Written on August 25th, 2005 at 10:08 pm by Darren Rowse
31 Days to Building a Better Blog - Day 25
It’s Day 25 of the 31 Days Project and today we have 7 reader submissions for your reading pleasure:
- Tony writes Is there value in SEO Firms?, How to find inspiration for your blog posts and Advertising Strategies for Bloggers
- Abe submitted Driving Traffic through PSAs and Adwords your way to Traffic
- Dave writes about Server Logs
- Miha let us know of Google Sitemaps
There’s only six days to go in the project - if you want to be included in the growing list of tips at the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project Headquarters then you’ll need to get your skates on.
Written on August 25th, 2005 at 04:08 pm by Darren Rowse
Yahoo to Offer Publishers Content… and Ads
There is a good, 5 question interview over at Search Views with David Zito of Yahoo’s Publisher Network where he talks a little about YPN’s beta test. The last question has be a little curious:
‘5. You were recently quoted in the WSJ as saying that Yahoo will eventually provide content and ads to YPN partner sites. Can you tell us anything more?
I wish I could tell you more but our PR team would not be happy with me. What I can say is that Yahoo! is the only portal that offers such a broad array of content like - shopping, travel, music, reviews, video feeds, etc. We are excited about the opportunity to offer publishers access to this type of content, which in turn will make for a more compelling user experience for their users. I’ll be sure to let you know when we do start to offer these things.’
Yahoo will provide content to partner publishers as well as the ads to go on them…. wonder if he’s talking about offering their RSS feeds on other sites - or something else…
Written on August 25th, 2005 at 03:08 pm by Darren Rowse
Preach it Jason
I think Jason Calacanis might have missed his calling as a tele evangelist (or motivational speaker) in this sermo….I mean post on entrepreneurship over at his blog.
‘We’re Gladiators in this business. Real entrepreneurs fear NOTHING. If we get thrown in the ring with 12 opponents who are twice our size we don’t look at it as sure defeat—we look at it as the opportunity to show the world how quickly we can overcome odds other people see as insurmountable….
When we started Weblogs, Inc. the goal was to do something that main stream media could do, but Brian and I were convinced we could do it better. When we look at CNET, the New York Times, and Time Warner we see weathered Gladiators waiting to be unseated. Delusional? Of course, but how else do convince yourself to enter the ring against uncertain odds? Crazy is an asset…’
Written on August 25th, 2005 at 01:08 pm by Darren Rowse
Best of the Web
Business Week Online is having a Best of the Web Survey - a few blogs are among those nominated but its not the most imaginative list. Perhaps we should head over and submit a few of our favorites for the people’s choice award. I’ve just put in a couple - who would you nominated?
Written on August 25th, 2005 at 11:08 am by Darren Rowse
Affiliate Programs - Linkshare
This post is part of a series on Affiliate Programs for Blogs
LinkShare (aff link) is another affiliate megamart like Clickbank whereby you sign up as an affiliate and then have access to hundreds of affiliate programs all via the one system. If you want to get into the affiliate programs of names like iTunes, Dell, Disney, Footlocker then LinkShare is your best bet.
I’ve used LinkShare for just a few months now and have had moderate success (averaging $150 per month). I’ve used it pretty selectively on just promoting a couple of products and know it’s something I should work on a little more as its got such a wide range of products and is reasonably easy to use.
Due to my lack of use of it I’m probably not qualified to really review it as an affiliate program by my initial impressions are more favorable than Clickbank but that it’s not quite as easy to use as Amazon. From the comments in the Clickbank review that I did earlier it seems that quite a few bloggers find LinkShare to be a better option and is therefore something well worth exploring if you want to increase your efforts into affiliate programs.
I could go on reviewing affiliate programs for weeks so I’ve decided to make this the last one. Other programs that you may wish to look into that I’ve personally used include - AllPosters (again I’ve had a little success with this one on a couple of my blogs and could do better if I had more suitable topics I’m sure), DGM (and Aussie program that I’ve not had heaps of luck with) and TradeDoubler (European Based affiliate program like Linkshare).
