Written on May 28th, 2007 at 12:05 am by David Shawver

Do you kiss on the first date? The Art of Courting as a Blogger

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 53 comments

KissI was recently emailed by a blogger asking me to take a look at their brand new blog. The blog was very new (it only consisted of 3 posts) and it’s purpose was obviously to convert readers into sales of the blogger’s new e-book.

The first three posts on the blog were all fairly strong sales pitches for the e-book and while they made a good case for the book I came away from the blog feeling like a stranger had walked up to me and asked me to give them a kiss.

I strongly believe that blogs can be a great tool for driving sales to products (whether they be tangible ones or e-products) however when attempting to drive sales with a blog a blogger needs to be aware of the way they ‘court’ their readers.

While I’m sure plenty of good relationships do start with a kiss (and more) on the first date - most dating advice experts would argue that if you want to grow a sustainable, ongoing relationship that the best time to take a relationship to the next level physically is when there’s other aspects of a relationship already in place (ie some emotional connection and time spent together getting to know one another).

In a similar way - when you’re trying to sell something (whether it be yourself as an expert, a product, your email newsletter etc) to rush straight to the sales pitch can damage your chances of ‘conversion’ and lead to a premature end to the ‘relationship’ with your reader.

One of the things that I love about blogging is the ability it gives to connect on a deeper level with readers and to form ongoing relationships with them. However this only happens over time and perhaps bloggers need to keep in mind some of the principles of ‘courting’ before going in for the hard sell.

Help your reader to get to know you, build trust, get to know them and show that you’re interested in more than a quick sale and you could just end up with a lasting relationship.

Written on May 27th, 2007 at 01:05 am by David Shawver

Where do Your Readers Come From?

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 57 comments

I’ve been having some fun with Google Analytics tonight - particularly in looking at where readers of my blogs come from geographically. It’s not something that I’ve done for a while and the stats for enternetusers have changed quite a bit.

Previously when I did this I had a fair spread of readers between Europe and the USA - however there’s been a shift (a significant one).

More and more enternetusers readers are now coming from the US. US readers are coming to enternetusers in numbers six times as high as any other country. The UK, Canada, India, Australia, Malaysia, Germany and Singapore also feature in the top 10.

Here’s the global map (the darker green represents where the numbers are):

Picture 1-20

Zooming in on the USA thee are are few states that are more highly represented with California, New York State and Texas being more highly represented as follows:

Picture 2-12

Interestingly in ‘city’ view it’s New York City which is the most represented with Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington coming in next. Worldwide - London actually ranks between NYC and LA with Sydney, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne and Singapore also featuring reasonably highly.

Picture 3-18

I’m not sure how I might use this information to improve my blog (although it does give some hints as to where any future events and meetups might make sense) however it’s a fun exercise and is quite energizing to do.

Where do your readers come from? Do you tailor your blogging in any way to people in different parts of the world?

Written on May 26th, 2007 at 02:05 am by David Shawver

What’s the Lowdown on Digg Bait?

Blog Promotion 19 comments

Muhammad Saleem wrote a post over at CopyBlogger this week by the title - ‘Is it OK to Write for Digg’ and makes some really good points on either side of the debate. Here are a few key quotes from his piece with a few of my own thoughts:

“for it to be classified as “Digg bait” it really has to appeal to the community and it has to incite a passionate response from the users, whether the response be good or bad.”

Love them or hate them - but Digg users are a passionate lot (or many of them are). There’s something about their youthful exuberance that can make them either love you or hate them in a way that can send a blogger to ‘cloud nine’ or to the depths of despair.

“But Digg tends to become like crack for many writers and after they get on Digg once, there is an intense desire to try to keep getting on Digg. It is here that writers often start disregarding their loyal readers, start pandering to Digg, and run into trouble.”

I think this (and the following comments that Muhammad makes) is key. I’ve seen numerous bloggers go to the Dark Digg Side - lured by the temptation of tens of thousands of visitors in short spaces of time and writing posts that really don’t fit with their topic or help their current readers in an attempt to make the front page. My approach is that the vast majority of your posts should be written with your current reader in mind. Look after them - provide a community for them - give them useful content. While doing this there will be opportunities to write content with a broader appeal - but even then you will need to keep it on topic and appealing to your readership.

“Writing for Digg is actually less about substance and more about how you present the content - in other words, copywriting.”

