Written on August 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 05:08 am by Darren Rowse

Speedlinking - 17 August 2006

Pro Blogging News 7 comments


Written on August 17th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 12:08 am by Darren Rowse

The Problem of Dates on Blogs

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 33 comments

Lately I’ve been pondering a the issue of dates on blogs.

While I see the usefulness of dates on posts (they help give context to a post) I wonder if they sometimes do more harm than good.

A Confession

The reason I say this is that I’ve come to realize that I’m something of a ‘date snob’ when it comes to reading other people’s blogs. I suspect I’m not alone because the world we live in (and particularly the medium we’re writing in) is quite obsessed with ‘freshness’.

If I’m searching Google on a topic and come across a post that someone’s written on their blog I tend to look at when it was written. If the date is some months (or years) back I tend to rate it as less relevant as a post that might have been written in the past week or two - I don’t do it consciously but have caught myself doing it.

When I think logically about this I don’t see the sense in it because I know on one level that a lot of my own older content is still highly relevant - but for some reason I’ve come to see fresh content as equalling better content (sad I know). The result is that I’m probably less likely to read old posts thoroughly less likely to link to them (for some stupid fear of seeming to be out of date).

Am I alone as a date snob?

I suspect I’m not.


I’m not sure what the solution for this is - however have experimented with a couple of ideas including decreasing the visibility of dates on posts (I used to have my dates hidden away at the bottom of posts here at enternetusers) and even taking dates off posts altogether (something I’ve done from the start at my latest blog).

This latest experiment with leaving dates off posts altogether has actually worked out quite well for me at DPS. I’ve noticed that a lot more of my older posts consistently are getting linked to by other blogs over time. I suspect it works well there mainly because that site is very much focused upon ‘how to’ or ‘tips’ type posts which are not time specific. A news related blog would probably not be able to get away with it as their posts need to be put into the context of time.

Of course I’ve heard a few other bloggers say that not having dates on my site means it’s not a blog - but I that’s another debate….

Questions for Discussion

I don’t have the answer to this ‘problem’ yet but thought I’d put it out there and see what others think.

Are we too obsessed with freshness as bloggers? Are you a date snob too? Have you tried any ways to combat this problem? Is a blog without dates not a blog?

Written on August 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 10:08 pm by Darren Rowse

5 Reasons Why I am loving this week’s ‘Lists’ Group Writing Project - Reader Submissions Round 2

Pro Blogging News 27 comments

200608141910-1This week’s ‘Lists’ Group Writing Project is going off - below is another 86 submissions (bringing us to a total of 151 so far (with a couple of days to go). Here’s 5 reasons why I’m enjoying it so much:

  1. The variety of lists is amazing (where else would you see a list of Chuck Norris Facts sandwiched between a list on saving money by helping the environment and a list on how to manage time by mastering conversation stoppers?!?)
  2. The diversity of bloggers participating is wonderful (bloggers of all types, locations, both genders, different topics etc)
  3. Bloggers are Reporting big traffic (a number of bloggers have had their lists on the front page of delicious, digg, reddit and other major blogs)
  4. People are linking up (I’m seeing lots of interlinking as bloggers find other bloggers that they’d not seen before)
  5. I just love lists (there are some great reads in the list of submissions and I’m having a ball reading them all)

Each blogger who has submitted a post is in the running for one of five great prizes from Blake Schwendiman, The Umdum.com Web Directory, URLTrends, The Gold Pages Directory and Earners Forum (see below for full details of each of the five prizes).

Here are today’s 86 Submissions (the complete list of all submissions are being added here):

Five of this week’s participants will randomly be selected to win a prize from the following list:

  • Stanton Termite Control
  • The Umdum.com Web Directory have donated a Sinic Eye and Brain Massager (just what every enternetusers needs). They’ve also kindly offered every participant in this week’s group writing project a free listing in their directory. Thanks to Loren Baker for this donation.
  • Blake Schwendiman has donated a $100 gift voucher from Amazon to be used in any way that they see fit. Thanks Blake!
  • The Gold Pages Directory has donated $500 in digital cash that can be spent on products and services or withdrawn to a prepaid ATM card and used as cash. The Gold Pages Directoryis the largest online currency/digital gold directory on the web and is now three years old. Thanks to Mark Herpel for this donation.
  • URLTrends have kindly donated a Premium upgraded account worth $90 that will help them track their search engine ranking over time. Thanks to Joel Strellner for this donation.
  • Earners Forum have kindly donated a new Dell PC and LCD monitor - to the value of $500. Earners Forum is a great place for discussions around all kinds of topics of earning money online. Thanks to Lee Dodd for this donation.

