This post is going to stay relevant for some time and keep bringing back viewers, that will sometimes convert to subscribers.
July 27th, 2007 5:17 am
Like the way this article is composed.
Brent Crouch
July 28th, 2007 2:17 pm
Great blog. I’m learning a lot. Thanks for sharing.
August 3rd, 2007 2:39 am
Extremely useful posts , i am sure anybody seriously implementing your inputs will earn from their blogs.
Many thanks and looking forward to see more such educative stuff from you soon.
August 10th, 2007 12:25 am
Pretty good article considering it is two and a half years old. Sign of good thinking if it can last that long in a quickly moving environment.
Of course, it is actually excellent business sense all round which is why it has not ‘aged’.
September 1st, 2007 4:40 am
Thank you for sharing the wisdom in such an eye pleasing way!
September 4th, 2007 10:36 pm
I have been blogging for almost a year - http:media.herald-dispatch.com/blog/blenko/ for a local newspaper about BLENKO GLASS without guidelines. Your post was most helpful. Wish I had ask and looked for help earlier.
Thank you for being available, and for the other sources of information.
Joe Testosterone
September 14th, 2007 12:27 am
How long do you feel blog posts should be to be effective. Personally I drop off after about 2 minutes (500-800 words or so). I wonder if others feel the same?
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