Written on June 6th, 2005 at 01:06 pm by JimKukral
Blogging Data We Can All Learn From
The BlogKits 2005 Blogging & Advertising Survey is about to close up. Here’s the best part. I’m going to release the raw data from this study on enternetusers.net next week for anyone to download and analyze as they see fit. So if you haven’t taken the short survey yet, please do, it will benefit us all in the end. There’s some amazing data in there.
Here’s a sneak peek. 80% of bloggers agree that advertisements are ok on their own blogs. 16% of those who answered were neutral on the statement, with a measly 4% or less saying they don’t think ads should be on their blog. I know for a fact that number was probably less than 30% just two years ago.
On the same note, 76% of bloggers feel that their readers are also ok with ads on blogs. While 15% stayed neutral, only 9% or thought different. Who reads blogs? Well, a lot of bloggers read other blogs. So it’s safe to assume that bloggers are also blog readers.
Finally, one of my most favorite questions. “I am more likely to click on an ad in a blog that I enjoy reading?” 84% of the respondents agreed to this question, while 10% stayed neutral and less than 6% disagreed. Seems like common sense right? The data would concur with that statement.
Written on June 6th, 2005 at 01:06 am by Tris Hussey
Trying FeedBurner Total Stats Pro on View from the Isle

Written on June 5th, 2005 at 03:06 pm by Tris Hussey
Simple steps to a 10 minute podcast
00:10 date/promo/tease/banter/ad00:20 theme music/intro00:60 preview00:30 ad/promo05:00 small stories/top story00:30 IDENTIFY02:00 feedback/secondary stories00:15 thank sponsor00:15 outroNow go out there and kick some ass!
QUICK TIP: Stressed about saying ‘um’ and ‘ahh’? Don’t be. You’re human. Relax. Just don’t do it in the intro to your show. You should never, ever, ever, ever have a reason to hesitate when you are saying your name and your show. It’s an absolute! Practice saying, “Hello, my name is ____, and welcome to _____, the show about ______ and _____!”
Written on June 5th, 2005 at 02:06 pm by JimKukral
Blogging Domain Name Brand Mantra
Darren asks, ‘What’s in A Blog Name?‘. He’s right, a name is a very important piece of becoming a successful blog. Think branding…it’s all about branding. Certain names and words flow off the tounge and are more memorable than others.
I’ve been reading Darren’s blog before it was enternetusers.net. What was it? Um, something like blog.livingroom.com.au, I think. Get the point? That name sucked. Sorry Darren, I think you knew that. That’s no way to build a brand name. I think Darren can prove that his traffic and general reputation grew by leaps and bounds when he moved to enternetusers.net. The design helped too :) Of course, it can be done, but it’s much harder.
So as a serious blogger…if you want to be serious, and taken seriously, you have to stop using those unbrandable blog domains like supercooldude.blogspot.com. The time has come to drop $8.95 at GoDaddy and get your own domain name. Or, for the sake of this shameless promotional entry, you could use one of mine below.
I’m currently looking to either sell or develop the following domain names. If you are interested in either offer, please email me at info@blogkits.com.
I’m looking for a writer who wants to take it and make it into a network blog about hotels. I’m willing to pay up to 75% of all revenue it generates to the right person who can make it a success. I’d host it, and provide the MT blog software and setup. I’d also do the design and any tech stuff. All this person would have to do is write, well… and often.
I also have these domains I’d like to do something with. Either sell them or develop them. Have an idea? Make an offer? Let me know.
Written on June 5th, 2005 at 02:06 pm by Tris Hussey
Blog Business Summit II Aug 17-19, San Francisco
Written on June 5th, 2005 at 12:06 pm by David Shawver Stanton
- Bags Packed - check
- Film Purchased - check
- Passport Read - check
- Ready for some Sun - check
- 54 Guest Bloggers lined up - check, check, check, check….
The time has come friends where I check out of ProBlogging and slip into some serious HolidayBlogging (or HolidayNonBlogging as the case will be).
As I’ve previously posted - enternetusers has some great guest bloggers to keep things running here (as well as some more great ones to run my other sites) so I’m feeling pretty relaxed on that front.
As I’ve told my guest bloggers I’ll be checking in every now and again just to check email - so if there is something very urgent you can still contact me via the contact form on this site - but I’ll not guarantee replying as my aim is to spend more time swimming, eating, gazing into my wife’s eyes, reading (books) etc than sitting in an internet cafe.
