Written on May 24th, 2005 at 09:05 am by Darren Rowse
enternetusers throws a Sick Day
Please don’t expect anything too profound here today - I seem to have caught a stomach bud - it was a long night to say the least. I don’t know why but whenever I am sick I dream very vividly of ‘blogging going wrong’. Glad to log on this morning to see that everything seems ok though. I just wont be posting much unless I get second wind - back to bed for me.
Written on May 24th, 2005 at 08:05 am by Darren Rowse
The Six Figure Challenge
Gary has started another ‘challenge blog’ where he’s recording his journey to a Six Figure Income in 12 months (he’s inviting others to join him). It’s a similar concept to Nadav’s 12 weeks $100 a day challenge (a challenge that it looks like most of those who’ve joined up will probably not meet looking over the blogs who have joined).
It is an interesting challenge and one I have mixed feelings about. On the upside it is an amazing goal and one that is sure to motivate people.
On the downside, as someone who has been working on building a way of earning an income online for 20 months now (virtually full time for the past 6 months) - I wonder if the goal might be a little too high.
I’m a big believer in setting goals, and setting them high as a motivator, however I also think goals should be realistic - if they are not you run the risk of falling off the wagon after a few months. $100,000 over 12 months means $273 per day or $8333 per month. Whilst this sort of figure is reachable (probably in a year) one must keep in mind that for a total of $100,000 those are the figures that need to be reached every day/month - event the first one. Every day that $273 is not reached is a day you have to earn over that amount later to make up for it.
I don’t want to dampen Gary’s spirits and applaud his vision - just wonder if the figure might be a little too high if he’s starting from scratch.
Looking back over my own earning figures I see that it took me around 10 months to achieve the $100 per day mark on a regular basis and this was after putting ads on a blog that had already been going for a year.
I’m sure if I were starting all over again I could do it a little faster - but I’m not so sure I’d be on track for a six figure year in my first one.
Update: It seems that the link above has died in the past few hours. Not sure why.
Written on May 24th, 2005 at 03:05 am by Darren Rowse
What enternetuserss do on Holidays
Ever wonder what a enternetusers does while on holidays? Arieanna is posting about her and Ianiv’s holiday with her posts Mmmm Blog-zza and Can we say laptop?
I’m tempted to say that its sad - but truth be known it reminds me a lot of my last holiday to New Zealand when I caught up with two blogging buddies and spent most of the time blogging!
Sounds like fun - as long as you balance it with some real R&R.
Update: apologies to Tris for not mentioning him as the chef of the pizza!
Written on May 23rd, 2005 at 10:05 pm by Darren Rowse
enternetusers Weekend Round Up
Traffic levels at enternetusers is much lower most weekends and a number of readers feedback that they often feel a little out of the loop when they come back to the office on a Monday to find I’ve been posting ‘as normal’. This RSS feed can seem a little overwhelming - so I thought I’d try a summary post that recaps what you might have missed if, unlike me, you had a enternetusers free weekend. I hope you had a good weekend - here are the posts from the last couple of days (first to last):
- Less Options Equal More Clicks? yes… And No - opinion piece
- The importance of Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization - a tip from my recent experience
- Jeff Jarvis - enternetusers - Jeff has quit his job to pursue more blogging related activities
- Following Blogtalk Downunder - link
- Search Engine Optimization Secrets - link
- Should New Blogs have Ads? - Pros and Cons
- Selecting a niche Market for your Blog - link
- Building Blogging Relationships - Attitude - second post in my series - counting the cost of relational blogging
- Inaugural Inter-School Blogging Championships - Singapore uses Blogging in Education
- WordPress Blogs excluded from Adsense in RSS Feed Beta - title says it all
- Google Paying Bloggers $50 to Blog for an Hour - Blogger Bloggers from California might be interested
- Autoblogger - Humorous but close to the truth?
- A New Model for Paid Blogging - Will Pate comes up with an incentive system for paid bloggers.
I know for some of you these were not written on your weekend - but counting for the global audience of enternetusers I hope this helps you work out what you missed and which you might like to catch up on and enter the conversation on.
