Written on September 28th, 2004 at 12:09 pm by Darren Rowse

Generating High Quanitities of Blog Content - Set a Target

Writing Content 3 comments

Check out the previous posts at Set Targets, News Sites and Aggregators, Start a New Blog, Break Down Your Posts, Ecto and Recruit Writers.

Set yourself a target of how many pages you’ll add to your blog per day or week. I aim for a minimum of 10 pages of good content across my blogs every day including weekends - I see it as a discipline and set time (usually an hour or two) aside most mornings and evenings to complete my task. Some days I set myself bonus targets of 20 or more in a day like yesterday when I did 50 because of the release of some new products on one of my blogs.

10 pages of content per day is 3650 pages in a year! If for instance each page posted were to generate you 2 cents per day 3650 pages would make you $73 per day (7 days a week). 20 posts per day is 7300 pages….you do the sums. Of course some blogs won’t generate 2 cents per page per day - others will generate significantly more - the principle remains however. Also its worth remembering that you don’t suddenly have 3650 or 7300 pages - it takes time. But if you’re willing to take a long term project and see each post as like a deposit in the bank you might just find that down the track you’ll have built yourself a nice little earner.

Setting yourself a target and making it a discipline you stick to is just one way of generating quantities of content. How do you do it? I’ll share more of my tips shortly.

Written on September 28th, 2004 at 10:09 am by Darren Rowse

Blog Tip - Generate a high Quantity of Content

Writing Content 8 comments

Do you want to generate good traffic on your blog and therefore give yourself a chance at earning an income from it? Quality Content is an essential first step - but it is not always enough - you need to work on Quantity also.

On virtually every Blog tips article I’ve ever read I’ve seen advice about ‘Quality Content’. The theory is that if you write interesting, well informed, insightful posts - people will come to your blog. I’ve written this advice in numerous places on this blog already - and let me say I stand by it as solid advice. I work hard at providing quality content on my sites. After all without it you’ve got little chance of a repeat visitor to your site.

Having said this I also am a big believer in providing Quantities of Content also.

Someone emailed me recently asking me to take a look at their blog. They had worked very hard on writing some great articles, they’d paid for a designer to design a beautiful site, they had added adsense and affiliate ads and had optimized their pages well for Google (they were in the top 3 for a number of search terms). The only problem was that they were only generating a handful of daily visitors and their revenue was just a few cents (if that) each week.

One of the main reasons I feel that their site was only going to ever go so far was that they spent so much time writing quality content that they only ever posted one post per day at the most (and none on weekends). After over three months of blogging their whole site was only 60 posts/pages. They were good pages but there just wasn’t very many of them. Now I’m not wanting to say that a 60 page blog can’t earn revenue - if those 60 pages all rank highly in Google on some popular and high paying keywords they could do ok - but at that rate I doubt this blogger will make more than a dollar a week for at least a year or two. They just don’t have enough pages.

Having more pages is like having more entry points to your blog. The more posts you do the higher the chance someone will stumble upon your blog through a search engine. I’ve found that the longer I’ve blogged (I’ve been going for close to two years now) the more visitors I get. This of course is partly because more people have linked to me over time - but its also because my blogs now have close to 5500 pages of content out there. One of my friends said to me the other day that it seems that every time they do a search of the internet on any topic that they find one of my sites listed. Everytime I hear something like that I’m encouraged - my discipline of adding pages is paying off with increased traffic and therefor increased revenue from each of my revenue streams.

The other reason that a high quantity of content is useful is that it shows Google that you’re a worthwhile site. This pays off in two areas - firstly it helps your page rank - and secondly it will increase your payment per click if you use Adsense. I’ve noticed that the more pages you have on a particular subject the higher amounts Google is willing to pay you per click. This is anecdotal evidence at this point - Google don’t exactly spell it out - but I’ve heard other Adsense users talk about it too. Google also ranks pages that are updated regularly higher than those that are stagnant and will send its spiders through your site more regularly if you’re a prolific updater.

Over the next 24 hours I’ll be posting a series of tips to help you increase the quantity of content that you are posting to your blog/s. Remember I’m not saying to sacrifice Quality - it is essential - but alone it is unlikely to bring you the results you may be wanting.