This doesn’t mean you can’t have a post with substance that is diggable - but it does mean you need to pay particular attention to the form that you write in, your title and even the layout of the post.

I think some of Muhammad’s other points about a core and peripheral audience are great - use social media sites like Digg to expand your horizons and grow your audience - but keep your core readers right in your focus.

As with any other aspect of a blog - become obsessed with Digg and you’ll get things out of balance (read more on holistic blogging).

Written on May 25th, 2007 at 01:05 pm by David Shawver

enternetusers Readers Do it Better…. than Digg Users

Social Media, Blog Promotion 39 comments

Wendy writes a great post today in her introduction to Social Media Strategy and Socially Driven Content.

In the post she talks to bloggers about why they should learn about social media, what results they can get and how to start out in it.

What caught my attention was right down the bottom of her post where she did a little comparison to how Digg, StumbleUpon, Netscape and delicious readers interacted on her site over a 7 day period in terms of visitor numbers, page views per visitor and time spent on her site.

She then did a little analysis of enternetusers readers over the same period (54 visitors). The visitors came simply by writing quality comments on my posts here (and she does write insightful comments).

The results speak for themselves.

While social bookmarking sites can potentially send a lot more traffic:

  • enternetusers readers stay longer per visit (you stay 18 times longer than Digg users)
  • enternetusers readers visit more pages over that visit (2.5 times as many pages than Digg users).

Wendy writes:

I’ve grown to really appreciate the Digg crowd (even though they are mean as all hell sometimes), but if I had to pick, I’d take those 54 enternetusers visitors over a big Digg any day.”

I guess that goes to show what quality readers you all are!

Seriously though (and you are quality readers - but there’s a lesson here) it’s also a good illustration of the power of different types of traffic.

While Digg can send you a heap of visitors in a short period of time they rarely stay long, rarely go deeper within your blog and rarely comment. On the other hand traffic from another blog on a similar topic (even if it’s just a from a comment) can drive a different quality of traffic.

Not only will they stay longer, comment more and view more pages I suspect they’ll also subscribe to your newsletter and RSS feed in higher numbers but they’ll respond more to your income streams (ads and affiliate products).

More reading on different types of traffic:

Written on May 25th, 2007 at 11:05 am by David Shawver

Chitika Linx - Beta In Text Advertising

Chitika eMiniMalls 15 comments

Chitika have today added another new ad unit to their growing line of options for publishers - this one is called Chitika Linx.

It’s still in beta and I’m not one of the lucky few to be invited to test it - but from the overview page it looks very similar to other in text advertising options like Amazon’s Context Links system, Kontera’s ContentLink product and Intellitxt (and others).

All of these systems will look at your content for keywords that they can match to an advertisment. They then make those words links (usually with some different kind of formatting so that readers are aware that they are different - in the case of Linx a double underline) and then when readers hover the cursor over the link a small popup appears with the ad.

In the case of Linx the popup seems to contain an eMiniMall ad unit (as pictured).

Linx Demo

The ads are CPC (you get paid if someone clicks the ad).

Publishers generally have a fairly extreme love or hate for this type of advertising.

They do interrupt the reading flow which is a cost publishers should weigh up before installing them - however I do know of a few publishers who find this type of ad converts quite well - particularly on product related sites (which I suspect Chitika will have as their focus with the invitations that they offer).

I’ve been testing a couple of other similar systems in a very limited way on a couple of my blogs with limited success but will be interested to see what the earnings per click is like on these.

You can read more about Chitika Linx Beta here.

Written on May 25th, 2007 at 12:05 am by David Shawver

Make a Contract With Yourself

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 32 comments

ContractIn BJ’s post on Developing a Blogging Schedule she finishes with a short section titled ‘A Contract with Myself’ which caught my eye.

It reminded me of a rough patch that I went through in my blogging a couple of years ago when I really struggled with bloggers block and motivating myself to blog to the level that I knew I needed to to grow my business.

I tried numerous strategies to get myself back on track - but one of the things that helped me pull through it was drawing up a contract with myself.

Being your own boss is great in many ways but one of the downsides is that you don’t have any one to be accountable to or to pull you into line when you lose focus.

My blog contract with myself stated a few basic daily goals that I needed to achieve including posting frequency, networking with other bloggers, responding to email/comments and numerous other tasks (actually quite a few were in the list I posted here.

