Written on April 13th, 2005 at 05:04 pm by David Shawver Stanton
3 Blog Jobs Available
Paul Chaney is advertising 3 Blogger Jobs at Radiant Marketing Group. The jobs are for blogs on the topics of Investment Strategies, Small Business Finance/Factoring and Whitepaper/Webinar Review.
Written on April 13th, 2005 at 05:04 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Receive enternetusers’s Email Newsletter
The community at enternetusers is growing in size and involvement so today I’m happy to announce a way in which readers can become a little more involved in the blog by subscribing to a special free members newsletter.
This weekly(ish) newsletter will include:
- a short summary of the hottest posts of the week
- special reflections on entrepreneurial blogging
- advanced warning of enternetusers news, interviews and tips
- prizes and give aways (hopefully down the track)
I’d also love to highlight some of the blogs of those who subscribe from time to time here on enternetusers as case studies at some point in the future (with permission).
Submit your email address at the top of the left hand menu to be added to the newsletter. Your privacy will be valued and your email address will not be used for any other purpose than to send this newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.
On submitting your email here you will be sent an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Let me know if you have any problems.
Written on April 13th, 2005 at 02:04 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Ad Agency launches Blog Kit
Media Daily News posts that Ad Agency Carat are launching some interesting resources for companies wanting to explore blogging as part of their marketing.
‘John Cate, vice president and national media director for Carat InterActive, said clients such as TiVo and Pfizer will each be given a three-part blogging “starter kit,” introducing them to the increasingly influential world of blogs.
The kits will instruct each client on how to effectively monitor blogs within their purview, advertise on appropriate blogs, and actually blog themselves. “This practice won’t be right for all of our clients,” said Cate. “We’ll have to access the landscape, and determine who can sustain a dialogue and who can’t.”‘
I’ll be interested to see how companies respond to Carat with this kit - particularly if and how many take up the advertising approach (especially with my recent advertising experience in mind).
Written on April 13th, 2005 at 04:04 am by David Shawver Stanton
Network Blogging and Cross Promotion
Scrivs post a nice comparative analysis of two entrepreneurial blogging network models - Weblogs, Inc vs. Gawker.
I have learnt a lot from watching both approaches and think that both are valid and seemingly very successful approaches to blogging for dollars.
One of the subtle differences in approach that I’ve been pondering over the past week or so is the way in which Gawker seems to have a more natural cross promotional thing going on between their blogs. I know WIN also does a bit of this but I wonder if the cluster of 11 Gawker blogs might be a little more naturally suited to one another in terms of the demographics of their readers.
Gawker seems to be going for something of an edgy and alternative readership on quite a few of their blogs (they released a cluster of boy blogs a while back).They are perhaps a little more rough around the edges than what WIN are doing on most of their blogs. As a result of this I wonder if the Gawker Blogs might be a little more suited to cross promotion between blogs because they have a similar feel or approach. Gawker Actively promote posts on their different blogs in the main content (example) of their sites but also with banner, skyscraper and button ads (sometimes quite a few of them if they don’t have other ads running).
Having said this I don’t think WIN can’t or don’t cross promote their blogs - in fact as they add new blogs to their stable the opportunities for cross promotion will grow as natural clusters of blogs within the larger community continue to form. For example they have a growing number of technology blogs that will have plenty of opportunity to plug each other in natural ways - similarly there are opportunities between their consumer blogs, business blogs, life science blogs etc. WIN don’t seem to cross promote their blogs as much within content (or at least not as much on the blogs I read of theirs) or as much with banner ads. Their main cross promotion seems to come from text links in sidebars and at the bottom of pages which has the added bonus of building Google Juice and Page Rank in Search engines.
Written on April 13th, 2005 at 03:04 am by David Shawver Stanton
Sydney Bound
I’m heading to Sydney today for a couple of days to meet with some blogging partners (the co-owners of Breaking News Blog). It is time for some reviewing and planning for the collective which has been live for five months now.
So blogging will be a little scarcer than normal until Thursday night. I’ve set a couple of advanced posts to go live in the next 48 hours but if you’re expecting email or replies to comments it might not be til I return unless I get a little spare time online in Sydney. So talk nicely amongst your selves and last one out lock the door please.
Have a good day or two.
Written on April 13th, 2005 at 12:04 am by David Shawver Stanton
Some Perspective on the Opportunities for Blogging
Today I had an interesting time with an experienced business person that I meet with from time to time as a business coach.
I love catching up with him for a number of reasons - for one he’s got some wonderful experience and has built himself a successful business that is doing some fascinating work - but the main reason being that whilst he has a good understanding of blogging he is not enmeshed in it like I am and as an outsider with some business smarts he always has some useful perspective on what I’m doing.
Today as we chatted about the business that I’m building and the opportunities (and frustrations) before me I was amazed by the potential that blogging has in so many contexts. The more we chatted the more ideas came - not only for new blogs that I could run but particularly for ways in which to use the knowledge I have gathered of blogging to apply it to a vast array of other contexts and businesses (some of which for profit, others for the good of others - and some for both).