If you know of other programs that are worth looking into for bloggers please don’t hesitate to leave your suggestions below in comments. Also feel free to tell us about your experience with LinkShare.
The next post in this series will looks at some strategies for successfully using some of these affiliate programs in your blogging.
Written on August 25th, 2005 at 12:08 am by Darren Rowse
9rules Network Changes
The 9rules network has changed its members agreement to allow member bloggers to keep all of their own earnings - all the 9rules crew gets is a share of any advertising that 9rules finds for you. Scrivs explains:
‘We are also happy to announce that we have a new member’s agreement in which the major change is that all members get to keep 100% of their Adsense revenues (or any other revenues they generate on their own)! Along with the great members forum and the crazy stuff going on inside there is no reason that you shouldn’t want to add your site to the Network.’
In addition to this announcement Scrivs mentions that 9rules will open up the network to blogs written in Spanish.
Written on August 24th, 2005 at 11:08 pm by Darren Rowse
31 Days to Building a Better Blog - Day 24
One is the loneliest number…. and today’s 31 Days to Building a Better Blog reader submissions illustrate it - there’s just one.
- William submitted Bill Gates for President?
Submit your blog tip by writing them up on your blog and letting me know of your URL.
Written on August 24th, 2005 at 01:08 pm by Darren Rowse
The Invisible Australian Blogger
Louisa Hearn writes a piece in the Sydney Morning Herald titled New kid on the blog and takes a look at the Feedster 500 list. It’s a good background piece on the list but I’m perplexed by this statement that finishes the article.
‘Nielsen is considering more regular research on the US blogging space as the market becomes increasingly influential, but revealed that Australian blogging activity remained too small to measure as yet with a handful of news blogging sites sitting “just below the radar”.’
Obviously Louisa didn’t do much digging into the list to spot the Aussies there. None of them use.au domain names but we’re there - four of us in fact.
Four doesn’t sound much - but statistically we’re over-represented on the list. There are four of us listed there by my count which is 0.8% of the list. Considering the size of Australian’s population (around 20 million) which is 0.3% of the world’s population I think Australian Bloggers do pretty well.
While I can see why Nielsen is not going to spend much time researching the Aussie blogging space, I think its probably got to do more with a smaller population than anything else. I’d actually love to see someone do the research into Australian Bloggers though - I suspect there are more out there than anyone would suspect - this is my hunch because I’m bumping into them every day.
I’m not arguing that every article on blogging that appears in the Australian media should mention examples of Australian bloggers. However I’m left wondering why a piece that specifically mentions how Australian bloggers are ‘under the radar’ fails to point out a few examples of where this is not the case.
End of Australian Blogging Soapbox Rant
Thanks to Duncan for the heads up on this article in the SMH.
Written on August 24th, 2005 at 01:08 pm by Darren Rowse
Google Talk - First Impressions
My initial reactions to Google Talk - the new IM communication tool from Google.
1. No downloads for Mac Users
2. I can use it with Adium but its slowed my Powerbook to a crawl just chatting with one other person on it
3. I can’t use it to make voice calls
4. I have four Windows users msging me telling me they are going to stop using MSN Messenger and all other clients
5. It doesn’t access my Gmail contacts via Adium
If you want to try get me on it my id is darrenrowse at gmail.com but I don’t think I’ll be using it too much. It doesn’t add anything to my life as a Mac user.
Written on August 24th, 2005 at 11:08 am by Darren Rowse
GoogleRumors Launched
enternetusers Reader and professional blogger, Jon Gales from the very successful Mobile Tracker just let me know about his new blog GoogleRumors which fortunately for them has launched just before the launch of Google’s new communication too - Google Talk. The blog is doing serious traffic already and is one to watch.
I’ll be interested to see how long Google lets them serve Adsense ads on it if they start breaking stories that Google are not wanting to be public. Good luck with this one Jon - sounds like a great project.
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