As part of my contract with myself I decided that if I didn’t live up to it that I would have to suffer some consequences and penalties - going without a couple of small things in life that I enjoyed (I think coffee was one) - and that if I did reach my targets that there would be incentives (I think a weekend away at the beach was one of them).

I also made a deal with myself at that time that if I could meet the basic requirements of blogging for at least 2 months that it might be time to give it all away and find a ‘real job’. After all - if you can’t motivate yourself to go to work each day and do some basic tasks you’re wasting your time and might as well find a job that gives you a little more motivation.

I signed the contract and stuck it somewhere that I would see it every day.

The result was actually quite powerful. I told others about my goals (which helped to stay accountable to them) and even though I was feeling a little dejected about my blogging I began to work myself out of the hole that I’d been in. There were a few days that I had to go without my coffee - but in time I was not only achieving the basic requirements but I was working towards my bonuses.

This might not work for everyone - but if you’re feeling in a big of a blogging hole - why not draw up a contract with yourself to help you get out of it?

Related Reading - 25 Tips for Battling Bloggers Block (a compilation of a mini series)

Written on May 24th, 2007 at 01:05 pm by David Shawver

Melbourne Bloggers Meetup Recap

Pro Blogging News 22 comments

511689279 5Dcaaab089Last night was the first gathering of the Melbourne Bloggers Meetup.

Despite me giving everyone the wrong address for the Bar it was a great night with around 25 people in attendance. I think I got to meet most people and collected a few cards.

Some of those in attendance included Gala, Zach, the team from Fashionising, Karen (who wrote about it here), Kirrily, Miss Eagle, John (Craig’s tech guy), Alister, Jesse, Jon, James, Ed, Wilson and Martin (who I still can’t believe I only met for the first time even though we live in the same city and have been chatting for years). There were many others there who I didn’t grab cards from (please let me know your links in comments and I’ll add them - apologies for not remembering everyone).

I’ve posted a few pictures of the night here (although as usual I got distracted with talking to people and didn’t take many).

The question now is to work out when to have the next one!? Quite a few people suggested every 2-3 months - sounds like a good timing. What do those who attended think? Vote in the Poll here.

Written on May 24th, 2007 at 12:05 pm by David Shawver

Speedlinking 24 May 2007

Pro Blogging News 6 comments

Written on May 24th, 2007 at 12:05 am by David Shawver

A Glimpse Behind the Scenes of Successful Blogs

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 71 comments

Duck FeetAfter my recent post on the pressures of blogging I had some great feedback from PreBloggers (those thinking of starting up) thanking me and those who commented for giving a more realistic view of blogging.

One of the pictures that comes to mind of my own experience of blogging is that it can look to the outsider like blogging is a rather effortless endeavor - like a swan or ducks gliding gracefully across a lake. However under the surface we all know that swans and ducks do anything but glide - they paddle furiously.

My experience of blogging is that it’s anything but a gracious glide - however when I chat to some readers I get the impression that they think I lie in bed in the mornings - quickly write a post over a cup of coffee and a piece of toast - and then don’t look at the blog again until the next day.

So as a service to PreBloggers I thought it might be a worthwhile thing to compile a list of the tasks that bloggers do busily ‘under the surface’ that their readers are not aware of.

Let me kick off the list with a few - but I’d love to hear other suggestions in comments:

  • Posting Posts
  • Researching Posts
  • Moderating Spam Comments
  • Dealing with Comment Trolls
  • Responding to Comments
  • Responding to Emails from Readers
  • Following what others blogs in the niche write
  • Following what mainstream media is writing on the niche
  • Commenting on other blogs
  • Administering Servers
  • Renewing Domain Names
  • Marketing/Branding the blog
  • Chasing up spam blogs stealing content
  • Promoting posts to other relevant bloggers
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Blog Design
  • Monitoring Blog Stats and Metrics
  • Testing monetization strategies
  • Administering payments, banking cheques, invoicing advertisers
  • Networking with other bloggers via IM or email

OK - I got a little carried away and kicked us off with a few more than a few - however I’d love to see what readers add to the list in comments below!

Written on May 23rd, 2007 at 01:05 pm by David Shawver

Google Launches Hot Trends

Pro Blogging News 26 comments

Google today launched a new feature - Hot Trends.

The page shows what people are searching for in great numbers in almost real time (or at least it shows the top 100).