How do you generate a good quantity of content? Leave your tips, experiences and suggestions in comments below - share the knowledge.

Check out the other posts in this series at Check out the previous posts at Set Targets, News Sites and Aggregators, Start a New Blog, Break Down Your Posts, Ecto and Recruit Writers.

Written on September 28th, 2004 at 10:09 am by Darren Rowse

Blog Explosion - Blog Traffic Generator

Blog Promotion 4 comments

Blog Explosion is a new way to generate traffic for your blog. I’ll let them explain:

“The concept is very simple. You read other blog sites and they in return visit your blog. Blogexplosion is the internet’s first blog exchange where thousands of bloggers visit each other’s blogs in order to receive tons of blog traffic. Imagine how many other people out there could be adding your blog to their blogroller and how many people would be reading your blog every day with this sort of attention. It’s free to use! “

Read more at Need more traffic to your BLOG? Join BlogExplosion.com the internet’s largest BLOG traffic generator! 100% FREE! - BlogExplosion.com:

Written on September 28th, 2004 at 09:09 am by Darren Rowse

Blogging Sells, and Sells Out

Blog News 0 comments

“By most accounts, blogs — web logs to the uninitiated — scored a major coup last week when CBS News admitted that it couldn’t vouch for the authenticity of memos supposedly written by George W. Bush’s commander in the Texas Air National Guard. The conservative bloggers who led the charge against the CBS story were hailed as giant slayers. And yet it’s the blogging phenomenon itself that may need the last rites.

That may seem a strange thing to say, given the flattering coverage of blogs triggered by the CBS affair. But the media’s infatuation has a distinct odor of the deathbed about it — not for the blogosphere, which has a commercially bright future, but for the idea of blogging as a grass-roots challenge to the increasingly sanitized “content” peddled by the Time Warner-Capital Cities-Disney-General Electric-Viacom-Tribune media oligopoly….

Recently, however, I’ve watched the commercialization of this culture of dissent with growing unease. When I recently decided to take a long break from blogging, it was for a mix of personal and philosophical reasons. But the direction the blogosphere is going makes me wonder whether I’ll ever go back.

Even as it collectively achieves celebrity status for its anti-establishment views, blogging is already being domesticated by its success. What began as a spontaneous eruption of populist creativity is on the verge of being absorbed by the media-industrial complex it claims to despise….”

Read more at Blogging Sells, and Sells Out

Written on September 28th, 2004 at 12:09 am by Darren Rowse

Google traffic dropped dramatically for many sites

Search Engine Optimization 1 comment

There is an interesting thread over at Webmaster World’s forums that indicates that a significant number of web masters have noticed a drastic reduction in referals from Google in the past few days. Some are reporting decreases in in Google visitors from numbers like 2000 to 350 or 30,000 to 5,000.

In checking my stats in the past few days I’ve not noticed such a decrease - although it would be my worst nightmare as over 90% of my blogs traffic comes from Google at present and such a decrease would result in a similar reduction in advertising revenue.

Have others noticed such a decrease in Google’s traffic?

Written on September 27th, 2004 at 09:09 pm by Darren Rowse

Do forum signature links help PageRank and SERPS?

Search Engine Optimization, Blog Promotion 3 comments

One of the tips I’ve seen given in many SEO articles is that if you add your blog’s URL as a signature in your messages left in forums that you’ll increase your Search Engine Ranking. It makes sense, especially if you use the keywords you’re targeting - however Search Engine FAQ is running a test on the theory and so far it seems that such a strategy is yet to prove to be helpful in increasing page rank.

Read more about this test at Do forum signature links help PageRank and SERPS?

All is not lost however trolling forums to promote your site in signatures is your strategy because it can still send significant traffic to your site if you choose the right forums and are genuine in your comments.

Written on September 27th, 2004 at 09:09 pm by Darren Rowse

Mrbizfind.com Offers Pay per Click Advertising

Blog Promotion 0 comments

Mrbizfind.com has just sent us a press release announcing the opportunity to advertise your blog or site in their pay per click advertising system for as little as 1 cent per click. Check out the details in their following press release. If you sign up and give it a go let us know how it goes.