Some of you have asked where I’m headed - I haven’t really published too many details to this point because I didn’t want to disappoint people wanting to meet up (it’s not that I don’t want to meet you - but our time is limited). I guess its now ok to mention it as I’m virtually gone as you read this.
We’ll be heading to London for a couple of days with family, then off to Turkey for just under 3 weeks, back to London for a few days (I’ve teed up a couple of interesting meetings for these days) and then its home via Singapore for a couple of nights. We’ll be home July 3rd when I’ll attempt to resume my ‘normal’ blogging rhythm and wade through the thousands of emails that I know will be waiting for me.
So without further ado - I’m outta here. Have a good month!
Written on June 5th, 2005 at 11:06 am by David Shawver Stanton
Choosing the Perfect Blog (and Domain) Name
People often ask me what I’d do differently if I was starting my blogging from scratch - one of the big things would be around choosing better names and domain names for a few of my blogs. One of the problems with accidentally becoming a Pro Blogger like I did was that things evolved without much strategy for the first year or two as I experimented.
Ryan has a good post on choosing The Perfect Name for your blog/domain name:
‘As I mentioned the perfect name is easy to remember, sounds and looks good. But more importantly than these three is a name that is suiting. There is no such thing as the perfect name in the initial stages. It takes time and growth before a name can become perfect. So it is our job to look at all the aspects so we can ensure we have a strong, and at least “near perfect” name in the future…’
He then goes on to suggest four factors to consider in your decision. I concur with his thoughts. A name can become something that really lifts a blog to the next level.
I strongly advise new bloggers to think up front about the implications of starting news blogs some of these questions:
- what happens if this blog is very successful? Will the domain/subdomain/directory that I start this blog on look professional down the track?
- does the domain name include my main keywords? (helps heaps with SEO)
- is the domain memorable?
What other factors are worth considering in your opinion when it comes to choosing a domain/blog name?
Written on June 5th, 2005 at 03:06 am by David Shawver Stanton
Interview with ‘Make Easy Money with Google’ Author
Rick has an Interview with Eric Giguere the author of Make Easy Money with Google. Here’s just one of the questions and answers:
‘4) How much money can one expect to make doing this? and how much time do I have to put into it?
Ah, there’s the rub. As I say in the introduction, I didn’t title this book “Make Oodles and Oodles of Money with Google”. Some sites do make a lot of money. But those sites have been around for a long time and have developed a steady stream of traffic. Realistically, I would expect most people using AdSense make from $25-$250 a month with it, probably most of them on the lower end. So it’s not a lot of money. But there’s always potential there to make more if you can get the traffic up. Which I think is directly proportional to how much time you spend working on the site. But you can certainly create a site that pays for itself without a lot of hassle. And don’t forget there may be tax advantages – you’re running a business now, after all, and you can maybe deduct certain expenses that you couldn’t before. (Like I say in the book, see a tax professional for proper advice.)’
Looks like an interesting read - I’ll be interested to see how much of what Eric covers is ‘new’ information and not the standard tips that can be found for free online. If anyone buys it - let us know what you think - I’d love to publish a review.
Written on June 4th, 2005 at 07:06 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Blog Conferences
The 2nd Blog Business Summit has been announced - it’s just a few months away in August this year. I followed the last one closely online and would have loved to get to it partly for a number of the sessions which I really enjoyed but mainly because so many bloggers that I enjoy readers were there.
One of my goals for the next 12 months of blogging is to attend at least one conference (a challenge for an Aussie because of the cost of airfares). Blog Business Summit was one event I was interested in, so was Gnomedex 5.0 ( was close to going but it clashed with our holiday)….
So my question to you dear reader - which conference/s would you you rank as a ‘must attend’ for a enternetusers? Which ones are you planning on attending in the next 12 months? Which have you been to previously that were worthwhile?
I’m not limiting it just to blog conferences - but any web related event that you think would be worthwhile?
Written on June 4th, 2005 at 03:06 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Easy Bake Weblogs meets How to Blog For Fun and Profit
Andy Wibbels over at Easy Bake Weblogs has just posted an audio file of his interview with blogger Thomas L. Pierce from How to Blog for Fun and Profit. I don’t have time to listen to it before I take off but by the looks of the topics covered it is probably a worthwhile download.
And we just found out about get paid to. When your phone rings or you receive an email or receive a text message then you get paid. Could it be that my groom’s fantasies might actually be wilder than the site of me perfectly coiffed, bustled, and veiled?
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