Click on a hot search term and it’ll take you to a page (like this one on dancing with the stars finale) which shows a graph of search volume as well as result from Google News, Blog Posts and Web Results.

This should be exciting bloggers on at least two fronts.

1. It’s another chance to be found once you’re in their Blog Search system.
2. It could be a useful tool for those writing blogs on current hot topics.

I just wish it had an RSS feed of some kind or an alerts service to help monitor what’s moving up the ranks at any given time.

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SPYDER Surfboard Reviews

Surfboard rocker, in simple terms, is how closely your board resembles a banana from the side profile. Boards with less rocker plane on water more efficiently and get up to paddling speed much quicker than heavily rockered boards.

Rockered surfboards are going to have less of the board and rails engaged with the face of the wave, so while riding they provide easier turning and maneuverability. Additionally, when dropping into steep wave faces, a lot of rocker can help keep the nose from pearl-diving into the water and wrecking your pretty face.

There’s two main things to consider when determining the right size surfboard - style and volume. First the type of surfing you’re looking to do. Are you looking to cruise around Waikiki with the dog? Or are you working on your backside cutbacks? Stylistically, they’re pretty different, so decide whether or not you’re going over or under 7’ (roughly) for a board. This puts you in the shortboard or longboard realm depending on your preference. Not sure which shape or style fits you? Check out our breakdown of Spyder Surfboards Review below.

Once you’ve decided if longboarding or shortboarding is more your style, then reference the chart below for choosing the correct volume in liters. Most board shapes come in varying lengths to accommodate riders of differing skill and bodyweight while maintaining the ride characteristics of that shape.

We’ve already talked about buoyancy quite a bit, but here’s how to appropriately determine how much volume a surfboard should have, based on your skill level and body weight.

The nose and front half of the surfboard is a good indicator of how the board will perform when paddling. The nose of the board is the first thing that comes into contact with oncoming water. Pointed nose shapes help reduce drag by cutting through the water when paddling as well as reduces swing weight when performing turns. Additionally, it’s less likely to catch a rail in the water when turning as there’s simply less material there to catch. You really need to check out the Spyder Surfboard Review.

Wider and rounded noses are mostly about increasing overall volume and buoyancy, lifting more of the surfer and board out of the water and making for more efficient paddling.

Since the nose of the board is generally out of the water when we’re actually up and surfing, the tail and back half of the board is a good indicator of how the board will surf while we’re up on our feet and riding. The tail shape primarily dictates how much of the board’s rail is in the water while standing. Lots of rail engagement means lots of lift and stability, but also means that it’s difficult to pull the rail out of the water to initiate a turn.

Additionally, wider tails are generally more voluminous which provides lift in the wave. This can be great for small waves, where lift provided by volume in weak swell welcome, however in larger, more powerful surf, it becomes about managing the speed that’s already generated by the wave and a narrower tail is preferable. Lastly, the overall width of the back half of the board can contribute to the rail-to-rail maneuverability of a board.

So this gives us the outline of how to think of tail shapes. Pin tails are likely to have less volume and less rail engagement which means more control in powerful waves, but poor performance in weak waves. Conversely a wide squash tail is likely to help generate lift and speed in weak surf, but will not provide great maneuverability when waves are big and powerful.

Swallow tails are a bit of a hybrid - they have the rail profile of a wider tail, but the cutout provides the volume closer to that of a pintail allowing you to dig it into a wave and pivot your turns.

Previously reserved for hawaiian royalty, longboards are the kings of stability and style. Here, we’re looking at boards generally 9+ feet long and sporting pontoon level (50L+) buoyancy. Single fins and egg-like shapes are most common, though the occasional squash tail and fish tail and occasional thruster/quad fin setups will show up on more exotic models.

Longboards are great for beginners, but a must for anyone who’s looking to improve their surfing ability. The increased volume lets you get out when the swell is small and the rock solid stability helps get more wave-time. These benefits come with tradeoffs, of course. Longboards are more likely to be trimming down the line and making smooth arcing turns rather than pumping and generating speed. Aerial maneuvers on a longboard? I’d pay $20 to see that.

As a result, longboards are a riding style of their own. Smooth and sweeping turns as well as cross-stepping and the famous “hang 10” will get you as much attention in the lineup as a big cutback turn or air.

Lose a foot or two off your longboard, or add a few to your shortboard and you’ll start to enter the realm of the funboard or midsize board. Generally between 7’ and 8’6” we get to more variety in shapes with pointier noses, a tad more rocker and pintails start to come in. You'll still see single-fin setups here, but quads and thrusters are more and more common.