Press Release

Finally an Affordable and Reliable Pay per Click Advertising Option

Mrbizfind.com, the newest home base business Search Engine, offers the best price from pay from performance for home base business marketing and advertising available today. The Pay Per Click advertising is as low as 1 cent per click with a reach of over one million viewers per day.

(PRWEB) September 27, 2004 — Mrbizfind.com, the newest home base business Search Engine, offers the best price from pay from performance for home base business marketing and advertising available today. The Pay Per Click advertising is as low as 1 cent per click with a reach of over one million viewers per day.

Mrbizfind.com in partnership with Jumpat.com is pleased to announce their Pay Per Click advertising network. Due to this partnership, Mrbizfind.com can offer its advertisers, the ability to bid on keywords as low as $.01 per click throughout the network of approved publishers and search engines. This offer gives the advertiser the ability to reach over 1.2 million people a day. They can target audiences by keywords, country and zones offering utmost control of their advertising programs and audience relevancy.

If you are in the home base business you are probably wondering, what is Pay per Click Advertising? It is a method by which advertisers bid on keywords or phrases that relate to the web site they are promoting, that are used to target ads to specific search results web page audiences. The advertiser only has to pay for each click on the ad based on the bid price they specified and control. No longer is the advertiser limited to excessively

Priced keywords, like Overture’s minimum bid of 10 cents a keyword.

Minimum bid is only 1 cent with mrbizfind.com.

Mrbizfind.com is one of 63 search engines powered by jumpat.com, who is the front-runner in integrated search engine traffic. One listing in mrbizfind.com search engine portal will get the advertiser traffic from all the top 30 search engines including Yahoo.com and Google.com via doorway pages.

Mrbizfind.com Pay per Click program is available today. It is 100% free to set up an account. For the small and medium sized business with a limited advertising budget, this is the place to start getting that much needed traffic to their web site.

The following portal is powered by Jumpat.com and advertising is powered by the Jumpat.com JumpLink system. For additional information on our portals please visit http://www.jumpatbiz.com. For investment opportunities please contact Thomas Tsilionis at 888-212-4772 Ext. 85 or tomt@jumpat.com

Written on September 27th, 2004 at 05:09 pm by Darren Rowse

Creating Content: The Easy Way

Writing Content 0 comments

There is little doubt that quality content has a number of real benefits for your web site, not least increasing levels of repeat visitors, and valuable revenue streams such as advertising and the sale of products or services related to the content you provide.

The only difficulty is that creating such content can be costly, taking up valuable time and resources. This article examines different ways you can add content to your web site quickly, giving you maximum benefit for the minimum cost.

Syndicated Content Streams
Syndicated content is content provided by others for use on your web site. Certain sites provide ‘content streams’, where you can simply place a few lines of code on your web page, and forget about it. The content provider then regularly updates the content it provides. The end result is that your site remains fresh and dynamic, at virtually no cost to you.

The content provider either charges a fee for the privilege of using their content, or they prefer to benefit through traffic, such as by placing a link adjacent to or within the content. One provider at interestalert.com even offers to pay you for adding a news feed to your site.

Here are a few examples of some content providers you may wish to try:

1. Free Content for your Site - provides a range of different content types such as news headlines or jokes.

2. Submit your Article - a number of different content feeds you can add to your site, displaying articles relating to internet marketing and online business.

3. Brainy Quote - adds ‘quote of the day’ to your web site, from a range of different topics and authors.

4. Freeky Stiky - an index of resources you can use to quickly add content to your site, with a wide range of content areas to choose from.

Free Reprint Articles
Free reprint articles are a type of syndicated content, and they are widely available.

The benefit for you is the provision of quality content on your web site, attracting targeted visitors via inbound links from the search engines. The benefit for the author of the article is their name and URL in the resource box (or ‘author bylines’), which builds up targeted traffic to their web site, and builds up their ‘brand’ and online credibility.