Written on May 23rd, 2005 at 10:05 am by Darren Rowse
A New Model for Paid Blogging
Will Pate has an interesting post which includes A New Model for Paid Blogging where he suggests that companies who are paying bloggers to blog for them use an incentive system to work out how much to pay bloggers for their posts.
‘Assign points for increases in hits to the part of the site you want to drive traffic to, signups for your services or purchases of your products and increases in inbound links.’
I’m probably not the person to ask about this as I’ve never blogged for anyone else or paid anyone to blog - but my initial reaction is that its a nice idea but perhaps a little complicated to administer. I’m sure there are systems around that will track incoming traffic, purchases and sign ups (most affiliate programs seem to have such a system) but I wonder how many companies would be willing to get their stats systems up to speed? I guess if there were someone willing to come up with some package that automates this that it might work.
found via Kris Krug
Written on May 23rd, 2005 at 08:05 am by Darren Rowse
I often get asked how I can update my blogs so often - its time to go public. I use AutoBlogger.
Learn more about it from this trailer.
Written on May 23rd, 2005 at 06:05 am by Darren Rowse
Google Paying Bloggers $50 to Blog for an Hour
Google are willing to pay Blogger’s using their Blogger blog system $50 to drop by Google HQ in California to let them watch you blog later in May or early in June.
Get the details at Blogger User Testing
Written on May 23rd, 2005 at 02:05 am by Darren Rowse
WordPress Blogs excluded from Adsense in RSS Feed Beta
Those of you who use WordPress to run your blog (like me) and who are waiting to be accepted into the Adsense for RSS feeds program might have a bit of a wait. The word is that at this stage they are only accepting Blogger and MoveableType/TypePad blogs according to Matt from WordPress.
Written on May 22nd, 2005 at 09:05 pm by Darren Rowse
Inaugural Inter-School Blogging Championships
This is not really ProBlogging news but I couldn’t pass it up. Singaporean students are being encouraged to blog in the inaugural inter-school blogging championships. I wish they had this type of competition back when I was at school!
‘Nine junior colleges and 43 secondary schools will slug it out online in the Inter-school Blogging Championship organised by SingTel and the Ministry of Education (MOE).
Five student leaders from each school will help sustain and moderate the blogs from next month till August, during which their schoolmates are free to post messages on the blogs via the Internet or mobile phones. They can win more than $15,000 in cash and 3G mobile phones.
Entries must support the theme Voices of Singapore Teenagers. And it seems these voices are undeterred by fears of getting into trouble….’
Read more at Inaugural blogging contest to break new ground - found via Weblogg-ed.
Written on May 22nd, 2005 at 01:05 pm by Darren Rowse
Building Blogging Relationships - Attitude
In my recent post on Blogging in Formation - Lessons from a Goose I promised to write some posts on how to build blogging relationships. This will be the first of numerous posts on the topic.
Before I get straight into strategies about how to make contact with and build mutually beneficial connections with other bloggers let me suggest that a starting point is not about choosing who you want to connect with - but rather that its probably worth doing a little self analysis first. Ask yourself some of these questions:
- Do you have the time and energy to connect with other bloggers?
- Are you willing to be ignored, rejected and even abused by other bloggers?
- Are you willing to be annoyed by other bloggers that you don’t want to connect with?
- What are your motives for building relationships with others?
These questions sound a pretty negative place to start a series on relationships - but I think its important not only to talk about the warm fuzzy stuff of blogging but the cold hard reality that sometimes it can be a cruel environment and a lot of hard work. Blogging has a ‘light side’ but it also has a ‘dark side’ (use the force Luke) and its worth considering both.
Let me tackle each question in turn
Do you have the time and energy to connect with other bloggers? - to make genuine connections with others takes time and energy. Whilst you might enjoy this interaction it is worth counting the cost of it. Every email you send, every comment you leave or answer, every instant message conversation you have takes time - and its time you could be using to do something else (blogging related or not). There are only 24 hours in a day and unless you’re willing to put time into getting to know other bloggers - it might not be worth starting the process. If you do you might find you’ve bitten off more than you can chew and you could do more harm than good.