There’s still time to participate - to do so simply follow the instructions on our ‘Lists’ Group Writing Project central page

Written on August 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 12:08 pm by Darren Rowse

AdSense Allow Search Results to Be Shown On Publisher’s Own Site

Adsense 15 comments

AdSense have now got an option with their Search feature to allow publishers to have search results shown on a page from their own site instead of them being taken offsite.

Full instruction son how to do it at - How do I implement Adsense for search results on my own page?

Written on August 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 09:08 am by Darren Rowse

Multilingual Blogging

Pro Blogging News 27 comments

Darren Barefoot has an interesting question that I’ve been hearing a number of bloggers asking recently. It centers around bilingual blogs. He’s working with a company that has a bilingual site (English and French I suppose as it’s Canadian). Darren writes:

“They want to launch a blog, but it’s something of a pilot project and they don’t have the resources to launch it in both languages. There’s not only the cost and pain of translating the entries, but the dodgier issue of translating (or not translating) user-generated comments as well.

How should they deal with this issue? Launch blogs in both languages which run independent of one another? Or compromise their bilingual site, launch in English and hope there’s not a French-Canadian backlash? ”

Head over and give Darren your insight if you have any.

It’s a question that I’ve heard asked in numerous ways and from numerous bloggers recently. Blogging is a multi-lingual medium yet unless you either employ a translator/s or rely on a dodgy automated translating tool it’s very difficult to reach more than one language group at a time.

I’ve been approached on numerous occasions by people wanting to translate my content into other languages on their own blogs and have often wished I could have sections for different languages with some of my best posts here at enternetusers. The only real way I could see this working would be on some type of revenue share basis where the translator took a share of whatever was earned from the content that they translated.

I know there are some bilingual bloggers out there (who are producing the same content in different languages) but from what I can tell it tends to either be a drawn out process, an expensive one or one with low quality results.

I’ve asked this before - but I’d be interested to see examples of blogs that are tackling the multilingual issue in creative ways.

Written on August 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 04:08 am by Darren Rowse

Interview with the $222,718.36 Man - Lee Dodd

Pro Blogger Interviews 30 comments

A couple of weeks ago I introduced readers to a new forum EarnersForum.com (a forum for people making money online). It’s headed up by a guy named Lee Dodd (who writes a blog called Forum Trends (sort of like enternetusers for Forum owners). Lee recently posted a screen capture of his latest payment from YPN for a whopping $222,718.36 (that’s for three months). Obviously he knows a thing or two about making money from forums (something that I’ve heard time and time again is difficult).

I’m often asked about using forums alongside blogs and as I’ve never run one I thought Lee would be a good candidate to interview. I hope you find his answers to my questions helpful..

Darren - Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed Lee. For those enternetusers readers who are unfamiliar with you could you gives us a brief introduction to who you are and what you do?

Lee - My name is Lee Dodd and I am live / work just outside of Dallas, TX. I have been in business online since the summer of 2000. I am 27 years old, married for almost 10 years, and the father of two beautiful girls (ages 4 and 6).

Darren - How did you get into making a living online?

Lee - It all began in 2000 when I got started with my telecom business. I decided to build my first website to use it as a lead gen source. I soon expanded to have a total of 3 sites generating leads for my salesmen to work with on the telephone. After I sold that company in

2004 along with another offline business in later that year, I began to dive more heavily in to content sites and forum building.

Darren - You seem to focus most of your energies on forums - why is that? What are the forums that you work on (have worked on previously).

Lee - Ever since early 2002, I have been a proponent of online communities. At that point, I knew it was something powerful, but didn’t tap into that power until late 2004 / early 2005. I have owned and/or sold numerous forums like sprintusers.com, zeldauniverse.net, cruiselineforums.com, guitars101.com, adminfusion.com, and several others. My most recent forum start up is EarnersForum.com which in about a month and a half has grown to nearly 3,000 members and 40,000 posts.

Over the last couple of years I’ve heard a number of forum owners talk about how difficult they are to monetize. Do you know something others don’t? What is it?

The whole concept with onlin communities including forums and social networking sites is that traffic, specifically viral traffic, is the key to success. Statistically CTRs are CPM rates are lower, but I am definitely seeing an upward trend on the CPM as more and more large online advertisers are seeing a true benefit of buying ad space on these community sites.

