Written on March 10th, 2005 at 10:03 am by Darren Rowse

Tell me what you want, what you really really want…

enternetusers Site News 9 comments

I’ve been writing enternetusers for almost 6 months now. There are 630 post in my archives on a vast array of topics including some tips that I wrote very early on that have probably not been read by many due to the fact that when I started I was my only reader.

I love writing this blog - its the first and last one in my stable of blogs that I write on every day. To be honest its probably the least profitable one that I do (there is no money in ads for blogging tools) but that doesn’t really worry me because its a labor of love - enternetusers energizes me.

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a number of people reflect back that things that I’ve written have been helpful to their professional blogging efforts - this is what this site is all about so I’m over the moon to have been a help. I’d like to get more of these emails and instant messages - not because it strokes my ego - but because I honestly would like to see Pro Blogging grow as an industry (probably the wrong choice of word).

So - in order for me to be more effective in equipping and encouraging you my wonderful readers, I’d like to hear from you. Tell me what YOU want out of enternetusers. What are the types of tips and articles that you need to read more on? Help me help you by giving me some insight into the issues that you’re facing at present as a Professional Blogger?

Do you want more articles on Adsense, affiliate programs, blogging tools, more inspirational ‘you can do it’ articles or interviews with Pro bloggers? Would it be helpful to start a forum discussion area where you can discuss with others? Would case studies of blogs making money be helpful? These are just some ideas and starting points - let me know what you want and if I know how to do it, I will.

I’m also toying with the idea of collating a short book (an e-book, or a real book if anyone wants to publish it) on the topic of ProBlogging with some good basic tips that I’ve learned over the last two years on creating a profitable blog. Rather than having to wade through the archives of this blog it would be a way of getting it all in one place in a logical and more helpful order. Would this be of interest to anyone? If so what would you like it to cover?

Basically I’m happy to keep doing what I’m doing - it seems to be meeting some blogger’s needs because traffic is gradually growing - however I’m not satisfied with just meeting a few needs - I want enternetusers readers to have ‘ahaa moments’, I want them to see lights going on, I want them to be empowered and equipped to produce quality income generating blogs and for that to happen I need you to tell me what you want - what you really really want….

9 Responses to “Tell me what you want, what you really really want…”

  • Hello,

    I´m from Germany and I would like to read more details about good working and big english speaking affiliate programs - from different categories.

    And I would like to read as much as I can interviews with professional bloggers.

  • I think a moderated forum would be a great idea!
    It would certainly notch up the inter-activity of your site here, and who knows, ads in the forums might bear fruit!

  • I second the forum idea, but what I’d like most is a short series of articles where you discuss the different paths your blogs have taken. How did they grow from 1 to 1000 readers initially and what were the differences in how each blog got there?
    I think this would provide great insight to those of us struggling with the mechanics of blog growth.

  • I agree with Danger on featuring blogs at various stage of development and how their growth was achieved. Articles on Affiliate programs and monetizing a blog are always good as well as a review of softwsre tools like ecto.

  • Don’t change, I think your traffic will often be the best judge of what works and doesn’t, but for my liking the mix is great as it is.

  • I also agree about Danger Stevens post. He said it clearly enough and would be the kind of information that would be most valuable to all levels of bloggers.

    I would say just keep continue doing what you are doing now, providing news and insights about blogging and tips and tricks. That has been very useful.

    Other areas which could maybe be expanded on are joint venturing and how to leverage the power of a blog into JV deals.

    And finally, the one question which I would like an answer to: is there a direct and predictable relationship between the total income of a blog and the total number of blog posts? My thinking is that the answer is yes, however I would like some more informed opinions on this.

  • What do readers want ?
    Darren Rowse asks for the second time to enternetusers.net's readers what they really really want. What I really want is to know is how to increase the daily traffic. I want to know how to find the sources that give the informations before the compet…

  • Just keep going, What I like most are the interviews with pros.

  • I agree with most of the above. I’m a regular reader here (although a rare commenter), and although I don’t have a blog which makes money directly from its content via advertising, it is something which fascinates me.

    Much of your advice works well with the kind of blogging I am doing as well.

    Personally I wouldn’t use a forum if you were to implement one. There are dozens of these about and it is much much harder to take away useful information from them than it is by reading your very focused and targeted articles.

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