Here are just some places where you can find articles to quickly put up at your web site:

1. Article Central
2. Go Articles
3. Idea Marketers

Update - since writing this post I’ve begun to suspect that free articles perhaps are not the best way of finding content for your blog. Many believe that Google and other search engines actually penalise such content as duplicate content. Proceed with it as a strategy with caution.

Invite Content
Add a page to your web site where you invite your visitors to submit their content, in return for a link back to their own web sites. This will give you a steady stream of content you can choose from, and save you time in searching for it elsewhere.

As a twist on this, if you create original content on your own site, make it easy for visitors to use it on their own sites - remember, many of your visitors will be Actively or passively looking for content for their own web sites. Just make sure they always include a link back to your site in return, so that you stand to benefit too.

Over time, as well as increasing the amount of content on your own site, providing your content to others will gradually but significantly increase your traffic levels, and is far more effective than the more popular ‘link swapping’ craze, that usually just leaves your link sitting unclicked in an unvisited links page.

The common phrase is that ‘content is king’ - the Internet is a content-driven medium, and the more successful web sites are those with the best content. By using some of the techniques above, you can increase the amount of quality content on your site with the minimum amount of effort and expense.

About the author:
Steve Shaw creates systems and software for effective e-marketing. His powerful PopUpMaster Pro software creates popups that beat the popup blockers and can significantly increase your conversion rates. For more information: http://www.popupmaster.com

Written on September 27th, 2004 at 11:09 am by Darren Rowse

About enternetusers

enternetusers Site News 91 comments

Welcome to enternetusers - the Blog that helps bloggers to add income streams to their blogs.

My name is Kevin and I’m a full time Blogger making a living from this new and dynamic medium from blogs like Kevin Carr.

Back in 2002 I stumbled upon an article about ‘Blogging’. I didn’t know it at the time but that moment changed my life. I know that statements like that belong on those cheesy ‘buy my book’ sites (don’t worry I’m not selling anything) but it is actually true.

Within 24 hours of reading the article I had started my own Blog - a personal blog where I’ve explored issues of Pop Culture, Spirituality and Blogging ever since. I learnt so much for the experience of that blog that I’ve since started many other blogs.

In 2005 I embarked with three others on the biggest blogging project I’ve ever done - internetusers - a blog network that has over 100 blogs written by many bloggers from around the world.

As my blogs have grown in popularity and have begun to generate income Blogging has grown from a hobby (some would say an obsession), to a part time job through to a fully fledged business in recent times. I have slowly built my blogging into a income source that has enabled me to dedicate more and more time to the medium to the point where I am currently a full time blogger - a enternetusers.

If you want to read an extended version of my story I’ve written it at Becoming a enternetusers. You might also like to visit my enternetusers in the Press page.

This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.

I started it in September 2004 mainly because I wanted to keep a record of what I was learning about blogging for money. Since then I’ve added over well over 3500 articles, tips, tutorials and case studies to my archives here.

If you would like to more information on enternetusers please get in touch through my contact page.

Subscribe to enternetusers

Please can stay in touch with what enternetusers.net is up to best through one of our subscription methods.

I hope you enjoy enternetusers.

Written on September 27th, 2004 at 09:09 am by Darren Rowse

Google AdSense Review

Adsense 0 comments

Go4-Webmaster.com has a good review of the Adsense Program from Google.

“Google AdSense is for someone who wants a complete solution. It might not fill all of your ad inventory (well, maybe, now that you can have up to 3 units served on a page), but it will do good with what it does fill. It’s simple, easy, and all encompassing. With fluxuating EVERYTHING, it’s difficult to produce a larger yield then well targeted Sale/Lead affiliate programs. That being said, it’s an excellent program for webmasters who rather focus on content. It’s potential revenue power is, however, extraordinary.”
Read more at Google AdSense Review - Go4-Webmaster.com

I’ve been using Adsense for close to a year now and find that it is very useful on some blogs but next to useless on others. I’ve got friends who run niche blogs on highly targeted subjects (sometimes quite localized on particular countries) and they have struggled to have any ads served to their blog. As with any contextual advertising it largely depends on your content as to whether it will work or not.

Get some good Adsense tips in our Adsense for Bloggers tutorials.

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