The problem is not that there are not enough possibilities but instead that they are virtually unlimited. The mind boggles as the myriad of ways blogging can be used.
The task ahead for us in the month or two ahead is to start mapping out some different scenarios and then placing some strategies in place to see the best of them come to be. I’m looking forward to sharing more as we move ahead with the tasks at hand.
Written on April 12th, 2005 at 04:04 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Commercial blogs entering Finland
Interesting post over at StarGeek on the Commercialization of blogs in Finland.
Written on April 12th, 2005 at 01:04 pm by David Shawver Stanton
WordPress 1.5 first impressions
Michael gives his first impressions of WordPress 1.5.
Written on April 12th, 2005 at 10:04 am by David Shawver Stanton
Jason Calacanis on an ‘Aloof’ Weblogs Inc
Jason Calacanis responded to a comment on this blog by Ray saying that Weblogs Inc come across as ‘aloof’ with the following comment which I thought has some interesting tidbits in it worth highlighting here on the main page.
‘The aloof is probably due to the fact that we are getting crushed with requests to partner on things, and partnerships take a loooooooooong time to close.
We’ve found that closing a partnership deal with someone could be thousands in legal costs and lot more of that in my time… so, we’re focusing on hiring bloggers to work on the blogs we’ve started and have on the launch pad right now.
a lot of folks come to me with an idea, but they don’t want to do the work–that is, they don’t want to blog every day for a year or two to build it. We really don’t need ideas… ideas mean nothing in this business, it’s all about execution of the idea. We have a list of 700 blog topics… chances are no good idea isn’t on it (in fact it has a bunch of bad ideas at the bottom!).
we work with bloggers–people who blog… i think there are a lot of “idea people” out there–whatever that means. we really don’t need idea people.
best j’
I can imagine the requests and ideas that must come across Jason and his team’s desks/inboxes each day - and the ensuing nightmare in sorting them all through. In the few instances when I’ve negotiated partnerships with other bloggers I know that it can be very time consuming - especially when you’re doing via email. I also can relate to his comments on ‘ideas people’ vs bloggers who are willing to actually put the work in over time - this a massive key to profitable blogging and such people can be difficult to find.
I will say that in the interactions that I’ve had with some Weblogs Inc employees and bloggers (massive generalization ahead - proceed with caution) that I too have come away at times feeling that they have been quite ‘aloof’ also - to be honest I’ve come away from a couple of email conversations feeling pretty small and ‘put in my place’.
However I also understand that sometimes the pressures of a busy life and constant emails from people mean that one tends to be more blunt and abrupt in their replies. Even the friendliest people I know can come across as disinterested, arrogant or even rude via email on a bad day. I can’t imagine the pressure that Jason’s team must be under to not only keep 75 or so blogs running but to keep growing the network. So with this in mind I’ve not taken any personal offence at the way that some of them have interacted with me.
I guess the challenge that all Bloggers (commercial ones or not) face as their blogs grow is how to remain connected to and interActive with their readers whilst still achieving the goals and objectives of their blogs. It would be a similar pressure that a growing business owner would face with their customers and employees - how to keep things personalized in something that is rapidly growing. I guess it boils down to priorities and personality type partly also.
Anyway I thank Jason for his comment - I appreciate that you’re willing to interact with us over here at enternetusers as I know you must have a busy life. All the best with your continued expansion of WIN.
Written on April 12th, 2005 at 04:04 am by David Shawver Stanton
Jason Kottke Speaks about his Fund Drive
After quitting his job to become a Professional Blogger, Jason Kottke has just published a post updating his readership on how his 3 week fund drive went. Looks like he make his goal (almost) although he doesn’t give actual figures:
‘As I mentioned in my initial post about all this, my goal was to make “about 1/3 to 1/2 of my former yearly salary to support my efforts here for a year” and I very nearly reached that goal, although not quite as you can see from the graph. But it’s close enough that I’m not going to worry too much about it and I won’t need to supplement my income with any freelance work, which means I can focus on the site full-time, something I’m very pleased about. I probably could have made more had I pushed harder or guilted people into giving a little more to “put me over the top”.’
In answering the question - ‘is this a sustainable business model for independent media on the Web?’ he writes:
‘The short answer is probably no, with a few caveats. I did make enough to support myself for a year, but I’m already worried about next year (if I decide to ask for contributions again at that point) because there’s going to be the inevitable drop-off in year-over-year contributions. I think several people who contributed this time around did so as an experiment or as “back payment” for the previous 6-7 years of content and may not be so likely to contribute next time. And some are going to decide it’s not worth it to them to keep up their “subscription”.’
His post has a lot of interesting tidbits - especially when you get further down to the lessons that he’s learned from the experience where he actually suggests
- consider advertising (its easier, more stable and more lucrative)
- work on community (people are more willing to invest in you if they are part of it
- work on growing traffic (pretty obvious but its true)
- keep costs low (again obvious stuff but its the beauty of blogging)
Read more at Micropatron follow-up report: how things went (kottke.org)
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