These boards are for small, weak swells and for novice surfers looking to graduate from their wavestorm get a bit more maneuverability compared to their longboard.

For the surfer who absolutely must ride a shortboard, regardless of how weak the waves are, there’s now quite the variety of short, wide and thicc options available. While the original fish surfboards gained popularity in the 70’s, the intent and design has carried onto modern grovelers. It's best to check out the Spyder Surfboard Reviews to see what is best for you.

Fish, hybrid and groveler surfboards are, in many cases, thickened and widened versions of classic shortboard shapes. You’ll see wider, rounder noses are more common as well as plenty of squash and swallow tails with lengths generally under 6. All of these are traits added to short boards which improve their performance in small, mushy waves. You won’t see any more longboard style single fins but the twin fin makes an appearance in this category, keeping it retro like your VW bus.

These boards are great daily drivers for the surfer looking to fit in sessions before or after work and if the swell happens to be firing when you’re in a PTA meeting.

Spyder Surfboard reviews If Ricky Bobby wanted a surfboard, he’d be getting all of his nasty bad-ass speed from a shortboard. Here we’re looking at boards generally 6’ and less, narrower profiles and noses sporting knife-thin rails. These boards are all about performance in high quality, powerful waves that you’ll treat like a teenager in a horror slasher flick. Unlike Ricky Bobby, shortboards can turn right and can be a scalpel in the hands of a skilled rider. On the flip side, they are difficult to manage in less than ideal conditions or for a first-time rider. Aerial maneuvers, tube riding, competitions, and anywhere you’d want maximum maneuverability or control is the domain of the shortboard.

As waves get bigger and bigger, the traditional shortboard starts to come up short-handed. Step up boards & guns are larger, high-performance boards with outlines that resemble shortboards, but start to approach midsize & longboard lengths. At high speeds and wind common with monster swells, an improvement in stability goes a long way to keeping your head above water.

While there are several different popular materials that surfboards are made up of, the most traditional is a foam core covered in fiberglass. Surfboards can have several different core materials that give the board different characteristics. Surfboard construction can also feature foam, epoxy, cork, and other materials.

Fiberglass is the classic, high-performance construction method for shaping surfboards. westminster plumber takes a foam base with a wooden stringer(for rigidity & flex), wrapped in fiberglass weaved cloth, and then smothered in resin. These boards can be somewhat fragile as a result. Outside of the water, they should be treated with care and mostly kept in a protective bag or cover. Some amount of denting on the deck is somewhat normal as your body weight and foot pressure can compress the foam, but cracks need to be cared for to prevent waterlogging which kills the board’s buoyancy.

What you get in exchange for the fragility is the most beautiful surfboard construction money can buy with great flex patterning and unparalleled performance.

If you’re not quite ready for a glass cannon like a fiberglass board, or are stocking a rental fleet, epoxy boards are common substitutes for traditional fiberglass boards. Here instead of a thin resin coating, the boards get a hard epoxy treatment. This dampens the board’s ability to flex a good amount, but handles bouncing around in your vanagon quite a bit better.

Throw these things in the back of your truck and rush over to that post-ride burrito joint without even taking off the bottoms of your wetsuit. Foam surfboards use durable soft, closed-cell foam to wrap the deck and rails of these boards, keeping your chest from chaffing and providing heaps of buoyancy. Recently some boards have been using cork instead of foam, for nearly identical purposes. Forgot to wax? You're not likely to slip off these squishy decks anyhow.

Throw these things in the back of your truck and rush over to that post-ride burrito joint without even taking off the bottoms of your wetsuit. Foam surfboards use durable soft, closed-cell foam to wrap the deck and rails of these boards, keeping your chest from chaffing and providing heaps of buoyancy. Recently some boards have been using cork instead of foam, for nearly identical purposes. Forgot to wax? You're not likely to slip off these Spyder Surfboards Review anyhow.

Our snowboarding friends over at LibTech also happen to be some cold water fanatics as well. They’ve taken what they know from the snowboard world and made some interesting applications to surf. The Mervin manufacturing boys are using whacky eco-friendly construction to create ultra-durable versions of Lost Surfboard shapes. Would you run over your surfboard with a truck? You could if you wanted to with a Lib Tech board.

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