Darren - I know of a number of enternetusers readers who are considering adding a forum to their blog. Do you think forums and blogs could work well side by side on the same domain? Have you seen any good examples?

Lee - I am not so sure this is the best idea. I considered with Forum Trends, but rather than go that route I ended up deciding to use the blog as a main source of cross-promotion with the forum. You can see how I do some of this to my forum for forum administrators, adminfusion.com. I know SERoundtable.com has a forum along side their blog, but the blog is definitely the main focus.

Darren - You have a blog at Forum Trends - why did you start it? What’s the strategy behind it? How’s it going?

Lee - I started it with the simple intention of giving back to the forum admin community. I had and still have no intentions of monetizing the blog, but did decide early on I would use it to promote some of my other related internet ventures. I believe that due to the success I have been blessed with, I should only help others to achieve some success on their part. We currently get between 1,000-1,500 unique visits daily. I have since started a podcast (we are in week 9 of the show), the Won Li Do Sho, which has also contributed to the success of the blog.

Darren - What mistakes do you commonly see forum owners making?

Lee - Primarily it has to do with planning and preparation. It appears that 99% of the new forums coming online are completely lacking in inspiration, originality, creativity, and planning.

Darren - What Forum Software do you recommend? Why?

I am an avid supporter of vBulletin software as I have used it successfully since 2004. I haven’t had security issues (which are common to other softwares), it is reasonably priced, and the support/modifications (free) are amazing.

Darren - What would be your main tips for first time forum owners?


1. Do your research before you decide on your niche.
2. Pick a specific niche, not a broad topic.
3. Be creative and use the power of viral marketing.
4. Be different or be better. Come at the online world with an angle you can sell.
5. Start off on the right foot. Get a custom design, solid forum software, and a team in place to aid you in your launch effort.
6. Contests, creative contests, really work.

Darren - sounds a lot like the advice I give about starting a new blog….

Darren - What are the best ways to monetize a forum?

Lee - I have the philosophy of having my eggs in numerous baskets. I don’t feel you can fully monetize a forum with less than 3-5 different sources of income. I am a big fan of contextual ads like Adsense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, but you need something more. So incorporate along side of your contextual ads some CPM ads, some affiliate programs, link sales, a premium membership program, email newsletter sponsorships, forum sponsorships, and so on. Use the fact that you can display certain ads to “guests” only to your advantage.

Darren - Tell us about EarnersForum.com - why did you start it? Who is it for? How’s it going? Why should enternetusers readers join? Is there a blogging section? (if not - why not?)

Lee - I started EarnersForum.com because it was something I wanted to participate in really. I wanted a place unlike most other webmaster forums that concentrated on helping folks to achieve their income goals and that reached out to a broader section of webmasters, etailers, bloggers, and so on.

I think it is going great, much better than hoped for. In less than 50 days, we have almost 3,000 members and 40,000 posts. The quality is definitely there and people are already earning more. We have had numerous “promotions” on the forum already where a user that was earning $100-$999 a month is now able to say he is earnings $1,000-$5,000 a month.

We offer a private application that our members can choose to fill out that will give them priveledges and access to private areas on the forum depending on their monthly income. It has been a great way to promote networking with other like-earning web entreprenuers and facilitate partnerships and JV opportunities. I think any enternetusers reader should be participating at EarnersForum if they have a desire to make more money. There is much to be learned, I learn daily.

We DO have a blogging section as well in our Earning Arenas section of the forum.

Darren - Thanks Lee for giving your time. I think I’d better go dig a little deeper in EarnersForum and find that blogging area.

Written on August 16th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 12:08 am by Darren Rowse

Speedlinking - 16 August 2006

Pro Blogging News 6 comments

Just in case you need some more links to surf after my last post. Here’s what I saw today while surfing:

Written on August 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 05:08 pm by Darren Rowse

65 Distractions to Make Your Day More Interesting (or “Lists” Group Writing Project Reader Submissions - Part I)

Pro Blogging News 19 comments

200608141910-1Digg this post here

When I launched this week’s “Lists” Group Writing Project I suspected it would be a good one - but I didn’t realize that it would be quite as distracting for me as it has been.

