Written on March 22nd, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 04:03 am by David Shawver Stanton
Should Sites Republish Blog’s Content?
There’s an Interesting post and comments thread over at Mobile Jones where Debbie Jones talks about another site that is republishing her RSS feed without permission and is running ads on the site with some fairly prominent advertisers.
This is an increasingly common occurrence and one that I’m asked about more and more. Just today alone I found three sites republishing enternetusers’s partial feeds - all of which did so with no permission and all of which had advertising on them.
I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on whether they would allow another site to republish their feed (with or without the ads).
On one hand this obviously gets your content out there and being read by more and more people - it also could help with SEO if the site gives direct links to your posts (although I’ve noticed quite a few of these types of sites don’t do this directly).
On the other hand, the other site is creating an income stream that is largely based upon your own efforts - in most cases without any permission from you and in some cases with little acknowledgment.
What do you think about this increasingly common practice? What do you do when you find your content being used in this way?
Written on March 22nd, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 01:03 am by David Shawver Stanton
Converting RSS Subscribers to Blog Readers
Phil Sim has an interesting post about The little post that could… where he had an influx of traffic to his blog from his RSS subscribers the day he wrote a post that mentioned his new blog design.
Getting RSS subscribers to visit a blog is a challenge that many bloggers have - especially those who publish full feeds. For example I know of one blog that has a feedburner counter of over 10,000 who struggles to get a tenth of that to their blog each day.
Phil comments in his post - ‘It also made me realise just how much traffic RSS feeds steal from websites!’
Not all bloggers mind where their readers read them - as long as they are reading their content they are satisfied - but many bloggers do get a little down about this. I guess the key if you’re wanting readers to view your action site is to learn from Phil and give your RSS subscribers a reason to come to your blog.
I’d strongly advise against ‘teasing’ them or ’sucking them in’ to visit you but rather to do it in a way that adds something to your readers experience of your blog. Some common ways to do this include the use of polls, writing posts that interlink to other parts of your blog (ie previous related posts) and other interActive tools as well as writing in a way that encourages comments.
Written on March 21st, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 04:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
gnoos — Aussie Blog Search
Yet another place for Aussie bloggers to submit their URLs and RSS feeds to at the new Aussie Blog Search at Gnoos.
Written on March 21st, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 10:03 am by David Shawver Stanton
Engadget accused of Unethical Blogging
There’s an interesting story emerging on Digg with regards to Engadget and their acknowledging of sources of stories. The controversy is around this story at dapreview.net.
Whether Engadget are at fault or not I’m not in a position to say - but the story is an important one for bloggers to consider when they are bouncing off what others are writing.
I know that this can be a real challenge for many popular blogs which get pitched ideas all day. Problems often arise when a story appears in multiple places at once, all using the same pictures and information. I would imagine that Engadget get many emails notifying them of each story - each one is after one thing, simply to get the link as the source which guarantees traffic and Google Juice. This would be complicated by the blog being a multi-author blog.
Of course this doesn’t give an excuse for unethical blogging and they have a responsibility to check and acknowledge sources like any other blog.
I’ll be interested to see how and if Engadget respond to the criticism as the story is gaining real momentum at Digg (652 diggs at present and rising quickly).
update: Ryan Block, managing editor of Engadget, has added an apology to the post in question.
Written on March 21st, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 10:03 am by David Shawver Stanton
YPN change their Terms and Conditions
YPN have just emailed their beta publishers to notify them that their Terms and Conditions were ‘modified’ this past weekend (crazily the link to the TaC in their email didn’t work). Unfortunately they do not say how they have been modified so unless you have a copy of the old TaC (or have a photographic memory) we’ll all be in the dark as to what the changes are.
If you can workout what the changes are I’d be interested to hear your theories.
There are a couple of discussion threads on it here and here.
update: Jen details the changes here.
Written on March 20th, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 11:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Efficient Blogging - Lessons from Elite Athletes
Tangent Time: Here in Melbourne the Commonwealth Games have been on for the last 5 or so days and I’ve been fortunate enough to get along to three sessions so far (Rugby 7s, Hockey and last night the Athletics). We’ll be heading to another Athletics session later in the week. Of course I’ve also watched my fair share of the coverage on TV as I’m a bit of a sports nut.
One of the things that I’m always fascinated with when it comes to many elite athletes is how effortless they look when they are performing at their peak.
We saw Asafa Powell (current 100m world record holder - pictured left) run last night (twice) and while other athletes strived and strained to keep up with him he almost seemed to jog past them.
I noticed this same thing as I watched a number of Australian swimmers on TV yesterday - their strokes allowed them to almost effortlessly glide through the water in an incredibly smooth manner.
As I’ve been pondering this over the last few days I’ve come to the conclusion (after a few conversations with friends and after listening to a few insightful commentators) that what seems to set these elite athletes apart from those a rung below them is their efficiency and ability to make each exertion of energy translate into maximum power.