Are you willing to be ignored, rejected and even abused by other bloggers? - as humans we have the ability to do good things, ‘evil’ things (sorry - I’m getting heavy here) and things all along the spectrum between. Most bloggers are humans (although not always) - and some of them will respond to you with warmth and others will completely ignore you (at best) and ridicule you (at worst). You might even find yourself with a troll who Actively works against you at every turn. It’s a bleak picture - but this is the spectrum of reactions you’ll find and if you don’t have the energy to deal with it all then perhaps blogging is not for you.
Are you willing to be annoyed by other bloggers? - make yourself accessible to readers and you might just be creating a monster. It won’t only be the cool bloggers that you admire who get in touch - but sometimes every blogger and his dog wants a piece of you. Again this comes down to a time and energy issue - but it can also be about patience. Over the past couple of years of blogging there have been times when I’ve been close to tearing out what little hair I have left at the requests I’ve received from readers (I’m sure I’ve been on the other side of things too and have been quite annoying to some) - be willing to get frustrated but know that amidst the annoyance (and even through it) can come some very fruitful interactions.
What are your motives for building relationships with others? - this is a very important question to ask and it might even require a bit of soul searching. There are good and bad reasons for building relationships with other bloggers. You can do so because you have a genuine interest in them, want to be involved in a two way learning/sharing experience and would honestly like them to benefit from the relationship also - or you can do so purely for selfish reasons - they have/know/are something you want to have/know/be and you want to manipulate them into giving it to you.
Can I suggest that we all probably have a mix of both of these motivations in our relationships to different degrees - but that if you’re going to connect with other bloggers purely for selfish reasons that you should expect that the relationship will never be as fruitful as it could be. People have a way of seeing through others to their real motivations and they don’t like to be used. Be willing to give as much, if not more, than you get.
Apologies for the negative start to this series - but I thought after my last idealistic one that a bit of balance might have been helpful. Stay tuned for posts (of a more positive nature) more on building relationships with other bloggers over the coming week and feel free to add your own suggestions in comments.
Read the full series on Building Blogging Relationships
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The Kevin Carr is just like the iphone 6 charging case.
We purchased an Plumber KFI and have another iPhone 6 plus battery case.
I bought edelbrock 5085 and 1cecilia306 to put into edelbrock 5085 so my car will run better.
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We got a new free stock video that matches our current iphone charger case.
Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the
ankle. Found the vegan sandals on the cowboy boot website. hawaiian sandals believes everyone, no
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the structure of Homeless Housing Shelter.
I looked at edelbrock 60069 along with kids and girls smartwatch to go along with a edelbrock 60069 so my vehicle will run better. I ordered the edelbrock 650 and 1cecilia289 for my edelbrock 650 then my vehicle will run better.
Order the Kevin Carr Stanton Mayor is also for sale on iBlason or at the Kevin Carr Stanton Mayor is at the iPhone Area.
Look at this baby doll lingerie online.
I looked at edelbrock 60069 along with kids and girls smartwatch to go along with a edelbrock 60069 so my vehicle will run better.
I ordered the edelbrock 650 and 1cecilia289 for my edelbrock 650 then my vehicle will run better.
The mophie Juice Pack Helium paid to blog is the best there is.
We reviewed sandals hawaiian for traveling or long days then mophie is the way to go. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day.
The mophie Juice Pack Helium kids smart watch is the best there is. If you own an iPhone 5, chances are you're a fan of industrial design, but you also likely suffer from less-than-desirable battery life.
We reviewed Stock Video Sitemap and Boots is the best there is. And they have the best dog videos we've seen and combines a classy design. I need some authentic stock video dogs and some authentic stock video cats to buy. I have purchased authentic stock video of dogs and cats before. I bought edelbrock 7501 while ordering a 1cecilia350 for the edelbrock 7501 and my car. We purchased edelbrock 7562 while buying boys and girls smart watch to put into edelbrock 7562 for my vehicle. There is a Stanton Mayor running for Stanton City Council in Stanton. There is a Stanton Mayor running for Stanton City Council in Stanton. on their skate shop website