I love lists and so when I awoke to close to 50+ submissions (there are now 65) in my inbox this morning I knew that the temptation to read them all would be great - it was too great…. and I’ve spent most of my day reading the wonderful array of lists that you’ll find below. As I’ve read I’ve bookmarked quite a few in delicious and digg and I have a feeling some will do well there.

Each blogger who has submitted a post is in the running for one of five great prizes from Blake Schwendiman, The Umdum.com Web Directory, URLTrends, The Gold Pages Directory and Earners Forum (see below for full details of each of the five prizes).

Before I share the first round of submissions (there’s still time to participate - you’ve got til Thursday) I wanted to answer four questions that I’ve been asked numerous times:

  • One entry is allowed per blogger (not per blog)
  • Yes you can use the image above if you wish
  • No you don’t have to link back to enternetusers to be involved (but it would be appreciated to help spread the word about the project)
  • Posts should be new posts and not existing ones (as it says in the original invitation to submit) - I’ve allowed a few old ones in to this point but no more! :-)
  • To enter follow the procedure outlined in this post

Now - without further ado - let me share the first round of submissions with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have today! (the full list of submissions will be posted here.

Stay tuned for the next round of submissions from the next 24 hours this time tomorrow. Now here are the prizes on offer:

The Prizes

This week’s group writing project is proudly sponsored by the following companies and individuals. Five random participants (it’s not a competition) in this week’s project will receive one of the following gifts (’listed’ here in no particular order):

  • The Umdum.com Web Directory have donated a Sinic Eye and Brain Massager (just what every enternetusers needs). They’ve also kindly offered every participant in this week’s group writing project a free listing in their directory. Thanks to Loren Baker for this donation.
  • Blake Schwendiman has donated a $100 gift voucher from Amazon to be used in any way that they see fit. Thanks Blake!
  • The Gold Pages Directory has donated $500 in digital cash that can be spent on products and services or withdrawn to a prepaid ATM card and used as cash. The Gold Pages Directoryis the largest online currency/digital gold directory on the web and is now three years old. Thanks to Mark Herpel for this donation.
  • URLTrends have kindly donated a Premium upgraded account worth $90 that will help them track their search engine ranking over time. Thanks to Joel Strellner for this donation.
  • Earners Forum have kindly donated a new Dell PC and LCD monitor - to the value of $500. Earners Forum is a great place for discussions around all kinds of topics of earning money online. Thanks to Lee Dodd for this donation.

Digg this post here

Written on August 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 01:08 pm by Darren Rowse

Blogger.com Announces Beta Update

Blogging Tools and Services 24 comments


It looks like the team at Google/Blogger have finally decided to update the ever popular but getting crusty Blogger.com blog platform. They announced a new Blogger Beta today which seems to go part way to answering some of the calls for updating that many Blogger bloggers have been calling for for years. New features include:

  • Stanton Termite Control
  • Categorize your posts with ‘labels’
  • Dynamic Serving (leading to faster publishing)
  • Control who can read your blog (private blogs) update - seems there are some bugs with this - don’t go publishing anything too private yet.
  • Change the appearance and content of your blog with your mouse instead of HTML (sort of like widgets)
  • New Dashboard
  • New Templates
  • User accounts will now be Google accounts instead of Blogger accounts
  • More Feed options (ie feeds for comments on your blog, feeds for comments on individual posts as well as RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0)

While I haven’t seen any of this (it looks like my old blogger account isn’t one of those that has been allowed to join the new beta yet) it seems like a ‘nice’ update that brings Blogger.com a little more up to date - however when you compare what they’re offering in comparison to other platforms you’d still have to say that it’s pretty light on in terms of features.

Still - I guess this is a step in the right direction - although I’ve always been a little confused by how a company who is as innovative and progressive as Google can have a tool that was so far behind it’s competitors in a 50 million+ user game like blogging. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

Is anyone in the beta program? Feel free to give us a mini first impression review in comments below or link to where you’ve posted your review on your own blog.

Written on August 15th, surf Active Apparel website Sell Homemade Video zone.at 01:08 pm by Darren Rowse

AdSense Tells You How Stat Happy You Are

Adsense 15 comments

Who has spotted the change at AdSense when you login to check your stats?

It’s not a big one - but it could be helpful (especially for those of you who are constantly checking your stats and need a reminder to get a life…. I know who you are).


Yep - they’re now telling you how long it’s been since you last logged in.

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Get up to 100% more battery life with this childrens' i watch that goes to the next level. If you need more battery life from your iPhone then there are a number of battery cases available for Apple's latest devices.

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