In a sense it’s an incredibly finely tuned focussing of energy into the things that will lead to maximum output.
As I watched the athletics tonight, pondering these thoughts, my mind wandered to blogging… just for a few moments… as it does. I wondered what I could learn from these elite athletes efficiency and focus.
As I look at my own experience of blogging (as well as what I observe of others) I can see that one of the traps that many aspiring Pro Bloggers fall into is to focus heavily upon elements of blogging that don’t bring results.
My own philosophy of blogging for profit is a holistic one where a blogger needs to work on a range of areas simultaneously in order to build a successful blog. These areas include the writing of content, blog design, promotion, interacting with readers, interacting with other bloggers, Search Engine Optimization, finding and optimizing the right ad and affiliate programs etc etc etc. From what I know of talking to friends that are athletes - they do a similar thing by working simultaneously on strength work, reflexes, diet, flexibility, endurance etc…
All of these elements of blogging (and more) add to the potential profitability of a blog but concentrating on any one of them exclusively, ignoring the others, can hurt a blog’s ability to earn money. Fine tuning this balance doesn’t just happen (any more than getting your body to the point of being able to run 100m in under 10 seconds) - but as you do tune your blogging you find that your efficiency levels get better and better and the ‘effortless glide’ that many elite athletes seem to have begins to take effect.
That’s not to say that good bloggers just glide and don’t work hard (It’s a lot of hard work) - rather what I’m saying is that as you get the balance and focus of your blogging right you begin to see greater results from your efforts.
Written on March 20th, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 04:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Speedlinking - 20 March 2006
- AdSenseBlackList.com a way of filtering low paying ads on AdSense.
- Wayne takes a look at Visitor Traffic Logs and how to put them to work for you.
- Aaron attempts to answer a question about whether to using pay per click marketing or organic SEO.
- You’ve probably seen little icons like the following ones under blog posts that give readers a way to bookmark the post on different social bookmarking pages. Now you can get a WordPress plugin to do it for you. It’s called WP-Notable. Found via Blogging Pro.
Written on March 20th, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 01:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
Australian Blogs Index
Yaro points to a new service called AustralianBlogs.com.au that bookmarks Australian blogs. If you’re an Aussie, have a.au domain or are writing about Australian stuff they’re looking for your submission.
Written on March 19th, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 10:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
My Space at MySpace
I’ve been meaning to check out Myspace for myself for the last few months and this weekend I actually took the 10 minutes necessary to set myself up an account at www.myspace.com/darrenrowse.
I’m not sure what I was expecting from it but it all seems a little underwhelming so far.
I know I’m not the target audience really and haven’t given it a chance but coming at it after blogging for 3 years on other services leaves me feeling like it’s such a substandard service. I guess the key of it is the masses of people and the social interaction they are apparently having - but in terms of it’s features - I’m surprised how simple and featureless it is (unless there is some section I’m not seeing with all the cool stuff).
Anyway - I’ll play around with it over the next few days and see what I can see. I guess it’s just good to get a feel for what people are using.
Written on March 19th, surf Active Apparel website beaches closed free stock video 0 zone.at 04:03 pm by David Shawver Stanton
YPN increase channels and make other Tweaks
I’ve been offline most of today and just checked my inbox to find 7 people had emailed me to let me know that YPN has increased the number of tracking channels from 50 to 100. They’ve also apparently made a few changes to the design/layout of their back-end and have made a few changes to color palettes. I’ve not logged in to see yet but from what I’ve been told most of the changes are tweaks.
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And we just found out about get paid to. When your phone rings or you receive an email or receive a text message then you get paid. Could it be that my groom’s fantasies might actually be wilder than the site of me perfectly coiffed, bustled, and veiled?
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Introducing the Mojo Refuel I9300 USB Charger earn money app It's an external USB battery module charger for your Refuel battery case.
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On one end is a lanyard hole (lanyard not included), on the other are two ports. Labeled "In," the micro USB port charges the BattStation itself. Next to it is a 1-amp full-size USB port for charging devices.
Order hawaiian sandals huntington beach ca on the childrens' i watch and get other items too. Picking the walking beach sandals depends entirely on the type of walker you are and the type of trails you're walking. It's underpowered but adequate for digging through a backpack. Pressing the Power button on the side twice activates the light; another two presses turns it off. I used to fantasize about the moment on my wedding day when my husband-to-be
would lay eyes on me for the first time. I would swish demurely around the corner and glide to the top of the aisle, holding my breath in
anticipation. Gazing discreetly at him from under my eyelashes, I would glimpse the moment of impact as his eyes registered the site of me in all of
my bridal glory. We would lock eyes, and through the mist, I would be able to see his thoughts reflected: He would think I was more beautiful than
anything in his wildest imaginings.